Summary: This is a revision of an earlier Mother’s Day Message on how God uses Women to make a difference

God is Working It Out

5/14/2006 Exodus1:8-22 Ephesians 6:10-18 Text Exodus 2:1-10

Some times when we start something, we are not sure what it’s going to look like when its finished. It’s like the little girl who was busy drawing and coloring with great intensity. Her mother asked, "Honey, what on earth are you doing." She said, "I’m making a picture of God. Her mother said, "well sweetheart, don’t you know that nobody knows what God looks like. She said, "yes, but they will as soon as I’m done with this picture.

In a lot of ways, God is similar to the little girl. If it were possible for us to look over God’s shoulder and see what God is up to in our lives, we may ask God, "what in heavens are you doing. God says, I’m about to make a diamond, out of these broken pieces of glass." " Well God, don’t you know its not possible. God may respond yes I know its impossible, but I’m working it out anyway."

You see the size of our faith, is going to be limited by the size of our God. Each Christian should be looking to the Lord for something to do in the kingdom of God, and everyone ought to be praying " God bless me with a job that’s too big for me to do on my own." It we are only are willing to do the things that we know we are capable of doing, we will never be driven to our knees to meet God, and ask the question, "Oh God who am I that you would call me to such a task as this.

Saints, when we are faced with new challenges in our lives and we ask the question "Oh God, who am I?", the answer comes back from heaven, "My child it doesn’t make too much of a difference who you are--I am all you need, for I am the one that’s working it out!" The challenges which come before us can come up anywhere, at home, on the job, at the church or in the school. Are we willing to believe that God is still working it out.

In our text this morning, we found a period of time in which everyday was a dark, sad and miserable day for mothers, fathers and family members alike. For God’s people were under the oppression of a ruthless pharaoh or Egyptian King. Cold hearted and murderous, he had given the order to kill every male child born among God’s people. Each baby boy was to be tossed into the Nile River and drowned. Beautiful lives, created in the image of God were being destroyed. If somebody had of told those mothers and fathers, God is working it out, they may have cursed the person and God as well in their grief and anger.

Strange thing is, God often works things out through people who are willing to stand and take risks. We were told in the New Testament reading to put on the whole armor of God for we are involved in a war. There are many things God wants to work out in our lives, but God’s hands are tied because we are not dressed for battle. When opportunities come up for us to make a difference, we are passed over because our armor is not on.

There are opportunities before each of us this morning, to make a difference for God. Are we willing to open our eyes and see them? Are we willing to say, "Here I am Lord, send me."

If you had of been there in the first chapter of Exodus what would you have done? Imagine for a moment, you or your wife, or your sister or mother is pregnant. You don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy. If it’s a girl, the news can spread through the community, we have a new baby. But if it’s a boy, you know that the soldiers will be coming through to make sure you throw the child into the Nile River. If you do not, you’re beaten or possibly killed, and the child is still taken away to be murdered.

Who are you willing to let be present at the birth of the child? Who do you trust not to spill the beans on you, for surely the Egyptians had their spies once they saw a pregnant woman.

There are always those who will sell information for a dollar or two to the enemy. You want to believe that God is going to work it out, but you still hear the cries of the family next door whose twin boys were both thrown into the Nile.

Sometimes the only hope we have, and it is sufficient hope to get us through, is that God is working it out.

We never know, when our little insignificant role is part of a great plan of God to visit his people. We’re going to look at four women of various ages, whom God used in a far greater way than any had imagined possible.

Let’s look at Exodus chapter 2. Exodus 2:1 Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman. I want you to notice it was a big risk for a woman to get married during these times. Birth control wasn’t something which was available back then. She knew each intimate moment with her husband could lead to a pregnancy which would doom the child if it were a male.

You can’t always limit your life, by being a afraid of what might happen in the future. Too many people never experience the power of God, because they are worried about what might happen, if I truly turn every area of my life over to God. They decide to stay in the comfort zone. They are like the ship that never leaves the harbor.

