Summary: For 40 long years, the Marching Orders for Moses had been: “Take another lap around Mt. Sinai.” Now, at last, Joshua received new Marching Orders. The book of Joshua starts with a bang: Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise and go …

Marching Orders for the New Year

Joshua 1

SCRIPTURE READING: Joshua 1:1-2; 6-9


This year both Christmas and New Years day fell on Sunday. That doesn’t happen very often. But it gave us the opportunity to get 2006 off to the right start. At any rate, if your New Years Resolution was to get to Church every Sunday, then … so far so good!

The TEXT tells about a time when the Children of Israel were off to a New Start. Moses had led them for the past 40 years. But now he was dead. In fact, all of the older generation had died off in the wilderness. Joshua and Caleb (good name, by the way!) were the only old guys left.

For 40 long years, the Marching Orders for Moses had been: “Take another lap around Mt. Sinai.” Now, at last, Joshua received new Marching Orders. The book of Joshua starts with a bang: Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise and go … Joshua 1:2 Now THAT is a way to start something NEW! The Message Version puts it like this: "Moses my servant is dead --- so get going!”

We can learn a lot from those Marching Orders. And the first lesson is that THE PAST IS BEHIND YOU.

1. The past is behind you

Joshua and the people faced a paradigm shift of enormous proportions.

• They were about to quit being nomads and become landowners.

• They would soon leave their tents and move into homes.

• They would quit eating Manna and start enjoying harvested crops that other had planted.

• They would go off of Defense and start playing Offense. For 40 years they had avoided trouble by walking around it. Now it was time to face trouble head-on as Warriors.

It was time to leave their “slave days” far behind and enjoy days of freedom in a land flowing with milk and honey.

You see, Moses was dead, but God’s Purpose was very much alive. This was no time to stand around grieving --- or reminiscing about the good old days --- or thinking about all the regrets and the “what if’s” of the past 40 years. It was not time to think about the past at all. It was time to move forward. The saying on John Wesley’s grave helps us carry home the point: God buries his workmen, but His work goes on.

On this New Years Day, maybe thoughts of the past are holding you back. It’s easy to get bogged down in regrets over things we can’t change. Maybe you took some wrong steps last year. Maybe you suffered some painful losses. Maybe someone let you down or you had a big disappointment. It’s time to listen to Joshua’s marching orders: The past is dead. Now, arise and go into the New Year.

Years ago, a thunderstorm swept through southern Kentucky and blew over an old Pear Tree on a farm where the Claypool family had lived for 6 generations. Old Grandpa John Claypool grieved to lose the tree he had climbed as a boy. For all his life, he had enjoyed eating the pears off that old tree.

A neighbor came by and said, “John, I’m really sorry to see that fine old Pear Tree blown down.”

John Claypool replied, “I’m sorry too. It’s a real part of my past.”

“What are you going to do now?” the neighbor asked.

Grandpa Claypool paused for a moment, then said, “I’m going to pick the fruit and burn what is left.”

There’s a lot of wisdom in those words. The past can have its uses. We should enjoy what is of use from the past, and then burn the rest. We may need to grieve over the past; we can even rejoice in the past; but there is no point in longing for the past.

In 33 years of church work, I’ve observed many Churches where people were prone to glance back with a tearful eye at their “glorious past.” They were so caught up in reminiscing … or trying to re-create the past … that they didn’t give any thought to their future.

Surely God had great plans for them, but no one would let go of the past long enough to move ahead. Any church that gives up on the future in order to try to hang on to the past is doomed to failure … eventually that church will fizz out and die. Here at Castle Hills Christian Church, we need to heed the marching orders of Joshua: The past is dead. Now let’s get going into God’s plans for our church in 2006.

The second lesson we can learn from Joshua’s Marching Orders is that THE LORD IS WITH US.

2. The Lord is with you

Look at Joshua 1: 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Strong and courageous is a tall order unless you really believe the last part of the verse: for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua and Caleb were two men who demonstrated their faith in that promise. Forty years earlier, they had been part of a posse of 14 who went behind enemy lines to spy out the Promised Land. The other 10 came back terrified. That land is full of giants! They whined. Compared to them, we look like teeny-tiny grasshoppers!

Only Joshua and Caleb showed strength and courage. They said, Let’s go get ‘em! The Lord is with us! But that “minority report” got lost in all the doom and gloom of the “nay-sayers”….

If you look in Joshua chapter 2, you’ll see how ironic it was that the Children of Israel doubted God’s power. Once again, spies were sent in to scout out the Promised Land. While they were in Jericho, they hid in the home of a woman named Rahab. Look at what she told them. "I know that the LORD has given this land to you. A great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed.

When we heard of it, our hearts melted and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. Joshua 2:9-11

Because of unbelief, the Israelites wasted 40 years wandering in the wilderness … while all the time, the Canaanites were trembling in fear. Even the Heathens KNEW the LORD who parted the Red Sea had all the power of heaven above and earth below.

