Summary: Series on the Book of Galatians - Part 5 of 8

Intro to Galatians (Galatians 1:1-24)

The Galatian churches included those in the cities of Lystra, Iconium, Antioch of Pisidia, and Derbe which were established on Paul’s first missionary journey and revisited on his subsequent missionary trips.

The six chapters of this epistle are divided into three main sections of Paul’s teaching.

Chapters 1 & 2 are personal in nature and deal with Paul’s authority.

Chapters 3 & 4 are doctrinal in nature and deal with justification by faith.

Chapters 5 & 6, are practical in nature and deal with the application of the doctrine of justification.

I. The Greatest Way to Live (Gal. 5:22-26).

A. The "FRUIT" of the Spirit.

1. It has origins in another.

> It is not something that is produced by one’s self effort.

> Power from another source must be given.

> It is not YOURS, but of the Spirit (Zech. 4:1-6).

2. It starts as a seed and grows.

> If you will let the Spirit of God work in you, He will produce these fruits.

3. It benefits others.

> Bearing fruit benefits someone other than the tree that produces it.

4. We are to walk in the Spirit and bear the fruit of the Spirit.

> Notice the term is singular...

> The "fruit" of the Spirit "is"...

> Not the "fruits" "are"; but "fruit" "is"...

> The characteristics of the Spirit bearing fruit in you, are these described. But, the Spirit’s work in you is singular!

> If you walk in the Spirit, He will bear fruit in you, and it will be characterized by these mentioned qualities.

B. Note the divisions of qualities.

1. The first three deals with our relation to our Heavenly Father.

> Divine Love – Not sensual love or brotherly love.

> Divine Joy – That inward happiness and sufficiency that is not effected by outward circumstances.

> Divine Peace – Paul wrote that it was the peace that passeth all understanding.

2. The next three have to do with our relationship to others.

> Longsuffering – Ability to overlook the offences and failures of others.

> Gentleness – Kindness to others.

> Goodness – Love in action.

3. The final three deal with our relationship to ourselves.

> Faith – An abiding trust in God.

> Meekness – This is the right use of power and authority under control. Meekness does not equal weakness; Jesus was meek, but He wasn’t weak!

> Temperance – Self-control.

C. How to recognize counterfeits.

1. It is possible for the flesh to counterfeit some of the fruit of the Spirit.

> You can fake any of these attributes for a short time.

2. But the flesh cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit!

> You can not do these by nature. You will have to work at it, to fake it.

3. When the Spirit produces fruit, God gets the glory.

> When the flesh is at work, the person is inwardly proud of himself and pleased when others compliment him.

4. The fruit of the Spirit is to make us more like Christ for His glory, not for the praise of men.

> The end result of the work of the Spirit is to bring us into the likeness of Christ.

II. The "FRUIT" of the Spirit...

A. The Fruit of the Spirit is Love.

1. Love is the essential nature of God (1 Jn. 4:7-13).

> To be filled with God, is to be filled with love.

> To be empty of love, would be to be empty of God.

> Love is the out-ward manifestation of the Spirit’s in-ward filling.

> The Love FOR God is a work of the Holy Spirit. Love for others is a manifestation of the Spirit (Rom. 5:5).

2. Love Can Only Be Known By Its Actions.

> God’s love is manifest by the action of His gift of His Son (1 Jn. 4:9-10) [John 3:16].

> Love for God will manifest itself in love for one another (1 Jn. 4:20-21).

> Love for God will manifest itself in obedience (John 14:15, 21, 23; 15:10).

> Self-will, self-pleasure are the exact opposite of Spirit filled love.

3. Why Be Concerned About Showing Love?

> It is the Greatest commandment (Mt. 22:35-38).

> It is the Greatest of all virtues (1 Cor. 13:1-3; 13).

> It is the evidence of being saved (1 Jn 4:7-11; 3:10;14).

B. The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy.

1. There is a Great Need in Our Circles to Have This Attitude of God.

> The Psalmist wrote over and over about the "Joy of the Lord."

> Still many, including David, have on occasion lost their joy.

> There is a need in our circles to be reminded that God’s Spirit emanates joy.

2. It is Possible to Have This Attitude of God.

> It is God’s will (John 15:11; 16:24; 17:13).

> It is God’s commandment (Phil. 4:4).

3. How to develop a joyful attitude (Phil. 4).

> Moderate (v. 4-5).

> Supplicate (v. 6-7).

> Meditate (v. 8).

> Administrate (v. 9-10).

> Appreciate (v. 11-12).

> Expiate ("Repent; Get right" Psalm 51).