We know from other portions of Scripture that this man’s name is probably Amram and the woman’s name is Jochebed. This couple has to decide between being sexually involved with each other in their marriage, or avoiding it altogether to eliminate the possibility of having a son. They probably talked about it, prayed about it, and asked God for a peace about it. But you know something, prayer does not always stop hard choices from having to be made in our lives.

Look at verse 2.

Exodus 2:2 and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months. Jochebed saw something unique about this child to whom she had given birth. Now everybody thinks their child is a good looking child, but this verse tends to suggest something beyond that. The Bible says in Acts 7:20 that he was no ordinary child. He had God’s favor upon him. It says that she was able to hide her child for three months.

I don’t know where she hid the child for sure, but I believe that for the first three months of his life, this beautiful baby was passed off as a girl. Jochebed probably made sure she changed the diapers to make sure no one knew the truth. But somehow, somebody must have been watching, and word got to someone who was bitter over their own loss. That person must have decided to go and tell the truth about the sex of the child to the authorities.

Now Jochebed had done what she could to protect this child. She knew she could not raise this child to maturity in her own strength. She knew the odds were against her. She knew it was a just a matter of time. She knew also God was still God, and God could make a difference. She also knew a word from God on what to do ,could make all the difference in the world.

Thank God for all of you who have chosen to be Jochebeds this morning. Even when others are telling you, don’t invest yourself in that kid, he or she’ll never amount to anything, you see something more . You realize it’s going to take a miracle to turn this child around, but you’re willing to wait to get a word from God on how to make a difference. You realize, you’re taking a risk by going out on a limb for somebody else, but God has called you out on the limb, so you go anyway.

Jochebed got a word from the Lord on what to do. Look at verse three. Exodus 2:3 But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. Jochebed was a realist. There came a point in which she had to let the child go. But she didn’t throw him out. She did what God told her to do with the child.

You see the Hebrew word here for basket is used only here and of Noah’s ark. When God wanted to save Noah and his family from the great flood, he told Noah exactly how to build the ark and make it watertight. God gave wisdom to Jochebed to build a miniature version of the ark. Just like God watched over that Ark during the flood, God obligated Himself to watch over that basket. You see, even though it hurt Jochebed to push that little boat out onto the water, her hope was God was working it out. You may be in the place of Jochebed this morning. You have done all that you can to help the situation. God may be saying to you, build an ark, and turn it over to me. I’m going to handle it from this point on.

You see God may call us to go out on a limb for others, but he doesn’t tell us to go out their and live. Some of you have been out on the limb so long, you think it’s the natural place to live. The time came when it was over for Jochebed to be living in constant fear for her safety and for the child’s. Some times the right thing to do is to let the person go.

It’s the Jochebed’s in our lives that at least give us a fighting chance to make it. Without her willingness to take risk for that child, we would not have the first five books of the Old Testament as they are written. Not all of us are called to be Jochebeds, but it doesn’t mean God doesn’t want to use us.

Look at verse 4. Exodus 2:4 His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him. This sister is probably not an adult. But she took an interest in her brother and stood at a distance to see what would happen. This sister is Miriam. Everybody needs a Miriam, who is willing to watch us after the Jochebeds have sent us along. If some wild animal had of headed toward the basket, no doubt she may have gone to try to scare it away. If it looked as though the basket was going to turn over, no doubt she would have been there to go and set it right side up.

Miriams know that they can’t do anything about our past, but they offer what love and guidance they can while we are in their presence. Some of you in Marians at your job as teachers ,counselors and social workers. Some of you are Mariams here at the church in your role as youth worship leaders, pioneer teachers, youth leaders and teachers. You can’t do anything about the kids’ home situations, but the kids know they are loved when they enter your presence.

You’re there for them whether they know it or not. You’re ready to help them, whether they appreciate it or not. When the time comes for you to step forward and speak up on their behalf because they cannot speak for themselves, you’re willing to take a risk and step forward. You haven’t given up on them because you know, that God is still able to work something out.

That morning, Pharaoh’s daughter felt the need to take a bath. But instead of taking a bath in the palace, something moved on her and said, "No today, go take a bath in the Nile River." Now she didn’t know listening to the small voice that morning was going to change her life forever. One of the amazing things about God, is each day can become an extraordinary day for the Christian, simply by saying "yes God, I’ll do what you want me to do today." It doesn’t matter what yesterday was like, in Jesus Christ we get the opportunity to start over again each morning.

