Summary: 7th message in an 8 week series on the Lord’s Prayer. This one deals with the phrase: "Keep us from temptation and deliver us from the Evil One."

Can You Hear Me Now? Good! Week 7

“Improving Your Signal Strength”



Rick Warren tells of a Pastor in California that had to go into downtown Santa Ana for a meeting. He was late and ended up parking in a No Parking Zone. He wrote a note to "bribe" the cop and he put it under his windshield wiper. "I’ve circled this block ten times and I have to make this appointment or my heavenly Boss will be upset with me.. Remember..`Forgive us our sins.’" When he got back he found a ticket on his car and this note from a Police officer.. "I’ve circled this block for ten years. If I don’t give you a ticket, my earthly boss will be upset with me. Remember.. `Lead us not into temptation’"

Today we come to the 7th phrase in our study of the Lord’s prayer. And God may have left at the end of this prayer, the most significative and difficult request of them all. “Keep us from temptation and deliver us from the Evil One.” Is there anyone here that does not understand the need for that appeal? Temptation is the oldest problem on the planet, and we all have problems with it. For we all have weaknesses of the flesh, we all have dark areas we don’t keep under control. That’s the bad news. The good news is: God desires to assist us. He says, “I want to help you get control of your life. I want to teach you how you can handle and overcome temptation.”

In our wireless metaphor this petition represents the strong signal strength of God. He has promised that He will provide clarity for our minds and protection for our souls, that no person or thing will interrupt our connection with Him, except by our own invitation. So, let’s look at today at how God helps us handle temptation.


We begin, as we have each week, with understanding the context and language of this phrase. First, most of us learned this phrase by saying, “Lead us not into temptation...” But, that might prompt one who knows the Bible to ask, “Doesn’t Scripture say that God will never tempt us? If that’s true then why would He ever lead us into temptation?” It would be a good question because indeed the Bible does say God does not tempt us. James 1:13- “When someone is tempted, he shouldn’t say that God is tempting him. God can’t be tempted by evil, and God doesn’t tempt anyone.”(GW) So, what are we asking here? Let’s look at the context and language of the verse.

The phrase “Keep us away or Lead us not into..” can be translated “direct me around or away from temptation.” The word here paints the picture of a Father directing his child around some danger. Several years ago at a Promise Keepers conference, Dennis Rainey placed animal traps on stage. They were big ones too. Bear traps and even an African safari large animal trap that took two men to open. There were a dozen or so traps, and he set or opened them all. Then Dennis Rainey had a father blindfold his teen-age son, the father then walked to the other side of the stage and called his son to come to him. The boy took one step and the Father called out, “Wait! I’ll keep you from stepping in the traps.” So this Dad went back across the stage, took his son’s hand and “leads” him through the difficult maze of traps. Such is the heart of this petition.

Now the “traps” or the word temptation in Scripture can have one of two basic meanings depending on the context. The word can simply mean trials or testings. For example, the word is used that way in James 1:12- “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, (same word) he will receive the crown of life..”(NIV) This includes the difficulties in life.. Your health goes bad, your job is ended, a relationship sours and you are put under the “test” or a “trial.” God says that He will honor those who persevere through those times and don’t lost their faith.

The second way this word is used however is in the more common meaning of temptation and that is as an “enticement to sin.” James 1:13 says, “Everyone is tempted by his own desires as they lure him away and trap him.” In fact those last two words, “lure” and “trap” present pictures of a fish that is lured by the bait and is hooked or an animal that is inattentive to danger and is caught in a trap. So, here, the context and language of this petition is not asking God to keep us from the trials and testings of life but rather to keep us from the enticements or traps of evil.

And that is seen from the next word, “Deliver..” for this word means to protect, to shelter, to defend. Trial and tribulations, difficulties in life, are to be accepted, James 1:2 says, “with joy!” Why? Because as we see God work through the troubles that come in life we mature and grow closer to Him. But here we are asking God to protect us, to guide us around, to keep us away the.. “Evil One..” Most translations prefer “Evil One” although a few newer ones, like the Message, come right out and say, “Keep us safe... from the Devil,”(MSG) because the Bible is clear that the Devil is the Evil One, as he is identified as the great Temptor. The Devil, or Satan is described in the Bible as an angel who was driven from heaven after, in his pride, he rebelled against God. Until Jesus comes back for the final judgement satan is called the “Prince of this world,” meaning he has free reign to drag people down. His main weapon has been from the beginning, to tempt man to disobey God. Satan learned long ago that the best way to hurt God was to hurt His children. It’s not that Satan can win anything, he is already doomed for an eternity in hell. But he’s much like a sports team that can’t win the championship but can play the role of “spoiler” knocking others out of the race. So Satan baits the hook and sets the trap and when our flesh or evil desires succumb to his schemes, we sin.

