Summary: So often we either sit like a knot on a log and refuse to seek God’s purpose for our lives or we do seek God’s purpose and realize just how difficult it can be to fulfill it.

Leaving the boat to get on board.

A. John the Baptist had just been beheaded by King Herod. Because of the rat race that was going on Jesus got his disciples in a boat and headed away for a little R and R. The crowds noticed Jesus and his disciples heading away from town, across the lake, so being the considerate people they were they all followed him on foot. When Jesus landed he noticed this whole crowd of people that were anxious to hear from him so he, being much friendlier than I may have been, took compassion on them and healed their sick.

The day had gone long and when it was really getting late the disciples really wanted to get some of that R and R they had come here for. They started telling Jesus that it was getting really late and that the people needed to be sent home so they could hit Mickey D’s before it closed. (They hadn’t started their “All-night” menu yet.) But Jesus, being the matter of fact kind of guy I love him to be, simply looked at them and said, “You feed them.” Now there were at least 5,000 men there so when you factor in women and children we are talking somewhere close to 2,000 people.

The disciples gave the same kind of reply you or I would have given and looked at Jesus as if he had lost a marble and said, “What? Are you kidding? It would take more than eight months worth of salary to feed all these people and all we have is some kids “Lunchable” and all it has in it are five bread loaves and two fish. Jesus, being cool as always, just told them to bring the food to him. When they did he blessed it and had them divide it out among the people. Close to 2,000 people ate that day and the disciples still picked up twelve baskets of left-overs.

The only way Ross Perot will ever become president of the United States would be if he could pull some kind of stunt like Jesus just did. Anyone who would provide people’s needs so effectively would be a shoo-in. It was the same with Jesus. The people started thinking Jesus must be a promised Prophet of some kind and they were ready to raise up an army to make him their king. Jesus didn’t like their idea of king and it severely shortchanged what he had come to Earth to accomplish so he forced his disciples, who probably like the idea of ruling, into a boat and go ahead of him. Jesus wanted to hang back to dismiss the crowd and do some praying.

That’s where today’s text picks up.

Jesus Walks on the Water

22Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It’s a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.

27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid."

28"Lord, if it’s you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

29"Come," he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"

31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

32And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

Matthew 14:22-33

1. Peter boldly searched for his mission

A. How many people do you know who go out and actively look for things to do? When my grandfather retired he went to work, real work. My grandparents bought a mobile home back in the seventy’s and set it up in the middle of a hay field. My grandfather, being the hyper-engaged German that he is couldn’t rest with just a nice home on a piece of land. He started working the land, planting trees, planting a huge garden each year, building a large working barn and working on his home. Grandpa doesn’t own a tractor or any other large equipment but he does it all with small hand tools or a simple rotor-tiller. Today if you were to look at his property you would never know it was an old trailer. The peeked roof, deck, vinyl-siding, built on room and porch make it look like a very nice house. The property looks like one of the nicest parks you have ever visited with its huge trees and park benches. His garden, even though it is just the two of them, looks like it was made for an article in some gardening magazine every year.

This only came about because he sought a job to do.

B. Peter wasn’t content sitting in the comfort of the boat. A high storm had risen on the Sea so going for a swim was certainly not the most popular idea in the world. But, when Peter saw Jesus and understood his power he boldy asked Jesus for his mission. 28"Lord, if it’s you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."

C. Have you ever asked Jesus for your mission? Have you ever really asked Jesus for his will for your life? Perhaps you feel you haven’t had the privilege of seeing the power of Jesus like Peter got to do so you don’t find Jesus’ will for your life worth searching for. I tell you the truth that may be the source of some of the loose ends in your life. Trying to do your own thing without trying to figure out what God wants in your life will leave you empty, exhausted and frustrated.

But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.

Psalm 33:18, NLT

2. Peter ignored other voices to follow the voice of Christ

A. Picture Peter in this situation. There are twelve men in a tiny little wooden boat. There is a storm going that could easily sink the craft. Do you think Peter had to overcome anything in order to jump out of that boat and follow Jesus command? Don’t you know that at least some of the other eleven disciples were reminding Peter of just how nuts he must be to do what seems so silly just because Jesus told him to? Don’t you know those waves splashing upon the boat and that sea mist in the air had to remind him of all that wasn’t there to step on? Don’t you know his own stomach had to be in his throat reminding him of his desire to live?

B. Illus: I am reminded of the game children play called minefield. This is the game where several kids lay down on the floor and spread their arms and legs out to form obstacles. The really good players will work together to form an almost impassible maze for the kid who is it. The kid who is it is blind-folded and stands on one end of the maze. On the other end of the maze of kids, or mines, is a leader who will tell “it” how to get through the maze with out blowing up on a mine. While the Leader is giving the directions there are other kids standing there who are also yelling out directions. “It” has to listen closely for his leaders voice in order to get to the other side of the maze. If he listens to the wrong voice he will get blown up.

C. What has God told you to do? You may not be in need of seeking God’s purpose or desire for you anymore because he has already told you what to do. A lot of people waste a lot of time in suffering because they know what God want’s them to do but they just are too lazy or too naïve to do it.

D. We often become duped into thinking peer pressure is just a high-school illness. I believe peer pressure only starts in High School but it will stick with you for the rest of your life. What is it that you know God wants you to do but you just don’t do it for fear of ridicule from your friends and peers? What is it that you know God wants you to do but you just don’t do it because you have personal apprehensions, fears, or doubts?

E. Perhaps God is telling you that you should be tithing but you just don’t see how you can afford life if you pay 10% of your income to the church. Perhaps God is calling you into ministry but you just don’t see how you can support a family and fulfill that calling. Perhaps Jesus is simply calling you to allow him to be your personal savior but you just don’t see how you can do that without ridicule. Perhaps there are many things God may be calling you to do but for some reason you just don’t.

Again, I ask you. What has God told you to do?

3. Peter refocused on Christ to succeed in the mission after a failure.

A. After Peter was already on the water he lost his focus. He stopped focusing on Christ and started staring at the waves around him. When this happened he sank. We often look at Peter with discust at this point but put yourself in his place. In fact some of you may be in his place right now. You are in the middle of what Christ has called you to do. You are on the water. Steps one and two are behind you. You have found what God wants for your life. You have learned to listen to the voice of Christ. For whatever reason, though, you have, maybe just for and instant started to focus on the waves around you. Maybe a huge bill just came in, maybe you child has become ill, maybe there has been some bad news from your doctor, maybe you have lost your job, maybe your friends have turned on you. Whatever the reason may be you have diverted your focus from the God who created you for his purpose, the God who has called you to live for Himself and you can feel yourself sinking in failure and despair.

B. When Peter realized he was sinking he didn’t call the Coast Guard and he didn’t try to save himself. Instead he looked back to Jesus and cried out “Lord, save me!”


This morning I know there is bound to be someone sitting here who feels unfulfilled. You feel lost and alone. You feel life has no meaning for you. As the musicians come I want to ask you to make a bold step out of your pew and come to the front this morning. Someone will come and pray with you if you would like to help you find the purpose for your life.

This morning there may be someone who is having trouble focusing on Christ. You know your task those wave around you sure do seem mighty tall. It seems impossible. Life is tough and you want to throw in the towel. Maybe you would like to come forward this morning and perhaps have someone pray with you to help you stay focused.

Finally this morning there maybe someone here who has lost their way and can feel themselves already sinking. Life happened as it always does and you can already feel yourself sinking fast. Perhaps you would like to come forward this morning and ask Christ for a rescue.

But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.

Psalm 33:18, NLT