Summary: A look at the Cross and the mysteries surrounding it.

Jesus had gathered around Him group of twelve ordinary men like you and I. They were common folk, several of which were fishermen. For the past three years Jesus had been spending night and day with them, making an incredible investment in their lives. During this time Jesus had made frequent warnings of what He would one day suffer in Jerusalem. As we read these accounts we often are taken back out how dull His disciples really were for not understanding what He was trying to tell them. Despite all the warnings and preparation, the cross was still a shattering blow to all His disciples. The truth is that the disciples just could not grasp the scope of all that Jesus was telling them. Like any good Jew they were raised with a grandiose portrait of the Messiah, who would be a great conquering King who would restore the nation of Israel back to the prominence of being a world power. I think deep inside they were still waiting for Jesus to unleash His mighty power in Jerusalem and wipe His enemies of the face of the earth. We point a shaking finger at the disciples but they were suffering from an all too common ailment. It seems that the human mind has the nasty habit of only hearing what it wants to hear. Over the years we soon learn that there are none as blind as those who refuse to see. There is a wishful thinking in all of us that believes the unpleasant truth can not really be true, and the thing that we really do not want to happen, just can’t happen. Well I guess that’s idealism at its best. This passage assures us though that even though we don’t grasp all the teachings in God’s Word, although we have an inability to see the big picture we can still be one of God’s children. What I would like us to do is take a very good look at four questions that arise when we begin to examine the mysteries that surround the cross.

I. How can the Kingdom of God be advanced by something as brutal and cruel as the cross?

A. This is completely contrary to history, human experience and all sensible logic.

1. Almost every great revolution or movement, ended with the death of its leader.

2. Human logic causes us to reason how anything good could come from such a horrible instrument of death.

3. The worldview of death is that it is an end in itself.

4. Another notable fact to consider, more often than not persecution and severe opposition brings forward progress to a halt.

5. If we are bluntly honest, it does not make any sense.

6. When examine the evidence, the facts will say that anything good resulting from a leader’s execution is impossible.

B. However this is very consistent with prophecy found in God’s Word.

1. “Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, the man who is my partner, says the Lord Almighty. Strike down the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, and I will turn against the lambs. (Zechariah 13:7—New Living)

2. Jesus saw himself as the “smitten shepherd” and interpreted his ministry along the lines of this passage.

3. Jesus told his disciples as they were on their way to the garden of Gethsemane, “You will all fall away; for it is written, I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.”

4. All the evidence pointed to the fact that the cross was a necessary part of God’s plan.

5. Centuries before it ever happened; Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would suffer for His people. (Isaiah 53:5—New Century)

6. These facts were also consistent with all that Jesus taught about the kingdom.

C. This is consistent with the very nature of Christ.

1. The Savior was sent to provide man with redemption. (Hebrews 9:22—New Century)

2. In order to provide man with the much needed redemption, the Savior had to die to pay the penalty we owed for our sins.

3. Christ did this when He offered Himself as the perfect once for all sacrifice.

II. How could men be so cruel to the Son of God?

A. Think about it if you will, don’t you think He deserved a medal rather then mocking.

1. Aren’t human memories short? Look at how quickly they forgot all the good that Jesus had done.

2. It was more than obvious that God’s stamp of approval was on Him through all the miracles He did.

3. With every shred of evidence pointing to the fact that Jesus was the promised Messiah, why would the people destroy their only hope?

B. Well this just lends credibility to the fact that evil will pull out all the stops to forward its cause.

1. Jesus was a threat to Christ and Satan knew that He was the only one that could spoil his plans.

2. He was seen as a threat to many of the Jews traditional legalistic life style.

3. Since Jesus did not fit their view of the ideal Messiah, they would rather live without one than change their way of life.

C. This also shows just how much true unconditional love is willing to endure.

1. God’s love is far beyond our comprehension.

2. After we had slapped Him in the face and turned our backs on Him; His love still reached out to us and was displayed in Christ on the cross.

3. True love never keeps score, true love knows no boundaries.

III. Where’s the justice, how could a good man be allowed to suffer?

A. This question is as old as the book of Job, and as fresh as your present pain.

1. In the Old Testament we are introduced to a man by the name of Job. (Job 1:1—The Message)

2. Consider Job after hearing this description and give careful thought to all he endured.

3. When you take a panoramic view of the world you can find many good people forced to endure suffering.

4. Just because we are a Christian doesn’t mean that we are immune from suffering.

5. Jesus Himself warned that we would have trouble in this world.

B. The experience of Christ should both reassure us and comfort us.

1. Jesus knew what the malice of men could do, but He also realized what the power of God could do.

2. In the face of certain and ultimate victory Jesus faced the cross.

3. He realized that without a cross there could never be a crown.

4. By His suffering on the cross Christ has achieved salvation for all those who will accept it on God’s terms.

5. We come together in the Easter season celebrating our ultimate victory over sin and death and the promised crown of life.

IV. Isn’t death an end, how can it be overcome?

A. Human observation and experience definitely argue against this.

1. Many people try to cheat death, some freeze their bodies in hope that one day a cure can be found for their ailment.

2. All the scientific data we have today would cause one to conclude that when you are dead, that is the end.

3. Death is the end of all known existence and it can not be avoided.

4. Humanity believes death is the end but they exert so much effort to discover immortality.

B. Christ’s resurrection settles it.

1. Jesus never taught about the cross without teaching about the resurrection.

2. Here’s a news flash: We serve a risen Savior not some dead religious leader.

3. The tombs of such religious leaders as Buddha, Mohammed, and Hare Krishna still contain their remains.

4. However, our Lord’s tomb is empty.

5. Remember the words of the angel to ladies as the reached the tomb early in the morning to finish preparing Jesus’ body for burial. (Luke 24:4-6—New Living)

6. The words of the angels are a gentle rebuke, because the women should have expected Jesus to be raised.

7. They remember the prophetic words of Jesus, and they finally understand them.

8. By the grace of God this same victory is within our grasp.

A little girl was reading with her mother in the New Testament, and this was one of the verses that they read together. “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through him.” Stopping for a moment in her reading the mother asked, “Don’t you think that this is wonderful?” The girl looking surprised said, “No!” The mother some what astonished repeated the question. So the little girl said, “Why no; it would be wonderful if it were anybody else, Mother. But is really is just like God!”

I know not how that Bethlehem’s Babe,

Could in the God head be,

I know only the manger child

Has brought God’s life to me.

I know not how Calvary’s cross.

A world from sin could free.

I only know its matchless love,

Has brought God’s love to me.