Summary: Faith in Jesus transcends our differences putting all believers on an equal plain

What If Christmas Never Came

If Christmas Never Came

December 18, 2005

We’re in the midst of a new Bible Series I’ve called, If Christmas Never Came. Here are some fun thoughts. “If Christmas Never Came…”

7. (You have to groan or cheer when I read this first one) The Fruit Cake industry would

completely collapse!

6. Our otherwise boring, uneventful lives would have no stress at all!

5. Eggnog would just be a slimy, high cholesterol beverage.

4. Three words— “No Christmas bonuses!”

3. You would have to spend your own money buying stuff that doesn’t fit.

2. We would never wonder if reindeer really know how to fly.

1. Santa would be a strange fat man with poor fashion sense!

But Jesus was born into our world, and Christmas is a reality. On the night Jesus was born into our world the Angel said,

Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:10-11

But the question on the floor is “What if”. What If Jesus Never Came? What’s the big deal?

Toward the end of the Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey cries out, “I want to live again! I want to live again!" Immediately he’s flashed from the previous scene and finds himself standing once more on the snow-covered iron bridge where earlier he had considered suicide: the dark swirling river below.

With help from Angel Second Class Clarence Oddbody, George had just discovered, to his horror, what life would be like had he never been born.

Anyone who’s watched this film can recall how without George Bailey the quaint town of Bedford Falls is reduced to Pottersville (ooh). It’s a creepy place. Main street is suddenly a red-light district with loud music and the flashing of flesh-peddling neon signs. Life is dark. All because George had never been born.

One person can make an enormous difference in the lives of others.

But we’re talking about Jesus here. As we saw last week, Jesus was and is the greatest man who ever lived. He has affected virtually every aspect of human life. Yet so many seem to refuse to even acknowledge it.

What if Jesus had never been born? What difference would it have made in history if that Bethlehem stable hadn’t served as a makeshift delivery room 2,005 years ago? What difference would it make in our daily lives?

Well actually, a great deal. Much of what we take for granted finds its roots in Christ and His teachings.

So in the time we have left, I would like for us to consider some specific areas where Christ has had a significant impact on civilization, as we know it. To help us with this, look what the Bible says,

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-28

This verse was written in a time and in a culture where Jews thought they were better than Greeks, the free thought they were better than slaves, and men thought they were better than woman. But something amazing began to happen in the early church. People of all walks of life were coming to faith and suddenly race, or social class, or gender didn’t matter. They were just excited that people were coming to Jesus.

Hang me as a heretic, but can you believe the great Apostle Peter struggled with prejudice. But look what happened when he was filled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible says,

Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.

Acts 10:34

That’s what Jesus does. Faith in Christ transcends our differences and puts all believers on an equal plane. In Christ no one is superior and no one inferior. We are all sons of God.

So let’s take these areas one at a time and see how Christ impacted them.

1. Without Christmas RACIAL DISCRIMINATION is the norm. The Bible says,

(In Christ) There is neither Jew nor Greek…for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:26-28

One day Jesus was traveling from Judea back to Galilee. The shortest route was through the region of Samaria. Now Jews hated Samaritans and would do everything they could to avoid them. In fact most Jews wouldn’t travel that direction, but would instead go clear out of their way by first heading east. The reason: Samaritans were a mixed race. They had intermarried with foreigners, and in the Jewish culture that was disgusting. Unclean. It just isn’t right.

But Jesus didn’t share this prejudice. And right in the middle of Samaria he sat down to take a break at Jacob’s Well. Look what he Bible says,

7When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her,

“Will you give me a drink?”

9The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

John 4:7, 9

But Jesus did. For in Christ there is no distinction. What did the angel tell Joseph when he explained to him that Mary was with child and Joseph should take her as his wife? The Bible says,

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,

because he will save His people from their sins.” John 1:21

Notice it says “His People”. Aren’t His people the Jews? Well that’s what Jesus’ closest followers thought. But they were soon to learn that “His people” included anyone that would put their faith in Him. Look what was written later,

11He came to that which was his own (That’s the Jews), but his own did not receive him. 12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—13children born not of natural descent (There are the Jews again), nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

Now did some Jews get saved? Sure they did. The first disciples were Jewish. Jews are still being saved today. The Bible says,

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. Romans 1:16

God has intended His gospel to be preached to every people group. In fact Jesus’ last command was this,

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:18-20

There is no favoritism with God. He detests racial discrimination.

Is it any wonder that the United States has become such an amazing melting pot?

· I’ve been to Brazil, and Brazilians predominantly live there

· I’ve been to Mexico and surprise of all surprises, Mexicans live there

· I’ve been to Guatemala, Czech Republic and Russia, and guess who lives predominantly in those places.

Then I come home.

