Summary: This is the second of three sermons based on "The Chronicles of Narnia."

The Victory of the Lion

Narnia 2

Rev. 5


Introduction: Aslan, the Redeemer.

1. Edmund betrays his siblings.

We told the story last week of the four Pevensie children and how the entered the magical land of Narnia. They found out that Narnia was ruled by an evil witch, Jadis, and Edmund met her and ate her food, which turned out to have powers that would enslave him to her. He eventually went to the Witch to betray his siblings into her hands (though he didn’t know that she wanted to kill them). So, Edmund is captured by the White Witch and the other three kids are on the run and their only hope is the Lion, Aslan. They have been told that he is on the move.

2. The Deep Magic of Narnia.

Edmund’s treachery not only betrayed his siblings but all of Narnia. The prophecy was that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve would rule Narnia, so his decision put in jeopardy the plans for this world. The kids meet Aslan and he is able to rescue Edmund. But the Witch comes to talk to Aslan about this and she tells him this; “You know that every traitor belongs to me as my lawful prey and that for every treachery I have a right to kill.” She was referring to the Deep Magic of Narnia. They were the laws in existence before the beginning of time that governed Narnia. The idea is that a traitor’s life is forfeit and that treachery cannot simply be overlooked.

3. The sacrifice and resurrection of Aslan.

Aslan has a private meeting with the Witch and announces that she has renounced her claim to Edmund. But secretly in the night Aslan slips away. Susan and Lucy follow him and end up witnessing a horrible sight. Aslan gives himself up for sacrifice to be humiliated, shaved, and killed on the stone table, where Edmund was supposed to die. Even Aslan can’t undo the Deep Magic of Narnia. But he can give himself to die in his place. But the story doesn’t end there. The next morning to the joy and surprise of Susan and Lucy, Aslan is resurrected! He comes back to life as powerful as ever. He explains that an even deeper magic was not known by the witch; “there is a deeper magic still, which she did not know…that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor’s stead, the Table would crack and death itself would start working backward.” Aslan overcame even death. There is a not so inconspicuous connection between the Lord of Narnia and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Trouble in the Text: No one is found who can open the scroll (1-4).

1. The throne and the scroll.

The one that is on the throne is God the Father, the Holy, holy, holy one (cf. 4:8). He is being worshipped by the angelic beings of heaven in this vision given to John the Apostle. Now John sees in his right hand a scroll. On that scroll there is writing on both sides. It is filled up to the max. Seven seals were customary to seal an important document (like executive order or will). John instinctively knows that this scroll has great value.

2. The great search.

The symbols of strength continue with the mighty angel who issues a challenge to heaven and earth. He wants to know who can take the scroll from the one on the throne. Who is worthy? Who is worthy to take something from God?! No one dares to step forward and so no one is found in “heaven or earth or under the earth.” IOW, no creature can open this scroll.

3. John is devastated.

It says that he wails and wails. Why is John so upset about this scroll? Throughout Revelation it becomes clear that scroll is representative of God’s divine plan in history. It is how God will vindicate the saints and vanquish his enemies. If the scroll can’t be opened then the plan cannot be carried it out, and the persecution of the saints in the Roman Empire is all for nothing to the saints. IOW, there will be no new heaven and new earth, no presence of God, no victory, only defeat and despair. No wonder John is weeping.

Trouble in the world: Human beings cannot save this world.

1. This world is getting worse.

In the late 19th century many believed that this world would get better as the majority of the world accepted the gospel. It never happened. Two world wars destroyed any notion that with technological progress we would achieve a sort of utopia. Our world is even worse today. Pollution, disease, terrorism, natural disasters, crime all remind us that no matter what humans do we can’t save this world. No matter how many peace treaties are signed, no matter how much faith we put in the ideal of human goodness, no matter how many streets we clean up, we can’t save this world. W/o divine intervention, evil will triumph.

2. We can’t even save ourselves.

Like Edmund, our lives, including our souls are forfeit to the devil from our first sin on. We become enslaved to it and can’t quit sinning. We can’t restore the condition of our own dark souls. Just like in Narnia, a penalty must be paid for our treachery and it has to be the blood of one that is perfect and holy like God himself. We are as lost as the rest of the creation.

