Summary: This looks at JOnah’s second chance as a opportunity for us to live Wise by making the most of our second chances in life.

Be Wise:

Make the Most of Your Second Chances

Jonah 3


A. Some people as they read through Jonah think of it as just a “big Fish Story.” (You know people, how they often come back from fishing and talk about the one they caught “-----------“)

They seem to be unable to accept Jonah because of the part where Jonah is swallowed up by a Great Fish – 3 days later vomited up on the beach.

Yet, I think we can believe in the Book of Jonah just as God wanted it written for us today. Why?

1. God can do anything! Including sending a Great fish to swallow Jonah for 3 days and nights.

2. Jesus as Truth quotes from Jonah during His ministry.

Mt. 12:39-40; Jesus answered the Pharisees asking Jesus to show them miracles says, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sing of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.”

Luke 11:30; “For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation.”

Because people often are quick to throw out Scripture because it contradicts their experience and understanding of life, they miss out on the Rich Message of Jonah.

A Message that we all can relate to: Living Wisely for the Lord is a Process, yet God is always Faithful!

B. That is what we have seen in Jonah 1 & 2

* Ch. 1 – Jonah is wise; a prophet, Messenger/son on of Truth; Belongs to God, worships God. But, when God calls him to go to Nineveh and preach against it because God knows their wickedness, Jonah tries to Run Away from God – hops a boat to Tarshish. Yet, God sends a great storm on the waters. Jonah has an AW-AH moment – realizing he was wrong in running away – so is thrown at the mercy of God – Literally as Jonah is thrown overboard. The Lord provides a Big Fish to swallow Jonah.

* Ch. 2 – Jonah, while in the belly of the Big Fish, prays to God to return by repenting.

C. Now let’s look at Jonah 3

Vs. 1-2; The Word of the Lord came to Jonah a 2nd Time. “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim the message I give you.” NOTICE: God doesn’t give Jonah the reason for sending him to Nineveh as he did in 1:2 “because its wickedness has come up before me.” Perhaps because God knows that Jonah understands that our wickedness is seen by God.

Vs. 3—4; Jonah Obeys (doesn’t run away from the Lord) and goes to proclaim from the Lord that Nineveh had 40 days and it would be overturned.

Vs. 5—9; The Ninevites believe God; declared a fast, put on Sackcloth (coarse cloth made from goats hair and was used for Mourning (Gen. 37:34; 2Sam. 3:31) as well as Repenting from sin (1Kings 21:27; Neh. 9:1, Matt. 11:21).

Vs. 6-9; The King himself tore off his royal robe, sackcloth and then issued a proclamation for all of Nineveh to call upon God, give up their evil ways.

Vs. 10; God saw this – had compassion and did not overturn Nineveh.

This same Jonah who was unwise and run away from God is now used by God to turn the Ninevites: who were violent and totally disobedient to God – but now are believers and Followers in the True God.

Body – so what do we learn from this passage?

A. We learn about True Repentance:

1. Repentance is literally is turning around. Doing a 180 turn. Oh, how we learn that from Jonah here. In 2 Jonah prayed to return to God by stating his situation Honestly – he was away from the Lord – but in vs. 9; “What I have vowed I will make good…” he does. Jonah runs away from God – repents – turns back to God. Jonah runs away from God’s call to Nineveh – Repents – turns around and goes to Nineveh. Jonah runs away from Obeying God – repents – turns around and now, vs. 3 “Obeyed…” God.

2. We see the process of repentance: Sorrow/Regret, Confession, Conviction, Behavior change.

But True Repentance always leads to a change of our Behavior. So often, we are more concerned with stopping the guilt, the regret – so we confess our sin/wrongdoing to God. Psalm 32 talks about when we don’t confess our sins, - instead being silent – we waste away.

But True Repentance goes on to Conviction – knowing the God is right and His ways are right to follow – and then to Behavior changes. 2Cor. 7:10; “Godly sorrow brings about repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret but worldly sorrow brings death.” Matt. 3:8; “Produce fruit in keeping with your repentance.”

True Repentance is confessing our sins and turning around to do what the Lord desires!

B. WE learn about the Character of our God.

* God gives 2nd Chances, vs. 1-2; not only for Jonah but for the Ninevites.

* God’s Power to change Jonah and use him as this messenger.

* God’s purposes prevail: he wanted Nineveh to hear His Message before the Judgment. Today, God wills that we would be a Witness of Christ to everyone. I am sure that if Jonah just refused, God would have sent someone else to them. But Jonah didn’t – this time – He was wise and obeyed.

* God’s Forgiveness. 1John 1:9 if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” Heb. 8:12; “for I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”

* God’s compassion: Vs. 10; God has a heart for people: Jonah and the Ninevites. God has compassion on you, nomatter what you are or have done!

What part of God’s character do you need to know today?

C. That if you truly Repent – turn around – and Obey and Serve the Lord – God can and will use you for the Works of His Kingdom!

God doesn’t give up on you.

God doesn’t negate your usefulness for Him and His purposes.

Examples: Abraham; took his own way of doing things by having a child with Hagar verses Sarah as God promised; Lied – But God didn’t give up on Him.

Jacob: he stole and lied from his own family, yet, came back to God and was given the name Israel – the name of God’s people.

David: committed murder, adultery – yet repented, Ps. 51 – and is still known as “a man after God’s own heart.”

Peter: denied Jesus 3 times and yet, came back to God and the Lord used him as a great leader of the church.

Paul: persecuted the church, blasphemed Christ – yet when He turned to Jesus in Faith, the Lord used him as the greatest missionary there was to spread the message of Good News in Christ to everyone and to write the Scriptures.

I would hope that as we study Jonah 3 everyone one of us would truly learn that as We turn to God – He will use us in great ways for His Kingdom.


A. Ill> Abraham Lincoln: He was defeated for State Legislature in 1832; failed in his business in 1833; Failed to be elected as Speaker of the House in 1838; failed to be elected for Congress in 1843; Failed to get elected for US Senate in 1854; failed to be nominated for VP in 1856; failed again to be elected to the US Senate in 1858; But he didn’t give up and through faith and seeking the Lord, was nominated and elected to President in 1860.

B. As we learn about True Repentance, God’s Character and the truth the God uses us as we truly Turn to Him – just like Jonah and others.

Let us learn to Live Wise by making the Most of the 2nd Chances that the Lord gives to us!

C. A Picture of Wisdom from Eph. 5

Redeem the Time – Jonah Obeyed God, vs. 3.

Know God’s Will – Jonah proclaimed God’s message.

Spirit Filled – Jonah was used by God.

Edify – build others up – Jonah shared the Word of God.

Worship the Lord – We all can worship the Lord for what He does with Jonah, Nineveh and us .

What Second Chances is God calling you to? Will you make the Most of them with them? How is God calling you to Serve Him?