Summary: When bad things happen, people have unfisished business. Jesus turns to the religious and says that they do too.

Unfinished business

Last Sunday we were at a day of celebration of ministry and we had many things to celebrate. But our world circumstances gave us another agenda. We talked about what the real “acts of God” are in today’s world. The acts that the living body of Christ does to reach a world for God with our prayers, our service and our finances.

I want to tell you that we raised $300 last week to help relieve the suffering along the coast, then Edna and Harold took the money to K-mart and they matched our donation dollar for dollar and $600 went to the effort.

That is great and I know that it will do some real good. It might pay for housing for a family for a month, of food for a couple of families for a month. Only time will tell as to the human cost from the storm.

Today is the anniversary of another tragedy. Completely different situation. Terrorist using commercial airliners as bombs with deadly success killed over 3000 people and injured and damaged untold others. Last week, I mentioned that I wondered when it would get back to normal. Perhaps, as I think about it, I don’t think I know what normal really is anymore. There are so many things that are different and I am not really wanting to complain. Because I now from recent history that that things need to be differed for our world to be safer.

An example would be airport security. When Renee and I went to Italy we experienced all kinds of new security going and coming. The lines were long just to check our bags. And when we went into and out of gate areas, we had to be scanned which included removing our shoes and walking sock footed through the metal and explosive detectors.

Perhaps, the thing that bothers me most is the fact that the shock of tragedy seems to be wearing off.

People are still being quoted on the news saying things like:

Well you know what New Orleans was like….

They had plenty of warning they should have gotten out….

People will easily agree and it seems logical.

This world is filled with sinners and stupid people. If terrorist attacks or the Katrina were God’s judgment then all of would have been facing judgment because, when God comes to judge not a one of us will be spared our time in front of our God.

The only question is, do we have unfinished business….

Where were you 4 years ago when the first plane hit the world trade center? I will bet that most adult Americans will recall for many years to come. Personally, I was at the tire store when I walked up to the counter and the manager told me that one of the towers was struck. Everyone in the place was standing and watching the screen when the second plane flashed on the screen and the news anchor reported a second impact.

Everybody in the World Trade Center had unfinished business. There letters to be typed and calls to return and banking to be done. In for 10000 people everything about that day became less important than life.

In our scripture today, we are reminded what Jesus has to say about sudden deaths. Jesus is reminded about a time when Pilot sent his solders into the temple to punish a group of Galileans that refused to pay their tribute to Caesar during Passover. They were murdered on the spot and as the text says. Their blood was mixed with their sanctifies as it probably occurred in the outer court where the sacrifices took place.

I would guess that they, the worshipers, had unfinished business. They were away from home and they never got a change to go back to their farms and community. They came all the way from Galilee to celebrate the Passover and a tyrant orders their deaths over paying a tax.

Then Jesus answers, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? 3I tell you, no!”

Perhaps Jesus is only talking about this exact situation and these exact people…..But, I don’t think so.

I believe that Jesus was describing a precedent that we can use just as well today. Were the people that died at the hands of terrorist worse sinners than everybody in New York, Spain, Oklahoma City, Rome Georgia, Iraq. Jesus says NO!

Then he adds, “But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

Who is Jesus talking too in this exchange? In chapter 12, it describes a crowd so large that they are stepping on each other and there were his disciples. He starts speaking to the disciples and expands out to include the crown and even interacts with them.

Then Jesus adds new information, “Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! “

The Tower of Siloam, is believed to have been a watch tower by the pool of Siloam. Watching over the wall not over the pool. We don’t know if it fell because of disrepair or some accident when it was being built. We do know that 18 people died and Jesus asked if his listeners thought that these unfortunate people were worse sinners than all of Jerusalem. Then he answers his own question. No!

So according to Jesus, when people die in accidents, like a rail road derailment or a car wreck. It is not judgment from God; however it does leave unfinished business.

And He goes on to again remind the hearers that they have unfinished business as well. “But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

Who is it that Jesus is really talking to. There are a crowd of Jews packed in listening. I think he is talking to them. Because, he already knew all that was going on. He already knew that they had unfinished business.

He is talking to his disciples as well because they are still, after 3 years of nearly constant exposure, are still sinners with what appears to be a serious level of stupidity or at least a lack of vision.

Jesus is not talking about selling the used burrow, or paying taxes or making a sacrifice.

He is talking about Kingdom business.

He is talking about the fact that people need to repent and be made right with God. Repent of their sin. Repent of their failure to live like God. Repent from the worship of false idols, like money, soap operas, sports because, it really matters, Life really matters.

But here is the lesson we learn from our scripture today.

It does not matter!

The things hat are happening in this world can be tragic and horrible. They happen to good and bad because this world does not see a difference.

When a person is lost, it is over for them and the subject of eternal life, a life with God is decided.

I see people in all kinds of experiences and I get to know some in a very personal way. I see the biggest change in some people when there is a sudden death in a family. At a moment of loss many people experience a need to get right with God.

When a death happens everyone left here, thinks about life. Some have great fears and worries and realize that they have been off the path that God calls for.

Jesus calls the living to make a choice. Life is short and often un-predictable, Jesus is looking into the faces of the crows and of his disciples and saying finish your kingdom business and everyone will know that you are OK should anything terrible happen to you.

You see not everyone has a chance to clear up their business. Way too many people leave this life suddenly. And as far as we know, their decision is completely made.

All too often we have family that are dieing faster than us but slow enough that they know what is going on. We so hate to watch our loved ones suffer. Many have their business taken care of but are left to suffer for months, days hours and often they wonder and ask why.

A few years ago I made a couple trips to Cuthbert Georgia to visit my Aunt Becky. She was diagnosed a month before with a fast acting cancer.

She was the little old lady that drove all the other little old ladies to the doctors office, she was mentally as sharp as anyone I have even known. When I went back on my second visit, we sat down just her and me. She only had one question.

Tab, can you tell me why? Why is this happening to me?

She showed me a shoe box full of letters from a prayer chain, people from all across the country were praying for her recovery.

I could not look into the face of my Aunt and give her an answer that could give any comfort, any peace or any easing of pain.

This world is not specific on who will suffer. Sometimes God protects and heals for his reasons and we all wonder why.

The real question is not why, it is are we ready. If our time comes are we ready?

Some get extra time to consider that question. And I thank God for thoes that get time to hear the good news, repent and to accept the savior

I don’t know if the troubles we see are the end times or not. From what I have seen on the news for the past 10 years, I really wonder. It makes some want to make a sign board that says repent the end is near or to stand on street corners and shout the same.

With all that we see today, we should have a desire to call for people to respond to God and his Gift offered through Jesus Christ.

Jesus says that kind of thing – terrorism, storms, accidents are not selective. He specifically describes an act of terrorism and an accident and explains that it is not judgment and then focuses on the hearer.

What matters is that there is unfinished business.

Not of the dead but for the living!

We are all dieing have you take care of business, are you ready to face judgment?

Next week we will talk about the parable that is connected to this explanation.

All Glory be to God!