Summary: When God created you, he needed something done on earth that nobody else could do, so he designed you to do it better than anyone else.

INTRO: Tommy Barnett, pastor of Phoenix First Assembly of God, tells a story about a lady in their city.

He writes:

Not long ago a woman in our city who was known as a "bag lady" died. Everybody thought she was flat broke, but when people retrieved her body at her home, they found trash cans full of money and cash stuffed under carpets and hidden in many other places. She was worth millions, but her treasure remained hidden and unused.

Christians do not realize the treasure that is hidden in them and if they are not careful they will end up just like this "bag lady" by not using what she had.

2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

God living in us—what a treasure we have that we need to utilize in doing his work.

TS: Every one of us on planet earth was created by God to have a dream, a destiny, and a reason for living.

Think of this: When God created you, he needed something done on earth that nobody else could do, so he designed you to do it better than anyone else.

TITLE: Discovering Your Dream TEXT: Ephesians 2:10

1. We are God’s workmanship. Today do you realize you are God’s handiwork? God does good work, he does not make any mistakes.

A. Workmanship is poiema in the original language. It is where we derive our English word poem. 1. It literally means that which is made, a manufactured product.

In other words, our conversion is not an end, it is a beginning. We are a part of God’s new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and God continues to work in us to make us what he wants us to be.

B. I remember the first time I tried to write a poem. It was for my lovely bride Tammy.

1. Being the romantic person I am, I decided to write my new love a poem. I had this job as a security guard working nights where I found I had a lot of time on my hands, and I wanted to surprise her. So I spent all night laboring in love, tediously rhyming words, getting just the right words and their meaning, intricately weaving this masterpiece.

I was so excited to give her this poem. I could hardly wait to get home to see the expression on her face. I got home, gave her a big kiss, and handed her my night’s work. I was bracing myself for one of those emotional moments where your wife cries because she’s so happy. Tammy read the poem and there was no excitement, no enthusiasm. In fact she didn’t think it was that good.

2. Sometimes people in life feel they have nothing to offer God, that they don’t have a very good poem so to speak.

-The truth is God has something for each and every one of us. It’s called good works.

3. These good works or divine opportunities can be found by your dreams.

[I. What is a dream? (By dreams I don’t mean nightly thoughts as the brain sorts out the day’s events.)

A. What I’m referring to are the goals and visions that burn in your heart, those things that burn within you.

1. That dream within your heart is your spiritual DNA, the very blueprint for who you are. -A dream does not drive you, it draws you.

2. Without a dream (purpose) people will be frustrated and disillusioned and will miss out on what God had for them.

B. Everyone has a destiny and a purpose. It’s not just for the elite, but everyone.

1. The question is: Are you going to fulfill your destiny?

2. Maybe today you have been lured away from your dream. Maybe you feel your life is destined for insignificance.

-Don’t lose heart, the Bible tells us he knew us at the creation of the world. (Revelation 17:8)

-He is our shepherd, he knows our names and the hairs on our heads. He has us inscribed on the palm of his hands (Isaiah 49:16). He has called us by name and we are on his mind all the time. As David said, "The Lord has been mindful of us." (Psalm 115:12)

Point: God has a plan and purpose, a dream, for you.

C. How do I know my dream is from God?

1. Understand your dream did not originate with you.

-It resides within you, but God put it there. He is the source of your dream.

2. When people dream without God, they find it hollow and unsatisfying. Don’t chase a dream without God.

-Tommy Barnett gives a list of six things to look at when evaluating if your dream is from God.

: It is bigger than you. : You can’t let it go.

: You would be willing to give everything for it.

: It will last forever.

: It meets a need nobody else has met.

: It brings glory to God.

3. Life, if you’re not careful, whittles away at your God-given dreams. When people reach adulthood, we shrink them down to size so we’re not disappointed.

Thought: If you can manage your dreams, then they are not big enough. The Bible promises that all things are possible with God.

4. You also know it’s a God-given dream if you are willing to devote every ounce of energy and every minute of your days to it.

-Don’t make the mistake of pursuing dreams that will fade away. Build your dreams on something that will last. The word and people will always be.

5. A terrible thing in life is to realize you have wasted months, years, or decades following the wrong dream. Life is too short to waste.

III. Blessed people follow their dreams.

A. List some examples.

1. Abraham was able to leave his father and his friends and go to a new land because he had a dream and a destiny.

2. Joseph was able to endure persecution, imprisonment, and lying because he had a dream.

3. Moses was willing to leave the palace and the riches of Egypt because he had a God-given dream.

4. David confounded the giant and led a nation to greatness because he had a dream.

5. Daniel was able to stay in the lions’ den because he had a dream.

6. Stephen took the stoning because he lived for his dream. Paul was shipwrecked, beaten, and stoned but he continued on because of his dream.

7. Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, was willing to leave his home in glory and come to a world that hated him. He was able to endure the cross and endure the shame. Why? Because he had a dream that all who would accept him would live with him forever.

TS: Let’s talk about discovering your dream, some simple practical steps.

B. Discovering your dream. A dream is of no use unless it’s discovered, just as gold is of no use unless it’s mined from the ground.

1. 1st step. Get alone with God. A reason why some people never discover their dream and purpose in life is they never stop long enough to listen.

-Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God."

Example. An Indian tribe in Oregon used to send young men out, when they came of age, with instructions, "Don’t come back until you have a vision." Those who got discouraged came back early. Those who stayed until they had a vision became the leaders of the tribe.

Thought: There is no substitute for spending time with God.

2. Next, review your gifts and talents. Romans 12:6 says we each have gifts. God gave you the gifts you have, you didn’t choose them.

-Fulfillment comes when you use those gifts for him in service of your dream.

a. What are your abilities and talents? God uses desires to accomplish what he wants on this earth. The Lord speaks to us through desires.

3. Review your experiences. Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

-God will take your experiences to bless others, the devil will try to use those experiences to destroy or hinder you.

a. Understand not all things are good, but all things will work for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.

Example. When David saw the opportunity to fight the giant Goliath, his experiences trained him for this battle. His experiences of fighting the lion and the bear helped him in this battle.

4. Decide what’s really important in life.

-1 Corinthians 10:23, "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful." Some things are not bad, but they just waste time.

a. People of God need to learn to eliminate the non-essentials, the space takers.

5. Begin to explore different avenues.

-If you’ve done these things mentioned here and still don’t know in what direction you’re supposed to go, explore some different avenues.

a. Broaden your horizon, try some new things and different ministries.