Summary: How the devil uses people to bring an unclean spirit into the Church

(Mark 1:21-27) "There was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit..."

I believe that the devil goes to church every Sunday.

He probably goes to church more often than some professing Christians.

He came in the form of a man.

"And there was in their synagogue A MAN with an unclean spirit..."

Satan cannot possess a Christian, but he can influence God’s people.

The Bible speaks of the "shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked..."

This tells us that the devil throws fiery darts to hurt, oppress, and discourage God’s people.

And, what better place to do his dirty work than in the CHURCH!

A place where you would expect to find help, and encouragement.

A place where you think it’s safe!

A place where you would think you could let your guard down, and be at ease.

Yet, he shows up, and brings his unclean presence. And, he came on the back of a person!

"There was in their synagogue A MAN with an unclean spirit..."

Bringing an Unclean Spirit

Into the Church

I. Why does the devil come to church.

A. I’ll never understand some people.

1. They constantly complain about the way things are at church.

> They tear down everything, and everyone.

> They backbite, they gossip, and sow discord among the brethren.

2. They complain about the preaching.

> Its too hard; Its too soft...

> He should have said this; He should have said that...

3. They seem to find fault with everything.

> They find fault with the kids that make such a mess...

> They find fault with the adults that do this or that...

4. Yet, they keep coming back.

> If it is as bad as you say it is, why do you keep coming back?

> Really, What’s the common denominator?

B. The devil is the same way.

1. He hates everything about the church.

> He hates prayers.

> He hates preaching.

> He really hates PRAISING!

2. He hates when God’s people REPENT!

> He hates it when the lost get saved.

> He hates it when Christians get right!

3. He hates a Godly song service.

> He hates worship!

4. Yet, he keeps coming back.

> He, or one of his emissaries is here every service.

> He hates church, but he keeps coming back!

C. Why the devil comes to church!

1. Because he wants to keep the lost from believing the gospel (2 Cor. 4:3-4).

> Some think they have resisted the gospel because they are smarter than others.

> But, the truth is, they were just easier targets...

> The devil BLINDED their eyes.

2. Because he wants to use church members to disturb the work of God (John 13:2).

> Judas was not a monster.

> He was a highly esteemed disciple of Christ.

> He was lost, but he was part of the church.

> There are often lost people in the church, who have made a profession of faith.

> And, often the devil uses them to destroy the church.

3. Because he wants to oppress and discourage God’s people (Eph. 6:10-13).

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world." [1 Pet. 5:8-9]

4. Because he wants to use God’s own people to sow discord in the church (Eph. 4:26-27).

> This whole chapter is about putting off the old man, and putting on the new.

> Its about being Godly and holy people.

> And, in the middle of his exhortation of Godliness...

> The Apostle says, "Neither give place to the devil..."

> Which means its possible for a Christian to give place to the devil.

> Its possible for a Christian to let the devil use him or her!

> Its possible for a Christian to bring an unclean spirit into the church.

II. An unclean spirit at church.

A. An unclean spirit of Jealousy (1_Cor. 3:1-7).

1. ENVY (jealousy) caused strife and divisions.

> The word STRIFE means to fight.

> DIVISIONS means groups separating among themselves.

2. The church at Corinth was plagued with an unclean spirit of jealousy.

> Notice what they were jealous about...

> They were envious about WHO LED THEM TO THE LORD.

> The one said, "I am of Paul," and the other said, "Well, I am of Apollos."

> Paul said, "What difference does it make? Christ is the Savior."

3. But, this wicked spirit of jealousy revealed how CARNAL they were!

> It is one thing to fight in the church about doctrine, and so forth...

> But, to fight about who won who to Christ...

> To fight about which are my converts, and which are yours...

> "Are ye not carnal, and walk as men?"

4. The devil will use God’s people to cause strife and division in the church.

> Jealousy can become a wicked, ungodly, spirit of the devil.

> "There was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit..."

B. An unclean spirit of Pride.

1. Pride is HATED by God.

> "These six things doth the LORD hate, yea seven are an abomination unto Him... A Proud Look...".

> "Thou has rebuked the proud..." [Psalm 119:21].

> The apostle James tells us...

> God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

> Its plain and simple, God hates pride!

2. Pride Cancels Your Prayers.

> "There they cry, but none giveth answer, because of the pride of evil men. God will not hear vanity...".

> We accuse God of not answering our prayers, but its our own pride that hinders our prayers.

3. Pride Brings Judgment.

> "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit, before a fall..."

> "The LORD will destroy the house of the proud..."

4. Pride is the root of bitterness.

> Only by pride cometh contention!

> "He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife..."

5. The apostle James tells us the 3 origins of pride...

[James 3:14-15] "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish."

> Earthly - of the world.

> Sensual - of the flesh.

> Devilish - of the devil.

6. Pride takes no prisoners, and destroys everything it touches.

> The church is destroyed by pride.

> "There was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit..."

> Is the devil using you to bring an unclean spirit into the church?

C. An unclean spirit of complaining.

1. (Phil. 2:12-17) "Do all things without murmurings..."

> If there ever was a scourge on Christianity, it is the scourge of murmuring.

> God’s people are among the most unhappy people on earth????

2. Complaining is a wretched habit from hell...

> But it is doubly evil, when Christians do so...