Look at verse 5. Exodus 2:5 Then Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the river bank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it. Stop right here for a moment. Here’s another person we need in our lives, and we will never know her name. It’s the slave girl. Her position was a very humble one. She had no idea when she woke up that morning. God had chosen her to rescue the deliverer of her people from the River.

She might have prayed,"oh God, why don’t you do something to end our slavery. Why don’t you use me, to help end the oppression. God do you here me." Now that night, she might have said again, "well God, you didn’t do much on answering my prayer."

We don’t always know how God is working it out do we. If she had of only known, the person inside of that basket, she went and rescued was the greatest prophet of God and the one who would deliver her children and grandchildren from slavery, she would have shouted hallelujah.

Saints you don’t need to be in some great position of power to be used in the plan of God. You won’t always know when your little act, is moving the kingdom of God forward by leaps and bounds. So be faithful in what you do, even the little things. If she had of gone and grabbed the basket any kind of a way she could have broke the child’s neck. She didn’t know who or what was in the basket.

We all need people like the slave girl in our lives. People who see to it that we get out of a bad situation without us getting hurt. People who are willing to help us out simply because somebody told them to go and do something for us. People who are willing to handle us gently because they are not sure what our situation is.

How many of us are willing to be Slave Girls for God. Willing to work behind the scenes to help bring forward the kingdom of God. Not getting offended because no one knows that it was us who did it. We simply come and do it. I thank God this morning for the many of you who have the attitude and heart of this unknown slave girl. You serve so faithfully without others knowing you, and without you knowing the impact you’re having on the lives of others as well as the church.

On that particular day, Pharaoh’s daughter saw exactly what God wanted her to see. She was the one who spotted the basket. She sent the slave girl to pick it up. Now keep in mind there is a bitter animosity between the Egyptians and the Hebrews. But when God is at work, all things become subject to God’s plans and purposes. Look at verse 6. Exodus 2:6 She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. "This is one of the Hebrew babies," she said.

At just the right time God started Moses crying. The instant she saw the child, God touched her heart and it went from judgment to mercy. It was her father who had given the order to kill all the Hebrew male babies. Yet the only thing in her for this child was compassion.

Remember I told you we all need a Miriam in our lives. Somebody willing to watch over us at a distance. Somebody willing to speak up for us when we could not speak up for ourselves. Well look at verse 7. Exodus 2:7 Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, "Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?" Now it took courage for Miriam to step forward and speak to Pharaoh’s daughter. She also was a Hebrew slave. Even worse she suggests that perhaps Pharaoh’s daughter would like to take the baby into her house.

Now can you imagine the daughter of the Grand Wizard of the KKK finding a black baby, and then having a black girl suggesting that maybe she would want to adopt this kid. Can you imagine that daughter telling her father, she’s decided to raise this black child as her own. How many of you think the Grand Wizard, would say, that’s a splendid idea Honey. You see there are some situations which happen, only because God is working it out.

Pharaoh’s daughter became an extraordinary woman for the simple reason, she became a part of the plan of God. There were millions of people praying for deliverance from slavery. With that many prayers going up, anything was possible. She didn’t care what her father was going to think. She was going to do what she thought was right. I wonder if her stand led to the abolishment of the law of throwing Hebrew babies in the river.

Sometimes, the only reason you have the position you have, is to make a difference when it really counts. You’re going to know when the point comes, because you will have to choose between doing what you know is right, and between not rocking the boat for yourself or someone you love. God calls us at times to step in the role of Pharaoh’s daughter, and help someone who cannot help themselves.

There are a lot of black children in need of foster homes today. I’m talking about normal children whose parents lives got messed up and they’re off in prison, or in drugs or whatever. Some of us have the means and the resources to make a difference for Christ in their lives. Its a big commitment, but Jesus calls us to things which are bigger than ourselves. Praise God for those who are willing to open their homes and their arms in love to those who might not have had a chance other wise.

