Summary: Edmund’s weakness was Turkish Delight and when he fell to the temptation of Turkish Delight, he hurt himself and others. We also have areas of weakness that when we fall to temptation, we too hurt ourselves and others. But God provides a way out.

“Turkish Delight”

12/11/05 – John Laeger

#2 in series “Narnia: More Than Just A Fantasy”

I. Introduction


i. How many of you have gone to see Narnia?

1. I give it a total “thumbs up”

2. I plan on seeing it again.

ii. Trivia…

1. What was it that Edmund had a weakness for? He asked for it and would do just about anything to get more of?

2. Answer … “Turkish Delight”

3. It was his weakness.

iii. (refer to bowl of Turkish Delight on table)

iv. THIS is real Turkish Delight.

v. (have Turkish Delight handed out)

vi. Now…here’s the deal…

1. You may or may not like this version of Turkish Delight

2. BUT… Turkish Delight was Edmund’s weakness and when he was tempted with it, he fell to that temptation and paid a price and others paid a price too.


i. This whole deal of Turkish Delight being Edmund’s weakness and temptation goes beyond just the movie.

1. It is more than just a fantasy.

2. We all have areas of weakness in our lives where we are vulnerable to falling when temptation and enticement come along.

3. For Edmund – it was Turkish Delight.

4. For you? - could be a number of things…

a. Could be anything from a weakness and temptation to buy something you know you really shouldn’t or can’t afford…it could be a weakness and temptation to seek the easy way in everything … could be a weakness and temptation to be with somebody you know you shouldn’t be with.

b. Something that when it is put in front of you or the thought comes to your mind…

c. You are tempted to go that way and ultimately it leads to negative consequences.

5. Temptation is very, very real.

ii. The dictionary defines temptation as…

1. “the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid”

2. “to entice to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain”

II. The Truth About Temptation


i. James 1:13 “When people are tempted…”

1. Not “if” – but “when”

2. It will happen.

ii. Temptation is unavoidable.

iii. The objective is not to live a life removed from temptation – it just won’t happen.

iv. BEING tempted is not wrong – it is not “sin”

1. It is what you do and how you respond to that temptation that will lead to either good or bad.

2. Remember … Jesus was tempted.

3. He was tempted directly by Satan himself – intense temptation.

4. Heb 4:15 “He faced all of the same temptations we do, yet he did not sin.”

5. Jesus never sinned. So BEING tempted is not wrong.

6. The issue is how will you respond to temptation?

v. Here’s the deal…everyone of us have desires and weaknesses that could take us to the “dark side”

1. It is called a “sin nature” and you will have it until you die.

2. If you choose to follow Christ on this earth, when you die, you will be rid of your sin nature.

3. If you do not choose to follow Christ on this earth, your sin nature will torment you for all eternity.

vi. God does not tempt us. So we can’t blame Him.

1. James 1:13 “When people are tempted, they should not say, "God is tempting me." Evil cannot tempt God, and God himself does not tempt anyone.”

2. To be tempted is to be enticed to do something wrong.

3. God does not entice you, me, or anyone else to do wrong.

4. Some people view God like we sometimes view mosquitoes…

a. We lure them to our arm – we tempt them with live meat and blood.

b. And when they land and fall to the temptation…

c. We – WHAP!!!

5. God does not tempt or lure anyone to do wrong.

vii. James 1:14 “People are tempted when their own evil desire leads them away and traps them.”

1. For Edmund – it was Turkish Delight.

2. For you it is something else … maybe something completely harmless like donuts…

3. Drama Video: “Donuts & Deadbeats”

viii. Our sin nature has evil desires that just can’t wait to defy rules and go where we know we are not supposed to go, do what we know we are not supposed to do…

1. All this sin nature needs is a sign that says, “Wet Cement. Do not walk.”

2. Or a parent that says, “Be home by midnight.”

3. We get pleasure, we get thrills when we test the rules, go beyond the rules, and do not get caught!

ix. Every one of us is tempted this time of year to buy things that, let’s be honest, we really don’t need and it cost more money than we make and we have to “charge it”

x. We are tempted by the ad on TV for that new car because there is something inside us (sin nature with evil desires) that says my life will be better if I get that new car.

1. Or new TV or new computer or new whatever.

2. Temptation to grab for something that looks pleasurable and I THINK will bring me a higher life value.

3. And who doesn’t want pleasure or a high life value?

4. This sin nature with evil desires tells us that we need more.

a. More is good. More is healthy.

b. More will make us more acceptable.

c. More friends, more money, more stuff, bigger house, cooler cell phone,

5. And I can then stand out on my driveway and say to the world… “I have more!! I have arrived!!”

xi. And it becomes a vicious circle that traps us.

xii. We get more stuff, more friends, more whatever…

1. But then we find out it doesn’t last. It isn’t worth it.

2. The friends do things that hurt us.

3. The house payments come due.

4. The car gets dirty and rusty and needs repair.

5. The credit card statement comes in the mail.


i. The pleasure you are being tempted with or to have is always, always, always, always…

1. It is ALWAYS temporary.

2. There will be a momentary feeling of pleasure.

3. That moment may last a few minutes to a day to a week or even months…

4. But eventually – it will bite you and turn on you and you will pay a price.

ii. James 1:15 “This desire leads to sin, and then the sin grows and brings death.”