So, we need this petition. And when we pray this, we are asking God to protect us from the places, things and the One who would drag us away from Him. We are asking the Father, please.. “Keep us safe from ourselves and the devil.”(MSG) - or - “Keep us from stepping in the traps, Daddy.”


Let’s spend a few moments studying the “traps and enticements.” Let’s look at one very clear passage that speaks on this subject: 1 Cor. 10:13. For here, in this one verse are several very helpful truths about temptation. It’s printed for you.. “There isn’t any temptation that you have experienced which is unusual for humans. But you can trust God, who will not permit you to be tempted more than you can stand. But when you are tempted, he will also give you a way to escape so that you will be able to stand it.” Here are 3 truths about temptation that we need to recognize...

(1) Temptation comes to every person. Notice is says that you don’t experience any temptation that is unusual for humans. In other words, the temptations you have are nothing new. Someone in history has experienced the same thing. Temptation comes to every person, no matter how spiritual. Jesus was the perfect Son of God yet He was tempted by the allurements of this world. Matt.4:1-11 is the record of how the devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness before he started his ministry. If the Son of God was tempted you and I will be too! You see, temptation is common. Even preacher’s are no different. I have to battle the desires of the flesh just like anyone else. Confession time. Some time ago we dropped our remote control for one of or TV’s and it broke. We bought a cheap “universal” remote but we lost some functions like “Picture In a Picture” and this one didn’t even have alternate channel! Now, my wife was sure that it was just fine the way it was, in fact, if she had her way we wouldn’t have a remote! But I figure a remote control is a need not a want. Amen Guys? You see when I watch TV I like to watch 3 or 4 shows at the same time. You know, between the ads check the ball game, flip it over and check out another game or CNN, flip back to the original show, if that’s not interesting, go on. Now, I’ve learned that Deb is not the only woman who hates this. I heard one lady say her husband flips the channels so much she gets motion sickness.

Now, we finally got a new TV and of course a new remote. Now, I am glad for the greater flexibility, but while I like the remote, I also have to be real and confess that it can be a source of temptation for me. Because although we don’t have the movie channels in our home, every once in a while on the regular channels I’ll come across something sensual that stimulates my desires and thoughts. Now, I get it off of it real quick when Deb or my son is home from college in the summer. But when I’m alone, I’m tempted to flip back to that channel or even (I’m sorry if this disappoints you in your Pastor) I’ve been known to “click through” looking for something sensual. When I yield, in my next quiet time with God I feel so low and I ask for forgiveness and God grants it. But here’s the point. I’ve learned that I will never be so strong that the sins of the flesh stop appealing. Temptation comes to every person.

(2) Temptation is NOT sin. Heb. 4:15 says: “For our high priest (Jesus) is able to understand our weaknesses. When he lived on earth, he was tempted in every way that we are, but he did not sin.” You see, righteousness doesn’t lie in the fact that you are never tempted. Righteousness lies in the fact that when you are tempted you resist and obey God. But don’t become discouraged if an evil thought passes through your mind or even if an evil desire comes to you. God says don’t feel guilty about what flashes through your mind but do understand your are responsible for how long it lodges there. Martin Luther once said, “You may not be able to stop a bird from landing on your head, but you don’t have to let it build a nest!” Temptation is not sin.

(3) Temptation can be overcome. The inspirational thing is that we do not have to be ground down by failure time and time again. God will help us handle it. The last of 1 Cor. 10:13- “ can trust God, who will not permit you to be tempted more than you can stand. But when you are tempted, he will also give you a way to escape so that you will be able to stand it." God’s promise is two-fold: (1) He won’t allow any temptation to come our way that is impossible for us to resist. I sometime hear people say, "I was in a situation and I just had no choice." Or we get flippant and say, “The Devil made me do it.” Not true unless you want to contradict God’s Word. He says that you can count on Him. He’s faithful and will not permit you to be tempted with an overpowering temptation. (2) The 2nd thing He does, is with every temptation, He gives an escape route. Let me ask you.. If you took God’s escape route every time could you be sinless? Sure! If you took it every time. But as long as you live here you will never be sinless. God knows that and so do we. His protection is not to make you sinless (we’ve already blown that one) but it is to help us sin-less.