C. The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace.

1. The Meaning of Peace.

> The Greek word, "eirene", means "to bind" or "union".

> The connotation is that, where there is a tie that binds, there is peace.

> The beginning of unity is union. Unity comes when two make peace.

2. The English word, "peace," implies an agreement. Such as a "Peace Treaty."

> When world leaders want to make peace, they sign a pact, or a treaty.

> Peace is the result of enemies comimg to an agreement.

3. The Peace of God (Phil. 4:6-7).

> There is no need to be anxious, or worried, when the peace of God is available.

> The peace of God is provided to those who are mindful of the God of peace (v. 8-9).

4. The God of peace will work in you the Peace of God.

> The God of peace will protect you (Rom. 16:20).

> The God of peace will be with you (2 Cor. 13:11).

> The God of peace will sanctify you (1 Thes. 5:23).

> The God of peace will work in you (Heb. 13:20-21).

5. When the Spirit works Peace in your heart...

> You can show peace to others.

> The opposite of peace is enmity. The works of the flesh are wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders...

D. The Fruit of the Spirit is Longsuffering.

1. Longsuffering with people who are not like you.


Tall, short, fat, thin, young, old, healthy, unhealthy...

Happy, unhappy, positive, negative, tolerant, intolerant...

Quiet, loud, extroverts, introverts, educated, uneducated...


Not everybody can be as perfect as you are!

Some will be just the opposite of you.

Some people will just be your sandpaper.

2. Longsuffering with people who are not as far along as you.

> Some people know LESS than you.

> Some people know MORE than you.

> Some who know less than you about one thing, will know MORE than you about another.

> No one has had exactly the experiences you have had.

3. Longsuffering with people who do you wrong.

> David had such longsuffering (2 Sam. 16:5-13).

> Paul had such longsuffering (2 Cor 12:14-15; Gal. 4:13-20).

> Jesus had such longsuffering (Luke 23:33-34).

4. As a Christian you have the ability to be longsuffering.

> It is a fruit of the Spirit.

> It is up to you whether or not you use it.

E. The Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness.

1. Definition of Gentleness.

> The Hebrew definition of gentleness was "power under control."

> They illustrated it with the picture of a horse that had been tamed. Gentleness to them was a powerful animal with its power completely under control.

> Water that’s under control would be water rushing through a dam turning turbines, generating electricity to light a city. Water out of control would be a flood destroying everything in its path.

2. Jesus Is Our Example of Gentleness.

> (John 2:1-10) Turned water into wine...

> (John 7:25-31; 8:20) They couldn’t lay hands on Him...

> (John 18:1-8) The soldiers fell to the ground.

3. How Gentleness Is to Be Used?

> We live in a war zone. Do you feel it?

> We are surrounded by exploding lives, and personalities, and relationships?

> People are going to confront you with their feelings on their shoulders, and their heart in their hands.

> They are going to be brash, selfish, hurt, untrusting, and unsympathetic to your feelings.

> Your flesh is going to want to rise up in defense of yourself and fight back.

> But, the fruit of the Spirit is gentleness!

F. The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness.

1. Refers to action rather than just attitude.

> Sometimes to be good, we have to be harsh.

> Spanking children - it is for their good.

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." [Prov. 13:24]

> Paul rebuking Peter (Gal. 2:14).

> But, whether in kindness or in rebuke, it is always an action done for the good of the other person.

2. Christians have the capacity for active goodness.

> It is expected of us (Romans 15:14).

> It is a fruit of the Spirit! [Galatians 5:22].

G. The Fruit of the Spirit is Faith.

1. WHAT IS FAITH? (Hebrews 11:1).

> Faith is Absolute Assurance. To believe without doubt or question.

> Faith has SUBSTANCE. It is not blind faith. Someone groping for something he is not sure is there.

> Some people are saying to themselves, "I don’t know that its true, but I’m going to believe anyway!"


2. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for..."

> Our word hope means maybe it will, maybe it won’t, "But I sure HOPE it does..."

> The Bible word "Hope" means something expected. "What is our hope and our crown, is it not even you at the coming of the Lord..."

> "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, BOTH SURE AND STEADFAST..."

> "SURE AND STEADFAST" are strong words associated with the word "HOPE" but mean an EARNEST EXPECTATION.

> Faith has substance in that you REALLY EXPECT SOMETHING!

3. My HOPE is built on nothing less than Jesus...

> Not saying, "I don’t believe, but I’m going to believe anyway," But, saying, "I know its true, because God said so!"

> Most of us, seem to be saying to God: "Show me, and I’ll believe!"

> God has made it very clear to us,"Believe in me, and I’ll show you."

