Summary: The 3rd in the series of firm foundations looking at Christian basics this one entitled Living God’s way.

Titus.2: 11-13. Living Gods way

Last week in firm foundations we looked at the fact that a Christian is trusting in God for salvation and that salvation is a result of the mercy and grace of God towards the individual, received through faith, as a gift.

In our 3rd message in the series we are going to be looking at the implications of this faith. Entitled ‘living Gods way.’

Here we have the ethical, implications to the Christians life. Salvation is the beginning of an ongoing transformation, which should be taking place right through our lives. Nobody can say they’ve arrived.

The message from the world the Rolling stones sang ‘I can’t get no satisfaction.’

The message from the Christian should be ‘I’ve found satisfaction.’

When someone becomes a Christian, that person is learning for the first time what he or she is made for knowing God.

The chief aim of man is to Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. To even consider going back to the old lifestyle would be a disaster it would mean slavery not freedom.

One of the most extraordinary transformations in nature is when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. It is still the same creature but the change is profound.

Likewise 2Cor.5: 17. If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation

The blue print of this letter is all about right living that transformed life out in practice. In the opening chapter in the 1st verse he reveals that faith in Jesus Christ will lead to godliness. This is the theme right through this book ‘right living’

1:1-16. Leadership in the Church and the character and conduct of Elders.

2:1-15. Right living within the various groups within the Church

3: 1-15 Right living in society in general.

Titus is like the trouble shooter (ailing businesses) sent in to deal with internal problems.

A major problem within this Church was a circumcision group of Cretan Jews who were disturbing others v10-16 they were teaching lies and deceit lead inevitable this led to a corrupt behaviour.

Titus was sent to Crete to deal with this problem and other problems, but he doesn’t go in with all guns blazing like at the gunfight at the ok coral. This would be a long term project which would involve him v5 straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town 1:13 rebuke sharply false teaching within the Church 2:1 teach sound doctrine and 2.7 and demonstrate godly living through word and example of his life

As Christians we all have a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a right manner: In leadership: Church fellowship: The wider community.

In verses 11-14 great theological passage which has a strong emphasis on the past, present and future elements of the salvation God has given us in Christ.

But the central thrust is on the impact v12 of this glorious appearing. There should be changes in our character brought about as a result of our salvation.

1. Because the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

Historical figures who have appeared and made an impact upon this world for good. All because their lives were transformed by a greater appearing!

The grace of God as appeared: Reference to the first coming of Christ his birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection and his ascension. The nature or essence of what has appeared is twofold it is gracious and historic

The grace of God appearing is a past historic objective fact of history which has brought about our salvation.

It also declares that Jesus Christ is the grace of God personified. In the giving of Jesus Christ something has been accomplished that no man can accomplish.

We are saved by grace and that grace is personified in the Lord Jesus Christ. Eph2:8, John .1:14.The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the Glory of the one and only, who came full of grace and truth.

appeared v11

The Greek word for appeared gives the picture of a sun rising, bursting forth unto a new day. The rising sun which the Japanese ignorantly worshiped is thus declared the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men

Luke 1:78 –79. Zechariah full of the Holy Spirit prophesies of the coming Messiah as the rising sun to rise on those living in darkness, to guide their feet onto the path of peace.

Ills: Family down a deep mine with a guide, who turns the light off to show the extent of darkness in the mine without light. A girl on the tour, begins to cry through the complete and utter darkness, her bother replies ‘don’t cry somebody here knows how to turn the lights on.

In a really sense this is a picture of what God has done in Jesus Christ as the sun of righteousness breaking forth into human history, penetrates the moral and spiritual darkness of the world. So even when the darkness seems so overwhelming there is still light available.

When miners are down the pit face often working in darkness, don’t see the full extent of their dirt until they come up to the surface and into the light

Matt.4: 16. The people living in darkness have seen a great light

Jhn. 8: 12 I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

We should also live godly lives in the light of his 2nd appearing.

V13 while we wait for the blessed hope – the glorious appearing of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Malachi 4:2 must read scripture

Here is that word again ‘appearing’ this time it will be his glorious 2nd appearing

Jesus will burst forth once again into the world scene as the sun of righteousness. Not as a suffering servant but as the great God and Saviour He is. He will bring healing in his wings for his people and take them to be his bride and judge the living and the dead, brining consummation to world history.

As a consequence what sort of lives should we lead? Peter: 3:10-14.

Both the first and the second appearances of Christ, when properly grasped will motivate us to godly living and good works. Lets look at the ethical implication of Christian character required as a result.

2. V12 Because the grace of God teaches us (present tense)

The teacher who is teaching the pupil with instruction @ Chastisement.

We are all in Gods school of grace, where our character not our creed is being changed. University student honour’s degree as yet! A Christians is a lifetime course.

