Summary: Ten things that people should expect of their Pastor. Ten things that the Pastor should expect of his people.

“What it should mean to be a Member of a Church”


A look at the birth of the New Testament Church…

Before I attempt to preach on what a Pastor should expect of his Church members, it would be best to let the people know of what they should expect of their Pastor first. Before a Pastor should criticize his Church membership, he should take a good look at himself and his responsibilities first!

What should the Church member expect of their Pastor?

1. Spends time in preparation with the Lord and with the leadership of the Church.

Peter and the disciples had been meeting for prayer every day. They had been studying the scriptures and making leadership decisions regarding the health of the Church prior to this great day of Pentecost.

2. Lives a spirit-filled Christian life.

Peter was in a public place. He was filled with the Spirit. Does your Pastor exhibit the fruits of the Spirit in his every day walk?

3. Is a soulwinner.

Three thousand folks would come to Christ on this day!

4. Takes a public stand for Christ even when it is unpopular to do so.

A few days before this, Christ had been crucified. The disciples were in fear and hiding for their lives. Now, they publicly proclaimed Christ.

5. Loves to preach and lives to preach.

Peter would preach at the drop of a hat!

6. Preaches with passion and conviction.

The Bible says that the people were cut to the heart by his preaching.

7. Gives an invitation for people to come to Christ.

Peter encouraged them to take a pubic stand for Christ by coming forward and being baptized.

8. Follows up on his converts and brings them through discipleship.

These new converts continued every day in the apostle’s doctrine. I assume that the apostles must have been there with them and doing the teaching.

9. Can be trusted with the money that is received to disperse it wisely.

They laid the money at the apostle’s feet. No questions were asked.

10. Is surrounded by life changing miracles.

There was no question about the power of God being on the apostles lives. Do others see the power of God resting upon us?

What is required for salvation?

Repentance and faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Neither repentance nor faith can save a person. It is the grace of God that saves a lost sinner. But it is repentance and faith in the gospel of Christ that brings that same grace into our lives.

Note that the word, "for" in verse 38, is the same greek word for the word "because of." Baptism does not save a person from his sin. It does picture what does: the death, burial, and the resurrection of Christ. We are to be baptized because of the saving work of grace that Christ has brought into our lives.

What is required for Church membership?

1. That a person is saved.

2. That a person is baptized.

What should be expected of being a Church member?

1. Loyalty to the leadership of the Church.

They continued in the apostle’s doctrine. They laid their offerings at the apostle’s feet.

2. Living a life of holiness unto the Lord.

They were to come out and be separate from this "untoward generation."

3. Serving the Lord by utilizing your spiritual gift within the Church.

They were added to the Church body. Every part of the body has a vital role in which to play.

4. A hunger for the Word of God.

They would break bread and study the word of God together daily and from house to house.

5. A desire for Christian fellowship.

They were rejoicing and had singleness of heart.

6. The making intercessory prayer for others within the Church membership.

We are to pray daily one for another. This is how the day of Pentecost came with such great power.

7. That we genuinely care about the welfare of others within our Church family.

They had all things in common.

8. Supporting the Church with your tithes and offerings.

They sold their houses and lands and laid the money at the apostles feet. The Church body needs to be supported with the tithes and offerings of its membership.

9. Faithfully attending the services of the Church.

If they would choose to meet every day, certainly it should not be too much to ask of our people to meet for Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, and for Wednesday Evening Church services!

10. Lift up your hearts with songs of praise unto the Lord.

They were a rejoicing, praising people! Do you lift up your voice and sing when we have our praise and worship time together?

Conclusion 1. Am I the Pastor that I ought to be?

Conclusion 2. Have I been saved?

Conclusion 3. Am I a member of a local Church?