Summary: How Jesus dealt with those who questioned him

Conflict with Questioners

Matthew 22:15-45


Intro: We looked last week in Matthew 21 & 22 at the conflict over the authority of Jesus. Often we find as we deal with trying to present the claims of Christ to someone, we find a far more common conflict: argument. We are a nation of people who like to argue. But how much more the Jews. My brother took a trip to the Holy Land, and told of the vendors there. They would never give you an honest price up front; they want you to argue with them. Did you ever hear the phrase “Jew them down”? It’s not a Semitic slur as much as an expression of their culture. I see the same trait in myself. But it comes out in dealing in yard sales.

Another two months and I’ll be spending my Friday and Saturday mornings out yard saling. Part of the fun of yard saling is seeing how little you can pay and still get good items. I love it!

Let’s look at some of the arguments Jesus faced. And let’s learn from his example of how to deal with arguments.

READ TEXT - 22:15-22

I. Jesus deals with the Herodians - a political question

Many people say there are two things they don’t talk about: religion and politics. Jesus dealt with them both here.

Notice it says they were trying to “trap him” in his words. People will do that. We know it far too well. It’s like the old question,

*Have you quit beating your wife yet? Neither yes nor no is a good answer.

How about when your spouse asks you,

*If I died and you could marry someone else, who would you marry? or better yet,

*If you could change one thing about me physically, what would you change?

I may not have been married as long as many of you, but I know enough to not answer those type of questions. There never is a good answer.

Notice the Pharisees and the Herodians are coming together. It’s sort of like a bear and an eagle coming to say Hi to the salmon that jumped up on the bank.

The Pharisees were the religious leaders who wanted no part of Rome’s control. The Herodians are the group that supports Rome’s control over Israel. This is sort of like two brothers fighting over a toy who come to ask dad who should have it. Notice they say, we know you don’t take sides. Both come to get Jesus to agree with them; but both are looking to crucify Jesus for his answer. They ask him whether it is right to pay tax to Caesar.

They ask hoping to catch him offguard. The Pharisees will say he blasphemes if he denies the authority of God over them. Yet, if he affirms God’s sole control, the Herodians will accuse him of being disloyal to Caesar. So, how does Jesus answer.

**Jesus responds first by acknowledging their sinful hearts. He lets them know that he knows what they are up to.

Next he places the burden of discussion back on them. He asks for a coin and asks whose inscription is on it.

When others ask you questions you can’t answer, don’t get fearful. That part of Satan’s plan. The best defense is a good offense. If someone asks you, “Where did Cain get his wife?

If you don’t know, don’t worry. Ask them, “If I can show you where Cain got his wife, are you willing to trust in Christ as your personal savior?

We see that as Christ answered, the questioners left him. Many people who have questions simply want to argue, they really don’t want an answer. Many who come with a question simply want to debate theological viewpoints: they really don’t care about serving God.

About the issue of taxes: I trust you pay your taxes. We see that Jesus affirmed they payment of taxes. I filed mine this week. The temptation to cheat is great, but it is sin! I found that as I was filing my IT-40 form a “Use Tax”. I sure didn’t like it. I could have entered 0 and no one would have known. But it wouldn’t havfe been right. And God knows. And I know. And Satan sees. Be honest at all times.

I would also remind you that as we render to Caesar his things, so we also render unto God his. How are you doing on filling out you eternal 1040? What are you giving back to God out of all that he has blessed you with? We have a local tax - that’s our offerings here on earth. Are you faithful in bringing your tithe each week? Or do you give when you feel like it? The reason this church ever has a money problem is a direct result of people not giving to God what is due. But the biggest part of giving to God is not what we put in the offering plate, but what we send on ahead. how are you working for God to serve him and give him his due?

In verses 23 to 33 we see another conflict.

II. Jesus deals with the Sadducees - a Bible question

When someone asks you a question about politics or abortion or other social issues, sometimes we can come up with an easy answer. How about when cults come to your door and want to argue the Bible? Are you prepared to answer them? Most Jehovah’s Witnesses and mormons know their Bible better than the average Christian. Many Christians couldn’t even tell you the names of the books of the Bible.

Jesus faces questions from the Sadducees, who were a group of the ruling Jews. They dealt in more social interaction while the Pharisees were caught up with more religious observance.

**Notice the Sadducees ask about the resurrection -- yet they don’t believe in the resurrection. They really don’t want to know the answer: they just want to try to make Jesus look silly. Like many of the questioners we face. How did Jesus answer?

Once again, we see Jesus rebukes their efforts. He said they were in error because they did not know the truth of the word of God. If you want to be able to face up to questioners, you need to know the word of God.

He explained the truth of God. He told them how marriage and the resurrection really worked.

He used scripture. He didn’t just give his ideas.

He changed the focus of discussion off of their original question. Many times the greatest opportunities to witness come from jumping off on a discussion about God in response to answering a trick question. How well do we do at taking every opportunity to talk about Christ?!

III. Jesus deals with the Pharisees - a question about daily living

Once again the intent is to test. They want to make Jesus pick just one part of scripture to be above any other part. Sort of like your spouse asking, what’s the one thing you like best about me.

Jesus replies by synthesizing scripture. He doesn’t just name one commandment. He gives the meaning of the law. Many times we know all the facts. We just don’t don’t know what they mean. When people have questions, they want real answers, not just textbook answers.

When someone loses a family member, they already know God is good, but that’s probably the right time to remind them of it.

Let’s make sure we not only know facts, but apply them in real ways in our lives.

Once again questions become an open door for witnessing. He turns and asks them a question. Who is Jesus? It’s a great starter question.


So, what do we see about dealing with questioners?

1. Don’t be afraid of questions. Even if we are asked something we don’t know, at least we can answer, “I don’t know: I’ll get back to you with an answer.”

2. Put questioners on the defense. Don’t take a defensive position yourself.

3. Know the Bible and use scripture in answering.

4. Synthesize scripture into your life. Don’t just give “pat” answers.

5. Use questions as an opportunity to turn the conversation into a witnessing opportunity.

6. Expect God to do great things through you.

We need to try to answer those who have serious questions, but aimless questions simply build strife. Let’s maintain the unity of the body of Christ. Let’s build up our oneness and not focus on our differences. Let’s pray that God would make us one.