There is still parts of our character needing to change, no matter who we are or how old we might be, not one of us has arrived at perfection.

(Christian conversion brings gradual change)

God is more concerned about our character than our comfort. His goal is not to pamper us physically but to perfect us spiritually. ( source unknown)

The Grace of God will teach us to say ‘No’ Ungodliness and Worldly Passions

The gospel is not merely offer of forgiveness and acceptance with God, but the gospel aims to effect a transformation in our character and conduct.


In the city centre the demolition men and builders are working together.

Before we can build upon the positive character trait v12 we must be prepared to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions because there must be a clearing away of the rubbish before there can be any constructive building. This is highlighted because this is an ethical issue, which needed to be dealt with in the Church itself.

Anglican catechism says ‘renounce the devil and all his wicked works.

Every thing contrary to God and offence must be renounced this involves a daily self denial

Ungodliness: asebeia: A lack of reverence for God. It doesn’t necessary mean you are a wicked person. In fact an ungodly person can be very moral person indeed but have no thought for God in their life. An ungodly person could even be a Christian who is acting in ungodly manner. In the case of the Cretan Church this was the case.v10-12. 1:13 Rebuke them sharply so that they will be sound in the faith.

Heb.12: 5-6.Never despise Gods discipline for he disciplines those he loves

In the case of the Church in Crete there were Cretan Judaisers teaching that Gentiles had to obey all the Jewish laws before they could become Christians. Although this had been dealt with in (Acts.15. Jerusalem council) they found it difficult to accept salvation through Christ alone and so they continued to cause divisions within the Churches v11 they were ruining whole households.

Worldly passions Kosmikos from the world cosmos here referring to the vast arrangement of human affairs opposed to the will of God which is controlled by Satan who is called the ruler of this world and the god of this age.

V10-12 old characteristics were still prevalent: Paul quotes Cretan philosopher 1:12 Epimenidis 600 BC who Aristotle called a prophet this was his proverb 1:13 This testimony is true. (We tend to copy illustration)

2Cor 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers.

Worldliness is what any particular culture does to make sin look normal and righteousness look strange

1John 2:15 – 17. Do not love the world.

The world system is everything in this world is designed to take people away from trusting in God, it contaminates their lives with Satan’s system and values and it also nullifies the witness of the Church upon the world. V11. Serving money

Matt.6: 24 you cannot serve two Masters (Rich young Ruler)

3. It means we will say yes! To living self controlled, upright and godly.

Our entire course of living should be consistently characterised by these three stated qualities. These virtues are the positive Characteristics that God expects from all Christians. From older men 2v2 to the younger men v6 from older women to the younger women 3-5

A. Inwardly we need to be Self-controlled

1:8 elders 2:2,6 All men 2:5 all women means to be well balanced. Properly regulated in all areas of life, they will show self-restraint they will not be prone to impulsive actions or sudden outbursts of temper they will be well self-controlled, which will be manifested outwardly. Somebody in my family realised this week

Christian personality is hidden deep inside us. It is unseen: like the soup carried in a tureen by the waiter above his head. No one knows what’s inside – unless the waiter is bumped and as he trips! Just so people don’t know what’s inside until we’ve been bumped. But if Christ is living inside us, what spills out is the fruit of the Spirit.

Church is made up of a diverse group of people differing ages, backgrounds and viewpoints. There is bound to be differences, but we need to be men and women who are above reproach. We need to be well balanced showing that inward self-control in all areas of our life: Our wills, our words and passions so that Christ will not be dishonoured.

Self-control - taking the car for new tyres, wheel balancing.

I had to take the car in recently to get new tyres the car was not controlable in the wet and then the tyres had to be balanced also. W too have to able to deal with wet conditions and to do that we also need to be properly balanced:Gal 5:19-21 sinful nature/fruits of the Spirit 22- 23.2 Peter 1:5-9 Godly life

B. Outwardly we need to be upright.

In relation to our relationship with a fellow man God’s grace requires us a life of truth and strict justice in all our dealings.Phil.1: 27 whatever happens conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel.

C. Upwardly we need to be godly.

This means the attitude of indifference towards God has been replaced by attitude of supreme devotion to Him. Once we had no place for God in our lives but now we are ever conscious of living in his presence and desire to fulfil all our duties towards Him. The world instantly recognises the contradiction in Christian profession when these characteristics are lacking.

In this present age

We are to adopt all these virtues in this present age, not to the life beyond. It is expected now in this life. God requires us to be godly self controlled and upright in a godless and worldly society. If it was expected of these Cretan believes.

We cannot excuse ourselves by blaming our failure on our adverse circumstances.

All those who have received the grace of God will be able to implement changes, because of the grace of God at work within them which will enable them to live a self controlled, upright and godly life. Gal.1:4. Jesus Christ gave himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of the Father.

Can I ask you, are you living God’s way?