Summary: Maybe this will help light a fire in the outreach department.

Our Job to Do

300 million years from now what will really matter? Will it matter how much money you made? Will it matter that you got promoted at work? Will it matter that you invested enough in your retirement. Will it matter who won the NCAA tournament? Will it even matter that you finally fit in that dress that you bought a size to small? The answer is NO!!! What will really matter 300 million years from now is whether we are heaven or hell. If that is what will matter then it should be our top priority now. In 2nd Corinthians we are promised that we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Nearly every 5 seconds someone dies. That is approximately 150,000 people a day. Ever wonder where they’ll spend eternity? That is where as Christians we come in.

Mark 16:15 says, “ Go into all the world and preach the good news to all of creation.” We as believers are to be challenged to go spread the Gospel. Charles Spuregeon once said, “Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.” It is our job to spread the Gospel. Not mine alone or Bro.Richards alone. It is all of our’s. I know some of you have trouble talking to people and you prefer actions over words. The youth theme verse is Matt 5:16.. Yes we are to lead by example and be a shining light for our Lord and Savior. But think about this did someone lead you to Christ or did you get saved by watching someone.

Do you realize when you take your last breathe you will never have another chance to speak to another lost person again (unless you are lost). Since that is true shouldn’t we be adamant about reaching the lost. It is like we are having a party and everyone we invite gets a $1000.00 cash and a new corvette. We just have to give them the ticket to go. When I get to heaven I don’t want any tickets in my pocket. Do you?

So if we can’t witness in heaven and only witness here on earth what do we need to do to become good at it? What is the only way we can become good at anything? Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. The only way to practice is to start witnessing. We must realize that when we stand before God we cannot say we shared his son too much. Practice. Practice. Practice. Can you think of someone you need to practice with? Now I am not talking about role-playing but an actual conversation. Go for it you’ll be glad you did. Now get to it.

Before we start witnessing we must change our mindset. Change the status quo. It’s not that we have to share our faith but we get to. It is not we have to go church but we get to. It’s not we get to read our bible but we get to. There are Christians in China who walk nearly 6 hours to get to go to church. They don’t go and have a “McChurch” service. Some of you won’t come if it is raining. Maybe we realize at bedtime that we haven’t read our bible yet. Have to no get to yes. By the way when we die it’s not that have to go to heaven it’s we get to. We must remember we get to share our faith.

Remember what Mark 16:15 said,” Go into all the world and preach the good news to all of creation. EVERYONE! The CEO of your company, the janitor at the plant. You do not discriminate when you share the Gospel. If you have to come off your high horse to spread the Gospel then you got problems. That elderly neighbor needs Jesus as much as her teenage grandson that plays his music to loud does. Remember this if they’re breathing they need Jesus. (repeat) How do you see your co-workers? How do you see the people that you walk past everyday? We must see everyone like Jesus does. Valuable.

What are three possible things that can happen when you share you faith? 1, they accept Jesus, 2,they reject Jesus, 3, plant a seed. When we share our faith it’s a winning situation every time. Regardless of the outcome when we share our faith we better the kingdom of God. We plant seeds regardless. That’s what he wants us to do. We don’t need to worry about rejection because it’s a winning situation. Oswald J. Smith once said “ Oh my friends, we are loaded down with countless church activities, while the real work is to witness to the church is almost entirely neglected. We have to many excuses to witness.

· Fear of being rejected – winning

· Don’t know how to – someone led you

· Fear of losing a friend – what kind of friendship

· They have already heard – 7.6 times

Zondervan Church resources said 97% church members have no involvement in any sort of evagelism. If God Gave you a $1000.00 every time you share would you do it? Another excuse is I don’t know enough. As a believer you already know more that the lost person. You can understand spiritual truths more than them. Well Bro.Scott what if I am asked a question that I can’t answer. The idea is to get their address, email, phone, etc.. and get back in touch with them. That way you follow up on them. Remember we get to share our faith not we have to. The Holy Spirit will work in you in ways that’s unimaginable. Luke 12:12 says,” For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what to say.” Don’t worry just get to it.

In order to get people to think about Jesus we must get to think about eternity. One of Satan’s best tricks is for us to get lost in this life that we don’t worry about what’s next. We must begin to get people to think about eternity. D.L. Moody once said “ If you can get a lost person to think about eternity for 5 minitutes then you can lead them to Jesus.” Here’s some example that we’ve learned.

· The tombstone will always have a D.O.B and a D.O.D

· 150 yrs from now where will you’ll be?

· What then?

· Eternity is an awful long time better hope you are right.

· Can you guarantee you will wake in the morning?

· 100% chance/ 10 out of 10 you will die

1st Corinthians says, “When you plant a seed, I will do something with it.” Our God is faithful. Keep planting those seeds. What about your friends? A recent survey said 87% of all Christians were led by a friend. Now don’t shove it down people’s throats, Ephesians says were to speak the truth in love. Don’t shove it , love it on someone. It’s very simple. If you want to see them in heaven invite them. If not then don’t. Remember it’s our responsibility to invite.

I have a good question for you. If one of your friends died tonight would they see hell? Next question is what will you do about it. Are you really going to let them go there? Jesus did his part over 2000 years ago. Now it’s our turn. Have that talk with them they’ll be glad you did.

I want to encourage you to make a hit list. A list of love ones who are lost. Start praying for those and start witnessing. Mark them off one by one. But remember we are on Satan’s hit list because we are doing God’s will. God loves it Satan hates it.

There are only two kinds of people lost and, saved. We all fall into one of those groups. Which one are you in. In eternity, the only thing that will matter is whether we accepted Jesus or not. The salvation was offered did you accept. Will you repent, turn from your sins and surrender your love to Jesus? Maybe you need to come pray for a lost love one. Maybe we all need to pray that God would allow us the strength to do his will.