Thank God for pharaoh daughters like Mary Allen, whose opening of her arms has been a tremendous blessing to the church in the form of Anita. Praise God for those of you who are saying, yes I will commit myself to this one. Praise God for those of you who have willingly served as parents for your grandchildren, for your nieces and nephews or other family member when their own parents were unwilling or unable to do so. This is as much a part of the ministry of God as anything else which is done in the church.

Pharaoh’s daughter didn’t seem to have a lot to gain, but she answered in the words that God has been waiting for years for some of us to say. Look at verse 8 .Exodus 2:8 "Yes, go," she answered. And the girl went and got the baby’s mother. Do you see God needs people who are willing to work at all different levels of commitment and involvement to make His plans work. Miriam’s job was to watch at distance, but once again she’s able to make a difference. Jochebed’s great sorrow is turned to joy, when she discovers once again she can take up where she left off in taking care of her three month old son. It was an even better arrangement than she could have hoped for. Look at verse 9.

Exodus 2:9-10 Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, "Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you." So the woman took the baby and nursed him. When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, "I drew him out of the water."

God was working through these four women lives to bring about the deliverance of His people from slavery and oppression. Each one of the m rose to the challenge when it was presented in her life. God needs some of you to be Jochebeds, some of you to be Miriams, some of you to be slave girls, and some of you to be pharaoh daughter’s.

The first step begins with giving your life to Jesus Christ. Until we are in touch with God, through Jesus Christ none of our work has eternal value. The second step is being willing to risk our comfort zones and put on the whole armor of God so we can invest ourselves in the lives of others. The third step is to keep the faith and remember, there are no insignificant parts in the plans of God. The final step is to cling to the hope, no matter how dark the circumstances, God is working it out.

Sermon Outline-Pastor Rick 5/14/2006

“God Is Working It Out”

Exodus 1:8-22, 2:1-10 2 Timothy 2:1-7

A. What Will It Look Like In The End

1. God As The Little Girl Drawing

2. Ask For Something Bigger Than You

3. Who Am I—It Doesn’t Matter

4. Dark Period For God’s People

5. The Murder Of The Children

6. Take Risks—Put On The Whole Armor

B. What Will You Do As A Fugitive

1. Very High Risk Pregnancy

2. Spies In The Land

3. Believing God When It’s Hard

C. The Determination Of Jochebed

1. Don’t Be Paralyzed By Fear Of Future

2. A Unique Child Moses Acts 7:20

3. Hiding & Disguising Child 3 Months

4. Do All That You Can-Believe God

5. Do What God Tells You—The Ark

6. Don’t Live On The Limb Forever

7. Give A Fighting Chance

8. Know When To Let Go

D. The Watchful Eye Of Miriam

1. Looking At A Distance

2. Loving When You’re Present

3. Their For Them—Ready To Help

4. Taking The Risk To Speak Up

5. Today Could Be The Day Of Change

6. Pharaoh’s Daughter’s Takes A Bath

E. The Protective Slave Girl

1. God Chooses To Answer Our Prayers

2. Our Actions Are More Important Than

We Think

3. Be Careful With What God Sends You

4. Willing To Work Behind The Scenes

5. Making A Difference And Not

Knowing It

F. The Compassion Of Pharaoh’s Daughter

1. Animosity Between Egyptians &


2. God Works Even In Babies

3. Standing Against The Law Of Her


4. Miriam Takes A Huge Risk

5. Grand Wizard Of The KKK

6. Expect God To Do Something


7. Choosing To Make The Right


8. You Have Your Place For A Reason

9. Will You Rock The Boat For Some


G. The Need Is Getting Greater All The Time

1. Children From The Mistakes Of


2. The Need For More Black Families

3. Mary Allen’s Call At 67

4. God Changes Things Dramatically

5. Miriam Comes Through Again

6. Jochebed’s Prayers Are Answered

H. Choosing To Rise To The Challenge

1. God Has A Need For Jochebeds

2. God Has A Need For Miriams

3. God Has A Need For Slave Girls

4. God Has A Need For Pharaoh’s


5. Put Christ First

6. Moving Out Of The Comfort Zone

7. Keeping The Faith & Remembering

8. Clinging To The Hope