Summary: How many know that there is a battle going on between good and evil. There is an old saying that “there’s no better offence than a good defense” Along those same lines Paul tells us there’s no better offence against evil than the defense of the “whole

THE GOSPEL GUN Eph. 6: 10-18

Intro: How many know that there is a battle going on between good and evil.

There is an old saying that “there’s no better offence than a good defense”

Along those same lines Paul tells us there’s no better offence against evil than the defense of the “whole armor of God”.

This armor is not for defense purposes only; it is actually the bullets that load the “gospel gun” and defeat Satan.

Oh yes, God has a “gospel gun”; and He has some Holy bullets; but we are the ones who pull the trigger!

You want victory over fear, over Hell, over sin, over the grave ? THEN YOU MUST PULL THE TRIGGER!

What are the bullets? Truth, Righteousness, Gospel, Faith, Salvation, Spirit, and Prayer

I. TRUTH (v. 14a) Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth…

Illustration: Maybe you’ve heard about the gorilla in a zoo holding a Bible in one hand & a book about evolution in the other. He was looking confused, so someone asked, “What are you doing?” The gorilla answered, “Well, I’m trying to decide if I’m my brother’s keeper or my keeper’s brother.” (1)

A. The physical

1. Because their clothing was loose a belt was necessary

2. Girding up was a matter of pulling in the loose ends as preparation for battle.

B. Spiritual belt

1. Commitment to fight to win

2. Everything that hinders is tucked away. (2 Tim. 2:4) No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

C. The truth is the belt that gets rid of all the loose ends; (John 14:6) Jesus is the truth

1. Sin (John 1:29) Behold the lamb which taketh away the sins of the world

2. Self-righteousness (Gal.2:16) man is not justified by works…but by faith in Christ

3. Worry (John 14:27) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you:…

II. RIGHTEOUSNESS (v. 14b) having the breastplate of righteousness;

A. The breastplate was usually a tough, sleeveless piece of leather with animal horn or hoof pieces sewn on, covering the soldier’s full torso, protecting his heart and other vital organs.

B. His imputed righteousness produces daily practical that becomes our spiritual breastplate. (Rom. 4:6)

C. The righteousness that Christ give is the main protection against Satan and his schemes.

D. The lack of this breastplate leaves one vulnerable to the great enemy of their souls

Illustration: A Native American and a white man were deeply moved by the same sermon. That very night the Native American received Jesus as his Savior, but for days the white man refused to accept Christ. At last he, too, repented and enjoyed the sweet peace of having his sins forgiven. Later he asked his Native American friend, “Why did it take me so long, while you responded right away?”

“My brother,” he replied, “I can best explain it by this little story: At one time a rich prince wished to give each of us a new coat. You shook your head and replied, ‘I don’t need it; mine looks good enough.’ When he made the same offer to me, I looked at my old blanket and said, ‘This is good for nothing,’ and gratefully accepted the beautiful garment. You wouldn’t give up your own righteousness. But knowing I had no goodness of my own, I immediately received the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness.” (2)

III. GOSPEL (Eph.6:15) And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

A. Roman soldiers wore boots with nails in them to grip the ground in combat.

B. The gospel of peace is the good news that, through Christ, believers have God on their side (Rom. 5:6–10)

C. Having divine support we to can stand firm on the rock of salvation

D. (Rom. 8:38,39) For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

IV. FAITH (v.16)

A. The solders of that day would have a large shield (2.5 x 4.5 ft.) that protected the entire body. (faith or protection)

