Summary: Keys to healthy self-reflection and review your life accomplishments and influence


A. The Old Testament Contains Hundreds Of Prophecies Regarding Coming Messiah

1. Many of the prophecies are very descriptive of His nature or mission

2. For example…

a. in Genesis – “Seed of a woman”

b. in Isaiah 53 – “Wonderful Counselor”, “Mighty God” … etc.

B. Isaiah 49 Contains A Most Unfamiliar & Unusual Depictions Of The Coming Christ

II. “A Polished Shaft”

A. (Isaiah 49:2) “and made Me a polished shaft…”

1. Speaking of the shaft of an arrow

2. Hold up an arrow as an example

B. “Polished” – not just any shaft, but one that’s been

1. Especially selected & prepared

2. Purified, polished, brightened, tested, proven

C. Significance Of This Title For The Coming Messiah

1. Polished = free of any dirt or rust that would create resistance after it’s been released from its bow – it won’t drift off course but will hit its intended target with pinpoint accuracy

2. God the father is the archer – picks up His divine bow and releases or shoots His son into this world

3. The “polished shaft” hits its target – pinpoint precision

III. A Subtle “Complaint” From The Messiah? (Read verses 4-6)

A. Messiah Seems To Complain, “Is This It? There Must Be More For Me To Do.”

1. Indeed God the Son existed (as part of the Trinity) from Creation & before

2. Indeed the Old Testament is filled what some have described as subtle pre-incarnate appearances of Christ

3. Indeed the work of each part of the Godhead is important

B. But For The Most Part, The Work Of The “Son” Might Seem Less Broad (Not Less Significant) And More Pin–Pointed (Narrow or Briefer In Terms Of Time and Space) Than Perhaps The Work Of The Father Or Holy Spirit

1. His most obvious mission lasted 33 years

2. Or more specifically 3 years

3. And at it’s heart the 3 days (Crucifixion to Resurrection)

4. Which at its core was the 3 hours of suffering on the cross

5. Which climaxed in the 3 seconds or so when He yielded His spirit

B. Compared To The Timeless Eternal Work Of The Rest Of The Trinity

1. Christ’s work was very much pin-point specific in time-space

2. Very short

3. Like a polished shaft – sharp shooting this one specific task at one specific moment in time – space history

C. God The Father Offers A Corrective Observation To The Son’s “Complaint” (vs. 6)

1. Your mission is not just narrowly confined to restore and reconcile Israel

2. It is also to be a light to the Gentiles – to reconcile them too

3. It is further “That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth”


A. From Time To Time, Each Of Us Evaluate Our Lives & Contributions We Make

1. Typically the older we get, the more we do this

2. In the mid 1900’s Psychologist Eric Erickson detailed this

3. He described stages of development each human goes through

a. Infant (Trust vs. Mistrust) - Needs maximum comfort with minimal uncertainty to trust himself/herself, others, and the environment

b.Toddler (Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt) - Works to master physical environment while maintaining self-esteem

c. Preschooler (Initiative vs. Guilt) - Begins to initiate, not imitate, activities; develops conscience and sexual identity

d. School-Age Child (Industry vs. Inferiority) - Tries to develop a sense of self-worth by refining skills

e. Adolescent ( Identity vs. Role Confusion) - Tries integrating many roles (child, sibling, student, athlete, worker) into a self-image under role model and peer pressure

f. Young Adult (Intimacy vs. Isolation) - Learns to make personal commitment to another as spouse, parent or partner

g. Middle-Age Adult (Generativity vs. Stagnation) Seeks satisfaction through productivity in career, family, and civic interests

h. Older Adult (Integrity vs. Despair) – REVIEWS LIFE ACCOMPLISHEMENTS, deals with loss and preparation for death

B. Each Of Us Will Sometime Go Through What God The Son Went Through

1. His “complaint” shouldn’t surprise us (after all, wasn’t He to be tempted in all things, yet without sin?)

2. As we review our life and influence, each tempted to think negatively or minimize what we’ve done or accomplished – flirting with despair

3. There’s a need for each of us to look back and have a healthy sense of integrity (not despair)

C. What God The Father Said To His Son

1. Avoid comparing your work with that of the Father or Holy Spirit

a. while each is inter-related and supportive of each other

b. each is unique and different

2. Avoid minimizing your role – “…too small a thing…” (vs. 6)

3. Avoid forgetting

a. don’t forget – you will also be a light to the Gentles

b. don’t forget – you will also be “My salvation to the ends of the earth.”

4. The ministry of a “polished shaft” is rather pinpointed – but it has ripple effects that are perpetual and lasting – affecting so much more

5. Reference the book “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born” – by D. James Kennedy

6. While Jesus’ ministry was a pinpoint in history, if it had not happened and if Jesus had not been born, then…

a. there would have been no salvation by faith through grace for you and me

b. there would have been no churches like we have today

c. there would have been no education system like we have today

d. there would have been no hospitals like we have today

e. there would be no scientific exploration like we have today

f. the list is endless


A. Avoid Comparing Yourself With Others

B. Avoid Minimizing

1. Don’t sell yourself short regarding the good things you’ve done

2. Sometimes we minimize these things to the point where we think they made no difference at all

3. Song: “Thank You For Giving To The Lord” (words and music by Ray Boltz_

“Little things that you had done

Sacrifices made.

Unnoticed on the earth

In heaven now proclaimed”

C. Avoid Forgetting – The Broader Ramifications & Spin-Off’s From Your Influence

1. Recall the Jimmy Stewart classic: “It’s A Wonderful Life” – as he (George Bailey) despaired,

wishing he had never been born, his guardian angel – Clarence - shows him what his town would have looked like if it hadn’t been for all his good deeds over the years.

2. Your life counts

3. You cannot calculate how life would be different had you not been born

4. You cannot count or calculate the number of contributions you have made and the difference your influence has made over the years

5. Warning: the danger if you do minimize or forget

a. you can easily fall into unnecessary negative thinking - which can then turn into despair or depression

b. you can easily fall into unnecessary moral compromise – reasoning that “it doesn’t matter anyway – nothing else has mattered”

c. it does matter – people do care

d. a moment of compromise may not erase your good influence but it can overshadow the memory of your good influence – in your mind and in the mind of others – thereby short-circuiting what would have otherwise been a continued positive influence

D. Avoid Seeking A Reward For Your Labors Here In This Life

1. (Isa 49:4) “Yet surely my just reward is with the Lord, And my work with my God.’"

2. You may never see the fruit of your labors here – but they will not be forgotten in heaven

3. When all else fails – therein is the source of our integrity (not despair) as we review our life accomplishments and influence


A. Action Points

1. Prayerfully list your own life accomplishments & “Polished Shaft” points of influence

a. lift each up to the Lord in prayer

b. prayerfully ask the Lord to bless others who may have been influenced

2. Because it’s difficult to self-list, consider making a list of the “Polished Shaft” points of influence that others have made on your life – then send an e-mail or note or phone call expressing your gratitude and appreciation to that person

B. “Thank You For Giving To The Lord” (words & music by Ray Boltz)


Thank you for giving to the Lord

I am a life that was changed.

Thank you for giving to the Lord

I am so glad you gave.