Summary: Beginning on series on Jesus’ life, actions, words, and ministry. This is a New Year’s message about making Jesus #1 in our lives.

John 1:6-9 – Runner Up

I’d like to begin this morning by reading John 1:6-9.

Today is of course New Year’s Day. It’s the 1st day of the 1st month of the new year. Today we are going to talk a little about being first, and being second, and what all that means.

I’d like to take us back to a dark year and a bright year for Canadians. The year was 1988, and it was an Olympic year. The summer games were held in Seoul, Korea. In that year a runner for Canada, Ben Johnson, set the world record for running the 100-metre dash. It was a great moment, until he tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. He was stripped of his gold medal and his record, making the 2nd place runner, the American Carl Lewis, the official champ.

But our country had a bright moment that year, and you probably have never heard his name. Lawrence Lemieux, an athlete from Edmonton, Alberta, was in the yachting competition on a very windy September 17, 1988. He was on course for winning a silver medal when he noticed Joseph Chan of Singapore struggling in the water. His boat had capsized, and Chan was injured, barely staying afloat. Lemieux abandoned the race and saved his competitor.

Now, this cost Lemieux the race. He finished in 21st place. But his bravery did not go unnoticed. At the closing ceremonies, the International Olympic Committee awarded a medal even more prestigious than a gold medal. Lemieux was awarded the Pierre de Coubertin Medal for Sportsmanship for demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship.

Larry Lemieux commented on this award: “It’s the first rule of sailing to help people in distress.” He was saying that he wasn’t really a hero – he was just doing what was right. For him, losing his place or his status or his reward was less important than putting someone else first.

This makes me think of John the Baptist today. In 2006 we are journeying with Jesus. We are looking at Jesus’ life, His miracles, His teachings. We are going to be studying the role model for believers, and try to put into practice His purposes in our lives. And a great way to start is by studying Jesus’ runner-up, John the Baptist.

John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus. He too had a miraculous birth, born of a couple well past the age of normal conception. His arrival had an angelic announcement, and he grew up with special promises attached to his mission. John the Baptist’s mission was to prepare people’s hearts for Jesus. His message was simple: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."

He was called The Baptist because he, obviously, baptized people. He said, “I baptize you with [or, in] water for repentance.” His was a baptism of repentance, of turning away from sins. What he did was a symbol of people leaving their old ways and following the way of the Lord. He was like an OT prophet, shouting from the rooftops what people should do, and then helping them turn that way.

You see, John the Baptist was given a very important role in the whole scheme of things. He was the announcer to Jesus’ earthly ministry. It was quite a privilege and a burden, all wrapped up together. Come to think of it, most things God asks us to do are a combination of privilege and burden. They aren’t always easy, and can sometimes weigh heavy on us, but they are also part of God’s wonderful plans for our lives. Privileges and burdens altogether.

Now, this is what Jesus had to so about John the Baptist’s ministry: “I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist.” Jesus was saying that John was a great man.

Granted, Jesus went on to say this as well: “Yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” This means that even though John was a great man, even he did not see what the disciples went on to see: a crucified, resurrected and glorified Savior. Even John’s message was inferior to ours: that we can serve in grace and mercy the risen Lord Jesus. John the Baptist was bound by OT laws; we are not. That’s why Jesus said that anyone is greater than John. It’s because we are better off now than he was then.

But Jesus still said that John the Baptist was greater than anyone else. That’s quite a comment coming from the Lord of all knowledge. Now, here’s what John said about Jesus: “After me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry.” In a similar passage, John said that he was “not worthy to stoop down and untie” the straps on Jesus’ sandals.

And then he said this in John 3: “He must become greater; I must become less.” The KJV words this in a way I like: “He must increase, I must decrease.” You see this? Jesus said that there was no one greater than John the Baptist. Jesus submitted to John’s baptism, not that Jesus needed to be baptized, but as a show of humility, and to set the example for us. Jesus extolled John very highly.

And what does John do with those comments? He says that Jesus is still more important than he is. He says that Jesus must become greater, and he, John, must become less. John knew something many have failed to realize: the Christian life is not about you. The life of a believer is not meant to revolve around your desires. As a believer, you must become less so that Jesus becomes greater.

This is about selfishness. This is about demanding your own way. This is about temper tantrums because life is not making you happy. This is about hissy fits because somebody does something you don’t like. It’s as if you think that the world is about you. It’s as if you think everybody should do things your way. It’s as if you expect somebody else to make you happy. But in reality, life is none of those things.

John was a great man, and he still said Jesus was more important. Folks, no matter how good you are, no matter how long you’ve been walking with God, no matter what anybody else thinks of you, life is not about you. Life is about doing what God wants. Life is about making Jesus happy. Temper tantrums and hissy fits are not pleasing to God.

I know lots of things get blamed on God, as in, “God told me to do this” or “I feel God is leading me to…” God gets blamed for lots of sin. But honestly, as a believer, God has to be the motivation for what you do. If you can’t honestly say that God is the reason you do what you do, go where you go, say what you say, and live how you live, then you have a priority problem.

We say Jesus is #1 in our lives, but we are often really putting tradition #1, or serving our fears, or putting others’ desires 1st, or just trying to make our lives as comfortable as possible. Often what we call the Christian life is putting spiritual labels on our own selfish desires.

Maybe you’ve seen the bumper sticker that says, “God is my co-pilot.” That is, I’m driving, but God is helping me. Maybe you’ve seen the reply: “If God is your co-pilot, move over.” That is, if you are driving and making the decisions, it’s time you let God in charge. That’s the spirit of John the Baptist. He wanted Jesus to increase, and himself to decrease. He enjoyed letting Jesus be #1. He didn’t mind being #2, or any other number, as long as Jesus was #1.

I’m told that the most difficult instrument in the orchestra to play is second fiddle. Not because there aren’t enough good players for the position. But, most people aren’t content with being #2. That’s why you don’t know the name of the producer of your favorite CD/album. That’s why you don’t know the names of the stuntmen in those movies. That’s why you don’t know the names of the backup musicians in that band. People want to be seen, to be noticed, to be considered important.

But John was content to be #2, as long as Jesus was #1. John knew his role in life. He knew he had an important role, but not the most important role. So can I say, get over yourself. Stop thinking the world needs to hear and see you. Stop thinking that the messenger is more important than the message. Stop thinking that the world is supposed to make you happy and get all your needs met. Stop thinking that the church is supposed to cater to what you think.

As a church we must decrease. We must care more about what Jesus thinks of us than what others would think of us. We must care more about pleasing Him than pleasing others. We must put His desires before our own. We must stop trying to make ourselves great, and start trying to make Jesus greater. As we walk with Jesus this year, may all who see us know Jesus better.