B. Continual faith in God’s Word is necessary to protect against temptation and sin.

C. All sin comes when we fall to Satan’s lies and promises of pleasure; and reject obedience and blessing fiery darts.

D. Temptations are like the flaming arrows shot by the enemy and quenched by the oil-treated leather shield

E. (Prov. 30:5) Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

V. SALVATION (v. 17a) And take the helmet of salvation,

A. The head must be protected

B. For believers; the enemy seeks to destroy the believer’s assurance with his weapons of doubt and discouragement.

C. The Christian rest on God’s promises

1. (Philp. 1:6) Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

2. Security is a fact; assurance is a feeling that comes to the obedient Christian (1 Pet. 1:3–10).

D. For non-believers; the enemy seeks to mislead you also; except the difference is your eternity is at stake

1. He will get in your head and tell you don’t need this God stuff; you’re a good person.

2. He will get in your head and tell you got plenty of time for Jesus later.

3. He will have you believing all his lies like this one “what if they’re all wrong, look at the fun you’ll miss”

4. "Fear is nothing more than confidence in the devil." Dr. Eldon Fuhrman

VI. SPIRIT (v.17b) take… the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God:

A. The sword was the soldier’s only weapon. God’s Word is the only needed weapon,

1. Infinitely more powerful than any of Satan’s.

2. Like a two edged sword cutting to the very marrow.

3. Even though the Word of God is more than able; we have much, much more!

B. Notice in (v.17) the word “Spirit” has a capital S; Paul is referring to the Holy Spirit which guides us.

C. What sort of things does He guide us to do ?

1. Raise your hand Feel like giving God a wave of thanks? GO AHEAD PULL THE TRIGGER!

2. Shout a praise You got something to praise for; PULL THE TRIGGER

3. Testify God been good to you ? ; PULL THE TRIGGER

4. To give God given you a lot? PULL THE TRIGGER

5. To pray Want to be more like Jesus? PULL THE TRIGGER

VII. PRAYER (v. 18)

A. This verse introduces the general character of a believer’s prayer life:

1. “all prayer and supplication” focuses on the variety;

2. “always” focuses on the frequency

3. “in the Spirit” focuses on submission, as we line up with the will of God

4. “being watchful” focuses on the manner

5. “all perseverance” focuses on the persistence

6. “all saints” focuses on the objects

B. Prayer is a great way to get rid ungodliness

1. Oh sure the devils try’s to but in on the conversation

2. But like my wife; Jesus will say “excuse me; we weren’t talking to you; go on mind you’re on business”

C. You might think you don’t need Jesus, or that you’ve got plenty of time, or you’ll miss out on to much fun stuff, But one prayer can change all that; into a love for Jesus, an urgency of time, and true everlasting fun and a happiness and peace beyond you’re wildest dreams.


There is a gospel gun ; to defend us from the evil desires of the enemy.

There is some holy bullets available to us.

1. The bullet of truth; kills the loose ends that hinder you . You need to PULL THE TRIGGER!

2. The bullet of righteousness; kills the plans that Satan has for you. You need to PULL THE TRIGGER!

3. The bullet of the gospel; destroys the slippery traps of Satan. You need to SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER!

4. The bullet of faith; shoots down those fiery darts of temptation. But you’ve got to PULL THE TRIGGER!

5. The bullet of salvation; kills the doubts, and fears he uses against you. You must PULL THE TRIGGER!

6. The bullet of Spirit; our main offensive weapon. Hey! You want the devil to leave ?? PULL THIS TRIGGER!

You go to praising God the devil going to leave; he can’t stand it!

a. go ahead squeeze the trigger on a wave of thanks to God for all He has done for you!

b. go ahead pull the trigger on a praise of shout for all His goodness!

7. I know most revolvers only hold six bullets; But God want have you over come by a lack of bullets so He gave us one more the bullet of prayer.

a. God has been good to you why don’t you thank Him; P.T.T. on a prayer thanks to Him!

b. God loves you and he wants you to come live with Him; P.T.T. on a prayer of repentance!

c. God loves you and he wants you to miss the flames of Hell; P.T.T. on a prayer of salvation!

Some of you are sitting in that pew and you feel you’re hands tightening up;

It’s because you really want to squeeze that trigger don‘t you; I KNOW YOU WANT TO

Don’t worry Jesus will point you in the right direction so you can hit the mark.


Credits: (1) sermon central

(2) sermon central

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