So, since God is providing us this help let’s spend our final minutes applying four principles that will help us overcome temptation.

(1) Refuse to be intimidated by the Evil One. Ephesians 6:10-11 “....stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. 12For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world." (NLT) We need to understand that we are in a war! It is a spiritual war, but a war none the less. You see, the real battle isn’t against the insurgents in Iraq, it’s not against the pornographers or the liberals in Hollywood or against the politicians in Washington. Our real battle is against the forces of evil in the unseen world. Now, a lot of people today have difficulty believing in spiritual warfare or a literal devil. Because immediately when we talk about the devil it conjures up the image of a grotesque being dressed in a red suit with horns, a tail and a pitchfork. But like our first video clip from Bedazzled, that’s rather “halloweenish.” I think one of Satan’s greatest accomplishments is that he has made himself look so ludicrous that no thinking person would believe in him. A number of people think of Satan as the personification of evil. Like Uncle Sam is the personification of patriotism, the devil is the representation of all evil. Or they think that people are evil and need no one to tempt them. But if they could, just for a moment, have the curtains of this seen world rolled back, they would believe.

Video Clip from Constantine - Chapter 12: 37:33 - 39:51 = 2:08

Now, that movie has some rather radical Biblical mistakes in it but much of what Constantine said in that dialog is true. Satan wants to influence us to evil. He and His minions are there to try and give us just the right or wrong nudge and it’s clear that the Devil knows about us whether we want to admit He’s real or not. We are Satan’s spoils. In fact. the word Satan means "adversary." Satan is a supernatural adversary who seeks to slander and accuse man and destroy the works of God. And if you take a light approach to him then you take a view that is not consistent with scripture. Because the Bible uses war terminology. "Be strong... put on the full armor of God.. take your stand." The Christian life is a battle. The words used to describe the Christian life are words like fight, conquer, strive, battle, overcome, victory. Satan wants to intimidate you into thinking you can’t resist but don’t fall for that.. James 4:7: “So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will What? “ from you.” Two parts: do both.. Give yourself completely to God and stand against the devil. Those two parts admit the struggle we are in. But please don’t miss this: Yes, life is a battle but God is already the victor! The devil will run!

(2) Request help from God. Psalm 50:15 "Call to me in times of trouble. I will save you..." This is what Rick Warren calls “a microwave prayer.” It’s not a long conversation with God, it’s just a quick... "Help!" when you’re being tempted. "May day! May day! S.O.S." The Bible is full of examples of people who did this. David, Daniel, Peter, Paul. God provides assistance to anybody who asks. When should you pray a microwave prayer? Whenever you’re tempted.. When you’re tempted to make a sarcastic reply to the boss when he blames you for his mistakes in front of other people. “Help me walk away, Lord.” When you’re filling out your tax returns. “Help me be honest, Lord.” Men, when that attractive woman begins to flirt. “Keep my thoughts pure, Lord.” Women, when that group of friends begins to run somebody down, recognize it as gossip and simply say, “Control my tongue, Lord!”

Why does God want me to ask for help? Because He understands. Heb 4:15-16 says about Jesus- "For our high priest (Jesus) is able to understand our weaknesses. When he lived on earth, he was tempted in every way that we are, but he did not sin. 16 Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it." We have a sympathetic God. Jesus was tempted just like we are. Did you ever think of that? Did Jesus ever struggle with honesty? Yes. Anger? Sexuality? Yes. But He never gave in, He overcame His temptations to show us we can overcome ours. And that makes Him perfectly qualified to help us! He says, come with no hesitation, feeling sure that He wants to help. Raise your voice to God and request His help, cry, "Rescue me!"