· I go to The Big Horn and see Elvira

· I go to Village Pizza and there’s Labosh

· I go to Sweet Basilico and there’s Raul. (“Wait a minute! You can’t have a Raul in a Sweet Basilico! You can in America!”)

When Valerie and I discovered we were pregnant with Carlyn, one well-meaning friend looked at my olive, Italian skin tone and Valerie’s fair German skin and said, “Your kids should look interesting.”

Prejudice is a reality even in the US. Jesus said that in the last days,

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Matthew 24:7

That word “nation” is taken from the Greek word ethnos, from which we get words like ethnicity and race. So it’s literally saying, "RACE WILL RISE UP AGAINST RACE".

But here’s the good news. We have Christmas.

And because we have Christmas we will always have those sincere believers who will stand up for the rights of others. Racial discrimination is destroyed in Christmas!

Are you allowing Christmas to breakdown the walls of racial discrimination in your life? God help us to do so.

2. Without Christmas CLASS DISCRIMINATION is the norm. The Bible says,

(In Christ) There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free… for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-28

Look at this parable Jesus gave us,

“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

13“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

14“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:10-14

Contrary to what some false teachers have said, God doesn’t have favorites. Social standing is not necessarily a sign of God’s blessing. In fact Christians are commanded to be responsible for the poor. The Bible says,

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40

In another place it says,

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

James 1:27

And one more passage,

1My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism. 2Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. 3If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

5Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong?

8If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. 9But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. James 2:1-9

So how much pride are you taking in your social standing?

Are you allowing Christmas to breakdown the walls of class discrimination?

Class Discrimination is destroyed in Christmas!

All right! So I needed some humor to tie that last point with this next one. Here’s what I came up with,

An extremely proud young man walked into a restaurant looking for his friend. Immediately he noticed two beautiful young ladies near the door who appeared to be checking him out. Just then they both looked at each other and at the same time said, “NINE”! and began to giggle.

The prideful young man puffed out his chest, drew a big smile, and then walked over to his waiting friend. “You won’t believe what just happened. When I walked in those two ladies looked me over and me and said “NINE!”

His friend starting cracking up and said, “Their from Germany. They don’t speak English. Nine means, “NO WAY! Zero! Zitch! Nada!”

3. Without Christmas SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION is the norm. The Bible says,

(In Christ) There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-28

Galatians 3 was written in a culture where Jewish males were known to greet each morning with a simple, but a very offensive prayer.

“Lord, I thank you that I am not a Gentile, a slave, or a woman.”

Now enter Jesus. I take you back to the passage we began with.

7When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her,

“Will you give me a drink?”

9The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” John 4:7, 9

Twice each day, morning and evening, women would come to this well to draw water. This woman came in the middle of the day, probably to avoid people who knew her reputation. Consider this,

· Jesus knew this woman was a Samaritan

· He knew her reputation

· And this was a public place

No “respectable” Jewish man would talk to such a person in such circumstances. But Jesus did. He valued her as a creation of God. He went on to tell her how she could experience living water.

Women have immensely benefited from Christ’s influence.

· In ancient cultures, a wife was the property of her husband.

· In India, China, Rome and Greece, men believed that women were not able or competent to be independent.

· In India, widows were voluntarily or involuntarily burned on their husbands’ funeral pyres. And female infanticide was common.

Much of these centuries-old practices ended in the early 19th century through missionaries sent from Great Britain.

Charles Spurgeon told of a Hindu woman who said to a missionary: "Surely your Bible was written by a woman."


"Because it says so many kind things for women. Our pundits never refer to us but

in reproach."

Wherever Christianity has gone, women have been elevated enormously. Every one has. Just travel to a “non-Christian country and compare the differences in how women are treated. Now, are there oppressed women in our culture? Sure. Is it sometimes done in the name of religion? Sure. But again, get your eyes off of people and onto Jesus. For in him people are set free.

Yet in our culture today I hear jokes and put downs about women. I hear women, some for good causes, who hate men. Jesus wants to bring us together in the miracle of oneness.

Sexual discrimination is destroyed in Christmas.

LET’S WRAP THIS UP: The Bible says,

He (Jesus) went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. 17The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

because he has anointed me

to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

and recovery of sight for the blind,

to release the oppressed,

19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

20Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him, 21and he began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. Luke 4:16-21

In Jesus there is no racial, gender or class discrimination. For in Jesus we are all set free from bondage and oppression.

But it begins with recognizing our need to be set free from the bondage of sin.

Without Christmas we have no hope of being set free from the worst bondage of all: the bondage to self. The Bible says,

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2Corinthians 5:17-18

When anyone is joined to Christ he is a new being: the old has gone, the new has come. 18All this is done by God who through Christ changed us from His enemies into His friends, and gave us the task of making others His friends also. Good News

The Barriers between God and man are destroyed in Christmas.

The dividing wall that sets men against men is destroyed in Christmas

Won’t you find freedom in Christmas?