Summary: A message on the name Jehovah Nissi - the Lord is My Banner.

Hello I Love Let Me Tell You My Name

Ex. 17:15-16 – Jehovah Nissi

Intro: The study of God’s name is a study of surrender. For in understanding who He is and what He has done for us forces us to decide whether or not we will choose to depend upon Him alone or if we will continue to trust in ourselves. So far, every name we have considered bids us to put our trust in God alone, and the name we will consider this AM continues the tradition.

Text: Exodus 17:8-15 “…Moses built an altar and called it the Lord is my banner.”

Intro: Last week we embarked w/ the Israelites from the Red Sea into the Desert of Shur where they encountered a test from God concerning dependence – which they failed miserably. God was in the midst of taking His people on a scenic tour of trusting Him that required a (3) stop tour w/ layovers at the ever popular destinations of dryness, disappointment, and defeat. But instead of being humble, Israel grumbled. Instead of trusting, they were fussing.

Cont: Last week we looked briefly at the places of dryness and disappointment and today we’ll look at the place of DEFEAT.

Trans: This boy goes to the drug store to buy candy. He asked for it to be wrapped in 1 lb., 3 lb., and 5lb. packages. Curious, the druggist asked why? The boy explained that he had a date w/ a pretty girl and that after he dinner w/ her parents he was going to go out on the front porch w/ the girl. If she held his hand, he was going to give her the 1 lb. box. If she let him put his arm around her, he’d give her the 3 lb. box. But if she let him kiss her, he was going to give her the 5lb. box. Later that night when he sat down to dinner, the father asked the boy to pray for the meal. He prayed and prayed and prayed. He prayed for every missionary, every church and pastor in town. When he finally finished, the girl commented that she didn’t realize that he was so religious. To which the boy replied, “And I didn’t realize your dad was the druggist!”

Trans: As a father two girls, I can imagine what I would do in that situation. But if you don’t defeat the enemy, the enemy is certain to have a plan to defeat you. Truth is we seldom realize what we’re up against as we walk through life, but you can be certain that there’s an enemy out there waiting to wage a war against you.

Note: Dryness is where God takes us to teach us that He is the only One who can supply our every need. Disappointment is where God is forced to take us to teach us that nothing in this world can satisfy. Defeat is where God takes us to reveal to us His ability and power to overwhelm and overcome our enemies.

Cont: You might be thinking what kind of God allows His people to face dryness, disappointment, and defeat? I’ll tell you – an all-powerful, loving, and jealous God who knows our sinful tendencies and the pitfalls before us who doesn’t want our lives to be destroyed.

Note: We’re in a battle w/in for supremacy of our lives. There are forces w/in us and forces beyond us that are at war w/ the Spirit of God that saved us. As a result, God often has to take us through times of dryness, disappointment, defeat to bring us to the place of complete dependence in Him.

Verse: Trust the Lord w/ all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding, and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your steps. Pr. 3:5-6

Note: Times of dryness, disappointments, and defeat are God appointments.

Action: We’re in a tug of war over who will reign as ruler of our lives and our God desires to pull w/ us instead of against us. (Tug of War)

Recap: Last week we moved from the Red Sea and the defeat of the Egyptians to the waters of Marah. On this 3 day journey God took the Israelites to the desert of Shur and they hit the wall. They became thirsty, but instead of trusting God to provide, they grumbled. God gave them a time of dryness to teach them to depend upon His provision. Next He took them to the disappointment of Marah. At Marah God taught them that only he was their supply.

Today: From the bitterness of Marah, God moved the Jews to the oasis of Elim where He provided to meet their need. In due time, God began to moved His people toward the promised land b/c He didn’t want them to settle for 2nd best.

Insert: It’s amazing how we’ll settle for 2nd best b/c of our fears and faithlessness can’t move beyond our present circumstances and b/c we have grown comfortable w/ the status quo (the Elim Shuffle). Churches and Christians do this all of the time. B/c we’re creatures of habit and traditions, we’ll forgo on God’s blessings and mercies that are new every day – settling for yesterday’s manna.

Are you aware that over 80% of churches today are plateaued or dying? Why? B/c they chose to stay in Elim where they think they are blessed and safe. But God never intended for us to set up camp in Elim – it’s just a stopping off place. Until Christ returns and takes us into the Promise Land of Heaven, every blessed and satisfying stop is but temporary – and we must enjoy it only for the moment and then move on to promise. If God’s blessings are new everyday, then yesterday blessings should be only a memory and not a monument.