1. Death is not good.

2. Death is not pleasurable.

3. Is this speaking of physical death? Maybe.

4. But more likely it is speaking of the death of joy, the death of purpose, the death of relationships, the death of hope…

iii. And not just death in your life, your hope, your dreams, your reputation, your integrity…

1. But “death” in others too.

2. When you fall to temptation – YOU pay a price, but OTHERS pay a price too.

3. Falling to temptation – hurts & brings death to others

4. Death of their hope, death of their dreams, death of their purpose, death of their happiness…

5. All because you fell to temptation and did something that would bring you temporary pleasure.

iv. Music Video: “Simple Plan: Untitled”

v. You experience temporary pleasure.

1. But then it bites you and it begins to suck the joy out of your life.

2. It takes a toll on your marriage or friendships or job.

3. How many men and women are still married but there is no life in their marriage because the husband has decided to subscribe to some pornographic magazine.

a. It gives him temporary pleasure…

b. But then it bites him and his marriage.

c. Tell me men – what message does it send your wife when you have to go to the internet toyou’re your sex thrills?

d. How many homes are lacking real joy because so much consumer debt has been racked up and piled up?

e. Oh…buying and getting all that stuff gave you temporary pleasure.

f. But then it started to bite you and your marriage and home.

vi. You WILL pay a price when you fall to temptation.

vii. Part of the price you pay is you become trapped in this never ending, spiral down of needing more and more and more and more.

1. The more you have, the more you want.

2. The more you get, the more you want.

3. Once you start using credit cards without strict values and guidelines – it becomes easy to spend and spend and spend and spend.

4. Once you lie – the second lie is easier.

5. It is a trap of needing a bigger fix next time.


i. You are not alone.

1. What you are being tempted with or by – others before you have been there done that.

2. And some have won and some have failed.

3. BUT…because others have won and have been there done that – you can too.

ii. 1 Cor 10:13 “But remember this--the wrong desires that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible.”

1. You can beat it because others have beat it.

2. Do you know how much relief and hope it gives you when you are wrestling with something and you find out there is someone else who has experienced the same thing and they are alive and breathing and doing well?

3. It is HUGE!!

iii. This is one of the irreplaceable values of the church.

iv. Mark 14:38 “Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you.”

1. Be alert.

2. Keep an eye open. Be on guard. Attentive. Watching.

3. Know that you are vulnerable and you will be tempted.

4. It is not a matter of “if” – it is a matter of “when” and “how”.

5. Know your weaknesses & areas you are easily tempted in.

a. If you are tempted with drinking – stay away from parties where there will be drinking.

b. If you are tempted with internet pornography – download some accountability software that will work with a confidential friend.

c. If you are tempted with wandering eyes and impure thoughts – stay away from the gym or the beach.

d. If you are tempted with using your credit cards too much – put them in a glass jar, fill it with water, and freeze it!

v. Another way to stay alert is to be prepared in advance.

1. You don’t wait until the temptation comes to decide what you will do.

2. If you do, you will either fall to that temptation or make an unwise decision on how to deal with it.

vi. Being tempted is a guarantee. It will happen.

1. So get ready. Be alert. Be prepared. Don’t get caught off guard.

2. You don’t know when. And you don’t know exactly how.

3. But you CAN start now to think through how you will respond.

4. You CAN start now in building up your faith and your strength and your “arsenal” to fight the temptation when it comes.

5. If you don’t, when you are tempted you will be at a disadvantage from the get go.

vii. Look at the example of Jesus in Matt 4:1-11

viii. Jesus did not start thinking for the first time about what the Bible says when He was tempted.

1. He did not wait until He was tempted to start reading and learning the Bible.

2. He had prepared in advance.

3. Knowing scripture was something that had been a part of His life and upbringing.

4. When temptation happened, He was ready.

5. He had stored up, banked up spiritual truth and scripture.

ix. This is an example of the one thing that is sure to beat temptation.

1. Scripture.

2. Satan can not argue with the truth from the Bible.

3. It stops him dead in his tracks.

x. Let me get real practical here in explaining how to prepare in advance and know scripture…

1. Having a personal daily time alone with God.

2. Some call it a quiet time, some call it devotions, my dad calls it his “worship” time.

3. Call it what you want, but it is a time you set aside every day to just be with God.

a. You spend some time talking to God

b. You spend some time reading the Bible

c. You spend some time thinking about what you read

d. You spend some more time talking with God

xi. How to have a quiet time…

1. When, where, how

2. What to start reading

3. Reading plan

III. Conclusion


i. Romans 8:1 (NCV) “Those who are in Christ Jesus are not judged guilty.”

1. Freedom from guilt and escaping the judgment and shame and weight of yielding to temptation comes when you cross the line of faith.

2. When you invite Christ into your life and become a Christ-follower.

ii. Forgiveness of those times you have fallen to temptation and have done something you wish you could go back and do over.

1. (talk about forgiveness and cleansing)

2. Isaiah 53:6 (NLT) “All of us have strayed away like sheep. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the guilt and sins of us all.”

iii. You have fallen to temptation. BUT…you can walk out of here this morning completely and totally clean and forgiven and new because of what Christ has done for you.

iv. All you need to do is put your faith and trust in Him.

v. 1 Cor 10:13 “No temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it, for he has promised this and will do what he says. He will show you how to escape temptation’s power so that you can bear up patiently against it.”

vi. God promises to show you a way of escape.

vii. The key to recognizing this way of escape is know God…

1. If you don’t have a personal relationship with God – you will not recognize His hand and His direction.

2. You see, when you make the choice to become a follower of Christ – you begin that personal relationship with God.

3. And when that happens, God gives you a new sense to see and be more alert and aware of temptation AND to see and be more aware of His help and way of escape.

4. AND with that way of escape comes the strength to follow it and carry it out … and WIN!

viii. So my question to you is … do you have a personal relationship with God?

ix. (talk about how you begin that relationship…)