When you look ahead into the New Year, you may see some fierce Giants blocking your path. We have people in our church family who are faced with severe health conditions in 2006. Some of you face new challenges in school or in your jobs. Some of you feel God calling you to a new ministry, and it makes you nervous to try something you haven’t done before. All of us face new Marching Orders because 2006 is a New Year. Whatever the Obstacles that stand in your way this year, remember Joshua’s Marching Orders: Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

The third lesson we can learn from Joshua’s Marching Orders is sometimes hard to grasp … but it can be the best news yet. The lesson is that MIRACLES WILL FOLLOW YOU.

3. Miracles will follow you

There was a definite change that came when the leadership mantle passed from Moses to Joshua. During the 40 years of Wandering in the Wilderness, Israel saw God’s Miracles every day. Their God guided them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He opened the waters of the Red Sea, then brought the water rushing back when the Egyptians pursued them. Daily they ate Manna that God provided. When they wanted more variety, God sent quail by the ton. When they were thirsty, God gave them water from a rock. For 40 years their clothes and shoes never wore out.

These Miracles were God’s way of showing them that they could trust Him. The Miracles went BEFORE them at every turn. Under the leadership of Moses, they didn’t have to step out in faith because they could see God’s presence daily with their own eyes.

But when Joshua came along, the Marching Orders changed. The guiding cloud and pillar of fire were gone. There was no more manna appearing with the Morning Dew. There were suddenly new job openings for Cobblers and Seamstresses because clothes were beginning to wear out.

Joshua stood facing the Jordan River. And once again, God opened those waters so they could cross. But from that point on the marching orders were: YOU OBEY ME, then Miracles will follow. Look at the first battle Joshua fought. You’ve all heard of it: “Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho, and the walls came a’tumbl’in down!” God won that battle for them with an Amazing Miracle. But the miracle came AFTER they obeyed.

For 7 days, they marched silently around that city. Then on the 7th day, they marched around 7 times --- still silently. All this was an act of faith, in obedience to God’s command. And they must have wondered why. It was not like any Battle Strategy known to man.

At the end of that 7th time around, they people obeyed the final instructions. When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed: so every man charged straight in, and they took the city. Joshua 6:20

God can certainly perform Miracles any time He chooses, but more often than not, His miracles will come AFTER we step out in active faith. I heard about a man who wanted to demonstrate his Faith in the Miracle-Working Power of God. He came forward one Sunday in Church and declared that from that day forward he would depend on God and God alone to supply all his needs. He quit his high-ranking job in a big company. Soon he was forced to move out of his expensive home into a small house in a poor neighborhood. Time went by and he ran low on food.

The 1st night he prayed for God to send him food. The next morning he walked outside expecting to find food, but nothing was there. He figured he hadn’t prayed fervently enough, so he dedicated the 2nd day to praying for God to send food. The next morning came --- and stills no food.

Again, he prayed all day long, “God, You can do anything. I know you can send me food.” And again he walked outside in the morning --- no food.

By this time he was getting desperate. He cried out in prayer, “God, send a miracle or I will die of hunger!” When he had prayed all he could pray, he fell back on his bed exhausted.

In the silence, he heard a small Voice calling his name.

“I’m here, Lord,” he cried in relief. “Are you finally answering my prayer?”

“I’ve been answering your prayers,” the Voice replied. “You’ve just been looking in the wrong direction.”

“What do you mean, Lord?” he asked in confusion.

“Walk outside,” commanded the Voice.

He walked outside and looked down at the dirty porch, but still saw no food. “There’s nothing here, Lord.”

“You’re looking in the wrong direction.”

He looked up at the sky but saw only clouds. “I still don’t see food, Lord.”

“Look straight ahead,” said the Voice.

He looked straight ahead --- and there was a Sign, pasted on the building across the street: LABORERS WANTED! LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED.

If you want to know your Marching Orders, all you need to do is “look straight ahead.” Do you see a Job that needs to be done, then do it.

• If someone needs prayer, then pray.

• If they need money, then give.

• If the trash can’s full, then empty it.

• If the kitchen needs to be cleaned then clean it.

• If the kids need some attention then give it.

• If the church golf cart needs a driver, then drive it.

• If a class needs a teacher, then teach it.

• If something’s broken, then fix it.

When you see a need ---and you have the ability --- get busy filling that need … and Miracles will follow after you. That is how we show our Faith in God. And that is when God will bless us in Supernatural ways.

The World says, “Show me and I will believe.”

But God says, “Believe me, and I will show you.”

His Miracles will always Follow --- when you step out in Faith.


In 2006, let’s make Joshua’s Marching Orders our Marching Orders here at Castle Hills Christian Church.

Sure, we have plenty of great days in the past. And, yes, we also made some mistakes in the past. But, like Joshua, our Marching Orders are: Get Going. The Past is behind you!

Sure, we have some impressive Obstacles in our way. There are big mean Giants out there. And sometimes we feel like grasshoppers in comparison to our problems. But we can be strong and courageous because we know our God is with us.

We can have full confidence that if we March Forward

--- if we fight the battles God calls us to win,

and if we meet the needs that He puts in front of us

--- then Miracles will follow after us.