(3) Refocus your attention. James 1:14 "Temptation is the pull of your own evil thoughts and wishes. These evil thoughts lead to evil actions.”(LB) Here may be the most important point on this subject. The way you think determines the way you feel, the way you feel determines the way you act. Temptation always begins with a thought. The devil’s primary target is your mind. If he can get you to think wrong he can get you to act wrong. Whatever gets your attention gets you. One of the keys to overcoming temptation is to refocus your attention. Don’t try to resist temptation, refocus. You might say, “Wait, doesn’t the Bible say resist temptation?” No, it says resist the temptor... the devil. The best way to overcome temptation is to refocus ASAP!

Remember: Whatever gets your attention, gets you. Sometimes refocusing does mean staying away or leaving the situation. Get up and turn the TV off. Walk away from the group that’s telling the dirty jokes. Just get up and move physically, out of the situation. Please understand, what you focus on gets your attention. If you’re on a diet and start telling yourself, "I’m not hungry! I’m not hungry!" what are you focusing on when you’re saying that? Food. It has your attention. Your actions come from your attention. The more you think about something, the stronger it has a hold on you. You see, “Attention determines arousal and arousal determines action.” That’s why James says evil thoughts lead to evil actions.

The key is to refocus your attention because whatever gets your attention, gets you. Jesus, in Matthew 4, is out in the desert and the devil comes after forty days to tempt him to use his miraculous power for selfish reasons. The Devil says, "If you are the Son of God, tell these rocks to become bread."(4:3) Notice, Jesus does not say, "No, I’m not hungry!" He was. He refocuses on what God says, "It is written in the Scriptures, ‘A person does not live by eating only bread but by everything God says.’"(4:4) Don’t fall into the trap of trying to argue with the devil. He’s a much better arguer than you are. He’s had thousands of years practice. When temptation calls you on the phone, just drop the receiver. Prov 4:23 "Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life." Since that is true what should you think about? God gives it to us in Phil. 4:8- “..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praise worthy- think on such things..”(NIV)

In fact, one of the greatest tools that God has given us in this regard is the Bible.

In Eph. 6, after giving us all this armor to use.. Belt, breastplate, boots, shield, helmet he then, in vs:17, gives the only offensive weapon.. “..take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God..” When Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil every time He responded to the Evil One’s temptation by saying: "It is written..." and He quoted scripture. If Jesus did that to resist temptation, we should too. The most effective thing you can do if you’re really serious about growing and becoming all that God wants you to be is to become familiar with scripture. Don’t misunderstand. It’s not that church attendance, small groups and prayer aren’t good, they are. But, when it comes to temptation, the Bible in you is the best thing.

(4) Reveal your struggle to a Christian friend. I’m not saying reveal it to everybody. You don’t have to broadcast it. (Although sometimes public confession is needed.) But have at least one person you can share your heart with and share your struggles with. You see hiding a conflict only intensifies it. Ecc.5:9- 10 "Two are better than one, because together, if one falls down the other can help him up. But if someone is alone and falls there is no one to help him up." (GN) He’s saying we need each other. You need other Christians. Other Christians need you. You need to have at least one person in your life that you can be absolutely gut level honest with and reveal your struggle to. Let me emphasize Christian friend, one that will have your same values. James 5:16 "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed." The question is, Do you want to be healed? Here’s another key. Don’t repress it, confess it. Don’t conceal it, reveal it. Revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing. It’s the catalyst. Revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing.

So, here’s God’s equation: Refuse to be intimidated. The devil is not stronger than God and God is not going to let you be tempted with something you can’t overcome. Request His help, refocus your attention and reveal your struggle to someone else. Ask God to “Lead me around the traps, daddy.” And He will.

Heavenly Father, there are a lot of people here this morning who are struggling with different areas, habits, temptations. Some of them feel a heavy load of guilt because it’s a continuous fall. Thank You that you’ve given us the steps to freedom in Your word. May we be serious and apply these. We can’t control our circumstances or our emotions but we can control how we think. As we think on Your word we will become more like You

There are some here who, before they can apply these principles, need find you and then find that you are there to help them. Don’t let the Evil One to whisper to them that you don’t care. Don’t let them listen to all of his rational-lies. Help them to understand that you love them and want their best. May we all understand that a little deeper today and may we pray, “Daddy, lead us around the traps” and trust that you’ll so just that. Jesus name, Amen.

{All references taken from the Holy Bible, New Century Version, unless otherwise noted.}