Summary: Abraham Lincoln said, "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." Jacob knew this feeling so well. Let’s examine it together!

All of us at some time or another struggle with decision(s). The difficult part is when we struggle with ourselves and greater still with God!

Tug of war is what it feels like. On one hand God says...and we respond..O.K. but!

That’s where the trouble begins and before we know it we are wrestling with God. Jacob knew what it was like to wrestle with Him. Not a good place to be. No matter what you know or how good you may be at it, you will always loose in the end when you are wrestling with God!

Let’s examine the story together.

Main Division

I. Jacob’s Night Of Isolation (Ge 32:6-8, 17-24a)

II. Jacob’s Night Of Confrontation (Ge 32:24-25)

III. Jacob’s Night Of Desperation (26)

IV. Jacob’s Night Of Illustration (27-32)

Conclusion: Wrestling with God?