Review: As the Jews moved from Elim they went kicking and screaming. When they grew hungry – they grumbled. When they were thirsty – they grumbled. Despite the fact that God provided manna from the sky and water from a rock, the Israelites continued to bellyache.

Note: Grumbling reveals that the condition of our life is discontent/carnal. Grumbling is a sign that we think we know better than God and that God doesn’t know what He doing.

Note: To grumble is to fumble the faith that’s set you free. To grumble is to declare to others that you are not walking by faith in fellowship w/ God.

Insert: Why do we grumble? B/c we look at life from man’s point of view instead of by God’s perspective. We look at things based on how they’re going to affect me.

Story: Just yesterday I heard a story about a pastor who started receiving grief b/c the church was baptizing too many people and the water bill had exceeded the budget. You laugh, but the church is filled w/ well-meaning (possibly saved) people who just don’t get it. They think the church should revolve around them – they think their opinions matters to God and to godly people – it doesn’t!

Note: We can never learn dependence when we have an “it’s-all-about-me” attitude.

Trans: Thus, to bring us from deliverance to dependence, God takes us through dryness, disappointment and to the brink of DEFEAT to teach us dependence.

Recap: Thus, as the Jews arrived in Rephidim, they soon discovered their thirst was the least of their worries b/c the Amalekites were laying in wait to wage a war against them. Things just went from bad to worse, and their grumbling went from worse to obnoxious. But before I go any further, I want to talk a little about the Enemy.


Trans: Ex. 17 says the Amalekites rose up and attacked the Israelites. Who are they?

Note: The Amalekites were descendents of Esau – Jacob’s brother. Gen. 36:12 reports Amalek’s birth – the grandson of Esau. Jacob and Esau were twin brothers born to Isaac. Esau was born 1st w/ Jacob clutching his heel a close 2nd yet the birthright belonged to Esau as the oldest. One day, after a hard day of hunting, Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew b/c he saw no need to preserve a future blessing when he had such a pressing present need.

Insert: How often do we sell our heavenly blessing for a temporary desire? Esau sold out for hunger, yet he wasn’t going to die. He gave up something of greater value for nothing. I see this all too often. Teens give up their virtue for something less than love. Husbands and wives end their marriages over meaningless disagreements (toilet paper). Parents escort their kids away from God’s blessings for things that have no eternal value. Be careful not to forfeit that which has real value for things of no value b/c your priorities are messed us. There are many things more important in life other than the man’s applause.

Verse: What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but forfeit his soul? Lk. 9:26

Review: As you are aware, Jacob tricked Esau out of His birthright and stole Isaac’s blessing leaving Esau bitter and revengeful – and His sin was passed down to the future generations leaving the Amalekites w/ one ambition – destroy Israel.

Trans: I’m sure there’s a sermon here on bitterness, but we will save it for another time, but I do want to talk about the objectives and strategy of our enemies.


Note: The objective of the Amalekites was simple – destroy Israel. Do whatever is necessary to prevent them from experiencing the promise of God. Sound familiar. John 10:10 says that Satan seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil will do whatever he can to prevent us from experiencing God’s best.

Verse: Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack. But you must resist the devil and stay strong in your faith. 1 Peter 5:8-9a

Trans: Moses tells the Israelites that when the Lord gives them rest from their enemies that that were to blot out the memory of the Amalekites.

Point: You can’t strike a truce w/ an enemy that desires your demise. You can’t strike a truce w/ Satan. King Saul tried in 1 Sam. 15, and it brought about his demise.

Note: The Amalekites represent forces of evil that oppose the work and people of God. Thus, to compromise w/ sin affords sin’s insidious work to bring about corruption and destruction in your life.

Idea: If you knew you had cancer in your body, how long would you go w/out trying to have it treated? Not long. Sin is a cancer that eats away at your soul and destroys your life. To compromise w/ it is to plot your own demise.


Trans: So how does the enemy work? In Dt. 25 we find that the Amalekites prey on the weak and the weary – on the stragglers at the back.

