Summary: What woman is today, what she is in particular in her motherhood, she owes wholly to the position in which the Scriptures have placed her.


Genesis 3:20, Psalm 113:9

Beginning questions: Who was in labor the longest, who had the largest baby. Who had triplets or twins at birth. Who was the oldest when they had a child. and lastly Who wouldn’t trade their children in for the world.

In the entire Book of Proverbs the duty of reverence, love and obedience of sons to their mothers is very prevalent. The birth of Christ lifted motherhood to the highest possible plane and idealized it for all time. The last thing Jesus did on the Cross was to bestow His mother on John "the beloved" as his special inheritance. What woman is today, what she is in particular in her motherhood, she owes wholly to the position in which the Scriptures have placed her.

Spiritual Advisor 2 Tim: 1:5, Pro. 30:17, 31:1

I am not talking about…What until your father gets home…

Susannah Wesley’s Rules For Raising Children: She is mother to the great pioneers of Christianity, Charles and John Wesley.

1. Subdue self-will in a child and thus work together with God to save his soul.

2. Teach him to pray as soon as he can speak.

3. Give him nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely.

4. To prevent lying, punish no fault which is freely confessed, but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unnoticed.

5. Commend and reward good behavior.

6. Strictly observe all promises you have make to your child.

2 Tim 1:5-6 when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also. 6 Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God

Prov 31:1 The sayings of King Lemuel--an oracle his mother taught him:

Prov 30:17 "The eye that mocks a father, that scorns obedience to a mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures.

As a mother we are teaching our children something, it is either to love God or to love the world.

Prayer Warrior I Sam 1:13

Adina telling me that my best friend prays longer then mom.

And because the parent is a prayer warrior the children will be also. There was a young boy who was sent to his room for being bad. A short time later he came out and said to his mother, "I’ve been thinking about what I did and I said a prayer." "You do know that if you ask God to make you good, He will help you." "Oh, I didn’t ask Him to help me be good," replied the boy to his mom, "I asked Him to help you put up with me."

In the book of Samuel there was a lady named Hannah who wanted a son for many years, but still nothing would happen. She promised God that if he would give her a son she would give him back to God for all the days of his life. Within the year Hannah had her first born son and she named him Samuel, meaning I asked the Lord for him. When he was old enough as promised she took him into the temple and handed him over to the priest to serve in the House of the Lord for the rest of his life. Later as Samuel became older God would speak to him and he blessed Samuel by honoring every word spoken through his mouth.

Not only was Samuel blessed because of the fervent prayers of his mother, but Hannah was blessed as well by having many more children.

SO a mother is special because she is a Spiritual Advisor, Prayer Warrior and also because she is an

Encourager Genesis 21:19-21

Mothers seem to have a special gift of encouraging there children.

My mother constantly encouraged us…

THIS ONE I JUST LIKED AND WANTED TO TELL YOU BECAUSE IT REALLY DESCRIBES ALL WOMEN. A teacher was trying to teach her class a lesson about fractions. After the lesson she tested one of the boys who was in a large family. Johnny, she said, There are 6 people in your family. Your mom bakes a pie, and she cuts it up for you, what percentage of the pie will you receive?

Johnny, thought for a minute and said, One-fifth. The teacher said, Now, remember there are 6 people in your family, how big would your piece of pie be. And again the boy said, One-fifth. The teacher said, No, you don’t understand fractions. And Johnny respectfully said, You don’t understand my mom. She would have said, that she didn’t want any

Comforter Isaiah 66:3

A first grader stood up in front of his class to give his speech, “What I Want To Be When I Grow Up.” He said, “I’m going to be a lion tamer and have lots of fierce lions. I’ll walk into the cage and they will roar.” He paused for a moment, thinking through what he just said, then added, “But of course I’ll have my Mommy with me.”

Isa 66:13 As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;

and you will be comforted over Jerusalem."

Look at how Mary would have been a comfort to Jesus, in all the pivotal events in His life, she was right there by His side.

There is just something about hugging your mommy.

Involved II Kings 4

There was a little boy sitting on his front steps with his face in his hands. His dad came home and saw his son sitting there & asked him what was wrong. The little boy looked up & said, "Well, just between us, Dad, I’m having trouble getting along with your wife, too!"

Susannah Wesley, mother of John Wesley spent one hour each day praying for her 17 children. In addition, she took each child aside for a full hour every week to discuss spiritual matters.

Admonisher Deut. 21:18-21, Proverbs 6:20, 29:15

Admonish means to correct.

Prov 6:20-23 My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. 21 Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. 22 When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. 23 For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life,

Prov 29:15 The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother.

Listener I Kings 1:11-21

Sometimes mothers need to listen to what is not said even more to what is said.


1. I swallowed a goldfish.

2. Your lipstick works better than crayons.

3. Does grape juice leave a stain???

4. The principal called...

5. But DAD says that word all the time.

6. What’s it cost to fix a window???

7. Has anyone seen my earthworms???

8. I painted your shoes pretty, huh Mommy?

9. The dog doesn’t like dressing up in your clothes.

10. I’m moving out. (Well, maybe some days.)

Four preachers were discussing their favorite translations of the Bible.

The first one said, "I like the King James Version because of its beautiful English."

Another said, "I like the New American Standard Bible because it’s closer to the original Hebrew and Greek."

The third one said, "I like the Good News Bible because it’s so easy to read."

The fourth minister was silent for a moment, and then he said, "I like my mother’s translation best."

The other three men were surprised. They said, "I didn’t know your mother made a translation of the Bible."

"Yes," he replied. "She translated it into everyday life. And it was the most beautiful and convincing translation I ever saw."

This minister was blessed to have a magnificent mom. A mom who didn’t just read the Bible. But a mom who lived the Bible. That’s the kind of mom even Jesus had, that’s the kind of mom I have!

A mom is SPECIAL because she is a spiritual advisor, prayer warrior, encourager, comforter, involved, admonisher, listener.

"An old fashioned mother."

She was just an old-fashioned mother.

She did not pretend to be smart.

To care for her home and her loved ones,

Was the wish that was first in her heart.

We were raised by old-fashioned rules,

so rarely employed today.

And when we so richly deserved it,

we were spanked in the old-fashioned way.

She believed in the old-fashioned Bible.

She trusted in old-fashioned prayer

She told us that Jesus would hear us

If we’d speak anytime anywhere.

Thank God for an old-fashioned mother.

For the Bible and old-fashioned prayer.

For the old-fashioned faith that is looking

For our Lord to appear in the air.

We will have a special song and during that song I am going to ask all the mothers of our congregation to make their way up to the front of the church as we recognize you.