Illustration: Making the world a better place in the name of Jesus.

So many organizations contribute to making our world a better place. When we provide a home for the orphan, the world is better. When we pick up trash, the world is cleaner. When we find a cure for a disease, thousands of lives are prolonged. Doing these things in the name of Jesus are essential to our lives as Christians. But this world will never be without orphans, pollution, or disease. Human nature and a fallen world produce these ills. Our only hope for a world w/o suffering and decay must rest on someone other than ourselves.

Grace in the text: The Lion has triumphed and taken the scroll (5-14).

1. Behold the Lion! (5).

This vision and search was for John’s sake and ours. It had to be demonstrated that no one was worthy, but one. The elder (heavenly being) says to John “Do not wail! Behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!...” Judah was called a lion’s cub and the kingly Messiah was to descend from the tribe of Judah. Jesus Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, but he is also a descendent of King David. He is the Messiah and King, the fulfillment of prophecies long ago. It is not that he will triumph, but he has triumphed. He has achieved victory. No matter what may appear to be happening on earth, victory is already won. Because of this he can take and open the scroll.

2. Behold the Lamb (6-8).

John looks to see the Lion, but instead he sees a Lamb. This is a vivid and intentional contrast. Jesus is both. He is the powerful lion and the sacrificial lamb. He looks as if he has been slain. He was slain, but now is alive! That is how the Lamb has already won the victory. This lamb is standing in the center of the throne, where God himself is seated! The seven horns and seven eyes represent his perfect strength and knowledge. He is surrounded by incredible heavenly beings and he walks right up to God and takes the scroll! He takes it from his right hand of authority and when he does something remarkable happens. The four living creatures and twenty-four elders fall down and worship the Lamb!

3. Worship the Lamb (9-10).

No one is worshipped at the throne of God but God himself. Anyone who questions the divinity of Christ has never dealt seriously with this passage. He is not only worshipped because of who he is, but for what he has done. He is worthy because he was slain (irony) and with his blood he has purchased people for God from every corner of the earth. God’s kingdom is not just America or any country, but made up of all nations. They are given reign on the earth (now)! What do you think this meant to those being slaughtered by the Roman government? This vision says that is not ultimate reality. You are a kingdom of priests who reign on the earth. How? Because God’s kingdom reigns on earth through us!

a. Angelic worship (11-12).

What an amazing passage! Innumerable angels encircle the throne and begin to worship the Lamb! John says he heard the voice of many angels. What a sound that must have been. Listen to their words of praise.

b. All of creation worships the Lamb (12-14).

The scene then goes beyond words. It is every creature in heaven and on earth gives praise to the Lamb that was slain. Though the victory has been already achieved, this looks to a future acknowledgement of every being in creation giving praise (willing or not). This is the destiny of all things. Everything will be brought into submission to the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Phil. 2:9-11). This is great assurance for those that see a world not going as they desire.

Grace in our world: The Lion/Lamb has given us the victory.

1. We already know who the winner will be.

In the movie the eventual winner of the battle is purposely left in suspense until the very end. But in the gospel the victor was declared the moment Jesus Christ rose from that grave. Jesus defeated sin and death and is now exalted at the right hand of God. Revelation eventually tells us that when Jesus returns he will vanquish his enemies once and for all. The only question is for people to decide whose side they will be on. For Christians it is an amazing message of assurance that when Jesus returns all wrongs will be righted, and we will enter into glorious eternal worship of the Lamb.

2. The Lamb saves us and our world.

I told you earlier, we can’t save ourselves. Just like Edmund could not save himself. But with the blood of Christ, we are purchased to be in God’s kingdom. But remember I told you about a decaying world? God has a plan for that, too. He calls it the new heaven and the new earth. It is the city of God where we will all dwell with God for eternity. (Read. Rev. 21:1-4). Nothing that Satan has achieved in this world will last. Victory of the Lamb is complete and all encompassing. There will be no orphans, disease, or pollution in eternity.

Invitation: Choose the Lamb!

I hope you want to be there with God. The other option is eternal separation from God in hell. Everyone must choose a side. The good news is that you have a choice. I would certainly choose the victor! You can do that, today!