4. It has Substance in that it is based on an awesome Book.

> We could spend an entire Month’s of lessons discussing the veracity of this Book.

> How its still the world’s best seller. How it has changed millions of lives...

> How it has been under the most veracious scrutiny and attack, but has come through unscathed.

> The fact that it still exists is awesome: Even though rulers of nations have tried to eradicate it; Philosophers have tried to disprove it; and scoffers have denied it!


5. Faith is Concrete Conviction.

> "...the evidence of things not seen."

> Faith is not you holding on to God; It is God holding on to you.

> Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.

> Faith comes first, then comes the evidence.

> The Disciple Thomas put his finger in the hole in the palm of Jesus’ hand, and fell to the ground and said, "My Lord and my God!"

> Jesus said, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

> Faith isn’t a stab in the dark. Its believing even though we have not seen, until God reveals Himself to us.

6. Faith Pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).

> The reward of faith is God’s approval.

7. Faith is a work of God.

> It is a fruit of the Spirit.

> It comes by hearing the word of God [Rom. 10:17].

H. The Fruit of the Spirit is Meekness.

1. What is meekness?

> It is NOT weakness.

> DEF. Webster "soft, pliant, supple. Mild of temper; gentle; not easily provoked or irritated; submissive."

2. Great men are described as meek.

> Moses (Numbers 12:3).

> Jesus (Matthew 11:29, 21:5; 2 Corinthians 10:1).


> Gentleness is POWER under control. This speaks of authority.

> Meekness is STRENGTH under control. It is the body builder that can bend steel bars, and rip a telephone book with his bare hands... hugging his momma!

4. It is EMOTION under control.

> MATTHEW HENRY: "The ability to govern our passions and resentments, so as not to be easily provoked, and when we are so, to be soon pacified."

5. This Fruit of the Spirit should be sought and "put on..."

> (Col 3:12-17) "Put on" Implies a choice!

6. This fruit of the Spirit should be daily pursued.

> (1 Tim 6:11) Implies a CONTINUOUS action!

7. Who should meekness be demonstrated toward?

> Those who have sinned (Gal 6:1).

Weakness turns its back on them.

Meekness restores them.

> Those with whom you serve the Lord (Eph 4:1-3).

Weakness brings disunity.

Meekness brings unity.

> Those who have done you wrong (Col 3:12-13).

Weakness returns the abuse.

Meekness TAKES the abuse.

Said of Jesus Christ "Who when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously." [1 Pet 2:23].

> Those who disagree with you (2 Tim 2:24-26).

Weakness argues.

Meekness instructs.

> Everybody (Titus 3:1-2). Enough Said!

I. The Fruit of the Spirit is Temperance.

1. The Holy Spirit gives us the self-control to practice a self-restraint so that we are able to control our relationships, ministries and personal habits.

> Ask the Lord to give you an increasing ability to practice a self-restraint in your personal life.

2. The Holy Spirit gives us self-discipline enabling us to finish the projects we begin.

> (I Cor. 9:24-27) "temperate in all things."

> The reference is made to pacing yourself at a race. The flesh says, "RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN..."

> A good runner knows to pace himself.

> If you do not have temperance you will never finish what you start!

3. The Holy Spirit gives you the knowledge and wisdom to realize that Godly balance is better than extremism.

> (I Cor. 10:23) Just because I have liberty to do something doesn’t mean I have to do it.

> Temperance IN ALL THINGS. Even good things!

4. The Holy Spirit guides us in how to get out of our ruts, complacency or apathetic attitudes when we are becoming too lax toward our responsibilities.

> Temperance does not mean LAZINESS!

> Self-control to DO WHAT YOU SHOULD DO, is just as important as self-control to not do something you shouldn’t do.

5. The Holy Spirit leads to calm our anger when we are feeling like lashing out at someone or something.

> (Eph. 4:31-32) Put bitterness away from you.

6. The Holy Spirit knows how to enlarge our tolerance toward people with different perspectives than our own.

> Ask the Lord for greater tolerance as you put all things into the sovereign control of God to judge what is best in everything.

III. The results of the fruit of the Spirit.

A. "Against such there is no law."

1. "In the Spirit, you live above the law..."


B. If you are truly saved, this should be your normal way of life (Gal 5:24).

1. Yu have the "NATURE" of God in you, and the fruit of the Spirit Grows in you...


C. We must CHOOSE to let the Spirit work (Gal 5:25).

1. YIELD yourselves to God as those that are alive from the dead... (Rom. 6:19).


D. Do this for God and for others, not to show off (Gal 5:26).

1. The fruit of the Spirit is never manifested for self glory!
