Summary: Some people think of Sunday as Funday. No Sabbath, No Worship No Worship, No Christ No Christ, No Morals No Morals than what?

Is. 58:13-14


Ex. 20:8

Lk.4:31, Lk.6:6, Lk.13:10, Lk.l4:l, Jn 5:16,18


- Jn 5:16

- Some people think of Sunday as Funday


You see God it’s like this . . . We could attend church more faithfully if Your day came at some other time. You have chosen a day that comes at the end of a hard week, when we are all tired out. NOT only that, but it is the day following Saturday night when we have a party or attend some other social/recreational activity, and usually it is after midnight before we get home. In fact, the children are often late for Sunday School because it is difficult for us to get up early enough to be on time. It is usually after 9:00 o’clock before we get the breakfast dishes washed, and than it is time to think about Sunday dinner.

You have picked out the very day on which the morning paper takes the longest to read and the day on which we have the biggest dinner. Then, too, we must think of Dad. He is cooped up in the office all weed and Sunday morning is the only time to clean the car and for doing odd jobs around the house. And you do know how he enjoys fishing, and You can’t blame him for going when he can. The whole family enjoys a picnic, and Sunday is the only time the family can have some recreation together.

I am telling You all these things, God, because I want You to see our viewpoint and that it is not our fault we are not able to go to church. We would like to go and we know we should, but the real reason we cannot go is that You have chosen the wrong day. If You will select another day, we shall give it further consideration.

Sincerely, I. M. Delinquent

Dear God

I am writing to express the hope that in the months ahead You will not be too disappointed if I don’t show up regularly at church. It’s been a hard winter and we have been "cooped up" so long. It seems that the weekends are the only time we can get away. The rest of the week I have to work for a living.

We shall be going on vacation before long and, as You fully realize, vacations are getting more expensive every year. So, I trust that You will be patient if we should fall behind in our contributions. We hope to keep up when we get back. After our vacation we should be more relaxed; then maybe we can take a more active part. Since we know of Your love and mercy, we know You will understand and forgive our absence. Looking forward to seeing you next fall, I remain, Yours Forever.

Dear Yours Forever:

Your explanatory note has just arrived and I want you to know that 1 fully understand just how you feel. Quite a few have written Me along these same lines. But I must confess that I hadn’t expected to receive a letter of this kind from you. I had counted on your being in church now that the weather has turned for the better.

1 have just taken out of My file a note received from you last winter in which you explained that the snow and cold had made it difficult to get to church. I love you in spite of your inconsistency and I’m ready to forgive if you honestly mean to do better. But let Me remind you what it cost Me to forgive you ... the life of My Beloved Son.

Why not attend services in the cool of a Sunday morning? And if you travel, there are churches open everywhere. Both you and I would be happier if we could be in touch regularly. Though a little disappointed, 1 am still. Your Faithful God.

- No Sabbath, No Worship

No Worship, No Christ

No Christ, No Morals

No Morals than what?

Ge. 2:2

- The first thing that the LORD sanctified (set apart)

- Time of rest is the time of joy

- Reflecting on every thing that was done was good

- God made man on the 6th day so that the first day that dawned upon him was the Sabbath of God

- Man immediately entered into the rest and enjoyment of his creator.

- We have come from where the law said nothing is lawful -- to were everything is lawful

- The Jews were hating the Sabbath Jn.5:16,13

- Six Cases of healing on the Sabbath

- Lk.4:31 - Demonized

Lk.6:6 - Withered right hand

Lk.l3:10 - Bent over women

Lk. 14:1 - Dropsy - Water collecting in body cavities

Lk. 5:16 - Impotent Man Jn. 9 - Blind man with mud in his eye

- Every one of these healing cases were unasked for.

- Every one needed Christ

- Everyone was blessed

- Representing the areas of our lives Demonized - filled with sin Withered - Dried up to spiritual usefulness

Bent over - bowed down with distress

Dropsy - Filled with self pity or importance

Impotent - Spiritual unable

Blind - Unenlightened to the good news

Ps. 92

- Called a Ps. for the Sabbath

- When we remember v.l-3

- He gives joy v.4

- Abundance v.13-15

- Consistent regular worship habits on the Lord’s Day will make it much more likely that you will meet this living Lord and enjoy His transforming presence during the other 6 days of the week.

Is. 58:13-14

- It’s giving Him His day that we than receive a blessing

1. There will be life in our enjoyment of the LORD

2. We will no longer be under our circumstances but above them

3. The promise to Jacob was the land

- Our spiritual Promise is presence of Christ he will never leave us or forsake us.

When Christ is LORD of the Sabbath

- It’s a constant reminder of Christ’s victory over sin, Satan, & death

- We no longer celebrate his triumph (which is ours) just at Easter but every week

- If the Christian is not in the Lord’s house on the Lord’s Day with the Lord’s people, it is certain that he’ is not doing anything else that a Christian should be doing.

- He is not praying and studying his bible, not giving nor witnessing to others.

- You. think about that.