> Yet, among God’s people, an attitude of murmuring has arisen that defies explanation.

3. What is murmuring?

> To utter complaints, to express discontent, to grumble.

> Strongs: To grumble, to rebel, literally to stand against.

> When we murmur, we are standing against God. We are rebelling against God.

4. God’s view of murmuring.

<1> It betrays the most deplorable ignorance.

<2> It manifests the most obstinate impenitence.

<3> It reveals itself as the worst arrogance.

5. God’s people bring this wicked demon into the church.

> Some let the devil use them to tear down the things of God!

> Some let the devil use them to bring a bad spirit into the church.

> "There was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit..."

III. Signs that we are harboring an unclean spirit.

A. When you are DISOBEDIENT.

1. When we have the "No one tells me what to do" attitude...

> It is a sure sign that we are harboring an UNCLEAN spirit.

2. Jesus is our master, and our Lord...

> Yet the Bible says, "He learned obedience by the things that He suffered..."

> Jesus submitted Himself to the father, not because He was or is inferior...

> But, to show us that obedience is the right attitude...

3. When we harbor a bad spirit...

> It will manifest itself in the form of disobedience!

B. When you have DELIBERATELY chosen this spirit.

1. People may be able to control some of the things that happen to you...

> But, no one can control how you feel about it.

> You control your own feelings!

2. People may be able to effect your actions...

> But, no one can effect your attitude!

> You control your own attitude!

3. If come into church mad...

> You may be able to blame what caused this attitude on someone else...

> But, you cannot blame your bitter, disgruntled spirit on anyone else.

4. If you come to church haughty..

> If you come to church looking to pick a fight...

> If you come to church with a bad spirit...

> It was a deliberate choice, and a sure sign that you are harboring an unclean spirit!

When you are DISOBEDIENT.

When you have DELIBERATELY chosen...

C. When you have become DULL.

1. When you no longer care about the things of God.

> When you miss a lot of church and it doesn’t bother you.

> When your prayer life has fallen apart and you don’t care.

> When your Bible collects dust!

2. Dullness towards the things of God is a sure sign that your harboring an unclean spirit.

> The devil has put a monkey on your back, that is lulling you to sleep!

D. When your not ashamed of DISHONOR.

1. Honor used to be a man’s most important attribute.

> It used to be a man’s word, and his integrity were very important.

2. Today many care less about honor, integrity, and a man’s word!

> When you get so carnal that you can act like a monkey in church...

> When your not ashamed to show everyone how selfish and carnal you are...

3. People come into the church and think they can act like they are in a barnyard!

> This is God’s house!

> You pitch a fit in front of God’s people, and don’t care who is around, because you are more concerned about your own feelings, than God’s honor.

When you are DISOBEDIENT.

When you have DELIBERATELY chosen...

When you have become DULL.

When you are not ashamed of DISHONOR...

It is a sure sign that you are harboring an unclean spirit!

4. It is easy to tell one who is not ashamed of DISHONOR.

> They do not even TRY to hide their bad attitude.

> They are mad and they want everyone to know it.

> Let me tell you something!

> You have no right to come into God’s house, and set the mood!

> God sets the mood in His house!

> When He shows up, and begins to bless His people, He sets the mood!

> Who do you think you are coming into the church and pushing your weight around?

5. I am not talking about someone with a burden, coming in sad, looking for help!

> I am talking about someone with a grudge, coming in mad, looking for a fight!

When you are DISOBEDIENT.

When you have DELIBERATELY chosen...

When you have become DULL.

When you are not ashamed of DISHONOR...

It is a sure sign that you are harboring an unclean spirit.

IV. How to deal with an unclean spirit.

A. Recognize that our battle is not carnal but spiritual (2Cor.10:3-4)

1. Our fight is not with people, but with spiritual enemies.

> We only fight with people when we are too carnal to see the spiritual battle.

2. The devil deceives us into thinking that other Christians are to blame for my problems...

> When he, himself is the cause of our troubles.

> After he has knocked us down, he begins to make us think it was someone in the church that hurt us...

3. Quit being so carnal and worldly minded.

> There are bigger things going on than meets the eye.

> Show some spiritual discernment!

B. Recognize our weapons are not carnal but spiritual.

1. Instead of fighting fire with fire, try fighting it with love.

> "If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

> Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

2. We don’t really believe the Bible!

> We don’t believe you can overcome evil with good.

> We don’t believe in esteeming other better than ourselves.

> What if I were to test you?

3. We are fighting a spiritual battle with carnal weapons.

> Instead of complaining and yelling, why don’t you PRAY?

C. Recognize the possibility of becoming bitter.

1. Bitterness defiles many!

> "Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled..."

2. We must do all we can to avoid becoming bitter.

> Bitterness is a cancer that devours everything it comes in contact with.

> This unclean spirit has invaded our church, and it troubles me.



Recognize that we are in a spiritual battle

Recognize that are weapons must be spiritual, and not carnal.

Recognize the possibility of becoming BITTER!

D. Recognize that the devil attacks from within.

1. It is very rare for the devil to launch at outside attack...

> He almost always finds someone on the inside to help him infiltrate it.

> The Great Wall of China was penetrated at least three times by the enemy, and EACH TIME it was because the guards were bribed!

2. The devil is looking for an associate within the church.