Trans: Satan’s strategy is the same. He preys on us when we’re weak and weary, and he targets our most vulnerable areas. And he never fights fair. In fact, his mode of operation is to counterfeit – turning everything upside-down.

Word: Eph. 6 calls the devil’s ways schemes (methodias) craftiness; trickery;

Verse: Even Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel of light! 2 Cr. 11:14

Story: A frantic 9-1-1 call brought the police to a home. The caller only conveyed that she was being killed. When the police arrived, they found a bloody knife beside her lifeless body. Blood was splattered across the room, yet when the police examined the body, they found not a single cut or puncture wound – only a large mark across her chest and neck. Then they noticed a trail of blood leading to the next room. Following the trail they found a dying boa constrictor. The woman apparently had raised the snake, but on this day while carrying the snake around her neck, for whatever reason, the snake began to entwine itself around the woman’s body and began to constrict. The woman, sensing the danger, grabbed a knife and began to slash away at the snake eventually mortally wounding the reptile – only she was killed in the process.


A God Gives Us His Power

Review: After the Amalekites began to wage war w/ the Israelites Moses called the inner circle together and shared the plan. He told Joshua to gather some men and fight, while Moses took the staff of God and stood on a nearby hill.

Insert: Amazingly, Joshua didn’t think that he was getting the short end of the stick. Most of us would have suggested that Moses hit the battlefield while we stood on the hilltop. But Joshua knew there was power in that Staff.

Note: Joshua knew the story of how Moses received it from God. He knew how God used it to unleash the plagues on Egypt and to part the Red Sea. He had witnessed how God used it to bring water from the rock. Joshua understood, that so long as He was under the authority of God – the victory was assured.

Note: So Joshua took his men and went to war. So long as the staff of God was raised, the Israelites would have the upper-hand, but as Moses arms got tired and began to drop, the Amalekites would get the upper-hand. In the end, Hur and Aaron assisted Moses in keeping his arms raised and the Israelites won.

Trans: Now I hope we all recognize that the battle was won by the Lord. The power was not in the staff but in the God behind it. The staff serves as a visible symbol of God power and presence. God places His banner over His people.

Note: Banner – when we think of a banner as a flag or poster, but in this day and time, a banner was a staff w/ an ornament on one end that glistens in the sun.

Note: This AM I want to take you to two other banners. Turn w/ me to John 3.

Note: Compare the Staff raised in the wilderness to the cross lifted. When we look to the banner of the cross, the victory of salvation takes place God’s banner over us becomes love. He gives us victory over sin, death, and the devil and ushers us into a relationship of grace.

B God Gives Us His People

Note: There in the midst of the battle, Hur and Aaron come to aid Moses in keeping the rod of God lifted high. W/out them, the Israelites would have lost that day.

Truth: Truth is, we need each other to discover the victory of God over our adversary. We can make it alone, we grow too weary. We need others to come alongside of us to secure the victory.

We need accountability and encouragement. We need people who will stand w/ us and for us throughout the battle.

Trans: When I stated this message I shared that we are in a battle – a battle w/in and a battle w/out. In Jehovah Rophe we find that to overcome the Enemy Within, we have to turn our ears to God’s voice and open our eyes to God’s Word willing to obey His leading and His law.

Note: In Jehovah Nissi, we find out how to overcome the Enemy Without, we have to trust in the power of God and in the support of God’s people.

Poem: The Christian’s Horizon

What do I see as I look back? Millions of mercies along life’s track;

God’s love shining where all was black; that’s what I see looking back.

What do I see as I look w/in? A heart by my Savior redeemed from sin;

A hope, through grace, heaven’s joy to win; that’s what I see, looking to Him.

What do I see looking forth today? Blessings granted before I pray;

A sheltering arm, a guiding ray, that’s what I see, looking at today.

What do I see as I look on? Burdens lifted and trials gone;

A light at every, surpassing dawn, that’s what I see looking on.

What do I see as I look above? God’s own banner, whose name is love;

Love unspeakable, wonderful love; that’s what I see when I look above.

Story: Ashley was telling me about a church in MS that was demolished by Katrina. Everything was destroyed except for the cross. Out of the rubble the cross stood tall. When the Lord is our banner – though defeat may appear to surround us, and the enemy appears to have the victory – the cross cannot be defeated and it will stand as the sign of God’s victory over all evil.