Summary: This sermon focuses upon the power of Father God

Today we pause and in pausing we reflect upon Fathers... remembering those who are still with us and yes those who have past on... Choosing today to celebrate the power and influence of being a dad.- a Godly Dad.

So what does it mean to be a father? What does it mean to be a dad? Listen to some of these rather humorous illustrations...

A small boy defined Father’s day in this way, He said, "Father’s Day is just like Mother’s Day, only you don’t spend as much on the gift."

Another son wrote home to his dad. Listen to what he wrote, "Dear Dad, Please let me hear from you more often, even if it’s only five or ten."

Popular comedian/entertainer Bill Cosby wrote, "Now that my father is a grandfather he just can’t wait to give money to my kids. But when I was a kid and I asked him for 50 cents, he would tell me the story of his life. How he got up at 5 a.m. when he was 70-years-old and walked 23 miles to milk 90 cows. And the farmer for whom he worked had no bucket, so he had to squirt the milk into his little hand and then walk 8 miles to the nearest can. All for 5 cents. The result was...I never got my 50 cents.

One of the most powerful forces that shape our lives that make us who and what we are is our fathers. It is a job that is often under appreciated and underestimated. It is a seemingly impossible task that can only be accomplished through the grace and strength of almighty God.

In the Bible are several examples of godly men and godly dads, but this morning I want to focus upon the perfect father, our perfect example. God himself... The first person of the trinity... The Father.

Turn with me in your Bibles to Matthew chapter 3 beginning in verse 13.

Listen again to verse 17...

This is my beloved son, and I am fully pleased with him..

In this passages are several principles that we can glean from the perfect father...

The First principle is ownership

The use of this word may confuse some almost implying a negative tone, but in its truest sense it implies pride and intense love. At the baptism The father screams out his love for his son.. This is MY son…

At one of the biggest moments of the son, Jesus’s, new ministry, the father showed up. He was there.

Dads, your kids need you to show up. They need you to proclaim to all who an hear this is my son or this is my daughter. Being visibly present in all the big and small events in your child’s life.

This past year at Faith’s 4 year old birthday party had a princess theme. I decided to dress up in my best suit and be her prince Charming. As each little princess arrived I wanted every child and every parent to know that this was my daughter. I was her daddy. And I was proud for any one to know it. As her prince danced with his princess tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at my little girl.

Dads whether your child is 3 13 or 33 show up. Take an interest in what they like. Show up.

In an Eastern city a prominent man became greatly concerned about his boy, and consequently went to the boy’s school principal and asked for suggestions. The principal gave this reply: “Resign from the presidency of the chamber of commerce. Leave that position to someone whose family has grown up and is not in such great need of fatherly attention as is your boy. Your first duty during the next 5 years, after providing the necessities of life for your family, is at home with your boy. You should help him with his lessons; you should interest him in your business; and you should become his comrade. By giving the same amount of time and attention to your boy that you now give to the chamber of commerce, you will save your boy and also probably be the means of doing just as much good for your city.”

Are we aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days? But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don’t you think?

Dads show up!

The second principle is to visibly show love

A godly father must not only show up but he should visibly communicate that his son or daughter is loved.

At the baptism the Father proudly proclaims his love over his son. This is my son whom I love…

As men we come in all shapes and sizes and we may communicate this love in many different shapes and sizes, but regardless of how it is communicated let them know it, let them feel it, let them grasp it with every fiber of their being.

Dr. Gary Chapman writes that every one of us have our own love language. A means by which we feel loved. Our primary love language could be one of five possibilities: Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Gifts, Words of Affirmation, and Quality Time. As Dads it is important to learn what our kids love language is. How they visibly receive and embrace love.

While I am still learning my son Caleb, it has not been hard to figure out Faith’s love language. Faith’s love language is Quality Time. At least 100 times a day Faith says Dad come here, Dad play this, Dad, Dad, Dad. Faith feels visibly loved by her dad when he gives her my undivided attention.

Dads learn your children. Learn what is important to them.

A final principle is to be a godly example

Dads it is our job to instruct, direct, and teach our children. Dads we do that some by direct teaching but mostly by modeling- By our example.

In a recent article in leadership magazine a study was disclosed that if both Mom and Dad attend church regularly, 72 percent of their children remain faithful in attendance.

If only Dad attends regularly, 55 percent remain faithful.

If only Mom attends regularly, 15 percent remain faithful.

If neither attend regularly, only 6 percent remain faithful.

Dads look at those numbers; no matter your families situation if you will lead out and personally connect your children to church 55 percent will remain faithful.

At the baptism the Father proclaims to the son his great pleasure with him. He proclaims to him that he his proud of him. The son’s role on earth was to show us the father through his earthly example. The son was to model the father.

Dads it is a scary thing. We are constantly teaching our children whether we want to or not.

A Father crab who was having a hard time teaching his son the right way to walk went scurrying at the beach. Before too long, the Father crab again chastised his son: "How many times do I have to tell you to walk straight! Stop walking sideways!

The son replied back to the father crab, I will, dad, just as soon as I see how. Show me how to walk, and I‘ll walk like you."

Dads rise up and be the example your children need.

Some months ago I heard a touching story about a humble, consecrated pastor whose young son had become very ill. After the boy had undergone an exhaustive series of tests, the father was told the shocking news that his son had a terminal illness. The youngster had accepted Christ as his Savior, so the minister knew that death would usher him into Glory; but he wondered how to inform one in the bloom of youth that he soon would die.

After earnestly seeking the direction of the Holy Spirit, he went with a heavy heart through the hospital ward to the boy’s bedside.

First he read a passage of Scripture and had a time of prayer with his dear child. Then he gently told him that the doctors could promise him only a few more days to live. "Are you afraid to meet Jesus, my boy?" asked his devout father. Blinking away a few tears, the little fellow said bravely, "No, not if He’s like you, Dad!"

Dads show your kids Jesus.

On this Father’s day 2005 choose to show up for your kids, choose to love, and choose to be the godly example god has called you to become.