Summary: "Can’t" and "Can" are two different words. "Can’t" has a negative connotation while "Can" has a positive connotation


John 20:24

Can’t and can are two different words. "Can’t" has a negative connotation while "Can" has a

positive connotation. Many people cannot get no further than where they are because they have armored and shield themselves with Can’t. Opportunities are missed, blessings are transferred and goals are non-achievable when our self confidence and self esteem are diminished. Sometimes this dead faith is brought on ourselves. The substance of things that we hope for to make our conditions a little better than what they are, are destroyed by our inability to take that first step into the world of reality. We must come to term with ourselves that those things that happen 10 or 20 years ago have become obsolete, and may not be able to functioning in today’s society.

Can’t is a favorite word of some children. Can’t is the worst word that has ever been

written or spoken, and it does exactly what it was carved out to do. It positions you and sets you

up for failure, creates within you a degree of fear and rejection. With this kind of mindset, it is

almost possible to say that your dreams and aspirations are shattered in the sense that you feel

trapped with a wall built around you to stop you from advancing. Unfortunately, some folks grew up accustomed to hearing everything that was degrading, and so in their thinking it behooved

them not to do anything about their situation. If you surround yourself with negative things and

negative people, ultimate you’ll begin to conform to those negative things and act like those

negative people. Its like having a body that is well and alive on the outside, but in the inside you

are slowly decaying with the schism of negativity, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Can’t does more harm here than slander and lies. Folks can slanderous your name and

say everything that is not you about you. They may even lie on you and make others to believe

that you are the worst of sinners that ever walked upon the face of this earth in order to divert

your attention and give in to their insincere behavior, if you are not strong in your faith you will

eventually overshadowed yourself with CAN’T. When you become complacent in your present

position and has no plan for growth in your life, the gap to realizing your potential and self

actualization become even wider and wider. Your physiological needs can never be met under

these conditions, you’ll fear because there is no security in what you do, you’ll feel like an

outcast not being not being able to belong to any group or anything. Sleepless nights become the

norm in your life, anxiety puts you on the edge to become delusion in you thinking, but it doesn’t have to this way.

CAN’T breaks strong spirits. Disappointment comes by way of someone telling you, you

can’t have this or this can’t be done. Doors are shut in your face, harsh words are uttered from

the lips of those you look up to for guardance and directions, what you started out as a genuine

plan for you and your family becomes a disaster are all things that will break your spirit. My

Bible tells me that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. But my Bible also tells that when I

am weak, he is strong. It further tells me that the race is not given to strong or the brave, but he

that can endure to the end. My Bible further tells that all things are possible through Jesus who

strengthens me.

CAN’T kills your purpose in life. Discouragement will show up and stir you off course

especially when there is no one around to give you pep talks or encouraging words. You’ll feel

like you are in this business all by yourself from start to finish. Those you use to rely on, you’ll

see them no more. Don’t change heart, but keep looking up with pride and dignity. If there is a

problem you can’t not handle, all you got to do is look up to the hills for help. God is still in

charge, let him direct your purpose in life. Give him a chance to let him do what he say he would do.

CAN’T springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning and robs us of courage we

need through the day. Be not dismay or betide; God will take care of you. He will never leave

you or forsake you. Somebody said, he will be right there by your side. In tribulation, he will be

there. In trials, he will be there; in persecution, he will be there. In the midst of faults and

failures, he will be there. When you are down and out, he will be there.

CAN’T rings in our ears like a timely sent warning and laughs when we faulter and fall by the way, but it doesn’t have to be so because my Bible tells me in the book of Job, "Eventhough ye slay me, yet will I trust him." Keep on working for the Master, keep on rejoicing in the spirit, keep on shouting and let your joy be made known.

CAN’T is the father of feeble endeavor, the parent of terror and halfhearted work. Folks

will say things to you and plant a scary seed on this journey to discourage your dreams. Folks

will tell you there is no way in the world you’ll be able to make it. When you give in to such

talks you’ll fall prey to those words and lose your anchor that once held and gripped the solid


CAN’T weakens the efforts of artisans clever and makes of the toiler an indolent shirk. It

poisons the soul of the man with a vision. It stifles in infancy many a plan; it greets honest

toiling with open derision, and mocks at the hopes and dreams of a man.

CAN’T is a word none should speak without blushing; to utter the word should be a symbol of

shame because it crushes ambition and courage of a willing mind to explore avenues of

opportunity. It dampens the spirit of a new born Christian and causes him or her to question the

significance of this religious trip that we are all on. CAN’T blights and dims your purpose and

shortens your aim. Despise with all of your hatred of error.

CAN’T builds mountains, but CAN removes mountains. My Bible tells me that if you have

faith as small like a mustard see you can remove those mountains; mountains of disappointment, mountains of discouragement, mountains of sickness, mountains of trials and tribulations.

CAN’T denies you certain basic rights in the circular realm, but can puts you in touch with Jesus. I am so happy today that I have a right to the tree of life.

CAN’T will drive people away, but CAN draws people together. Jesus said, suffer the little

children to come unto me and forbid them not, for a such is the Kingdom of God.

CAN’T develops demonic spirits, but CAN pours the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

CAN’T Stops your healing, but CAN hooks you up with the healing power of Jesus Christ.

CAN’T causes us to care more about our earthly possessions than our fellowman, but CAN says,

ask and you shall receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door shall be open unto you.

Don’t let it take up residence in your brain because once it gets in there, you’ll have to undergo

major surgery to have it remove. And if it stays there cancerous cells begin to form and takes

over your whole body. If it’s already there see your doctor and let him tell you what can be done

about your situation. If you don’t have a doctor, there is one that I visited not too long ago and

I’ll be glad to recommend you to him. He makes house calls when you call him. The best part

about it you don’t have to make an appointment to see him. Matter of fact, I just received word

that he is here.

They told me that he is hear to here the broken hearted.

He is here to cast out demons in his father’s name.

He is here to bring joy to the hopeless

He is here to open windows of opportunity.

He is here to give you a new watching and a new cleansing.