Summary: Though a righteous man fall seven times, he gets back up again.

1 John 4:13-18

This morning continuing our discussion on Fear

We have covered fear of Man, Fear of Rejection

Today covering FEAR OF FAILURE

We all have failed at one time or another: Parent, child, student, team member, friend, publicly, morally, privately,

• Doctors say you should drink 8 glasses of water a day—I don’t always do that.

• Dentists say you should brush after every meal and floss everyday—I don’t do that.

• Car specialists say I should never allow my gas tank to get below half full—

• Accountants say you should never have less than $100 in checking account…ever

• You are supposed to make your bed up every morning; I fail at that as well.

• If you are a man you are not supposed to allow your body fat to rise above 17%--

• Christians should read their Bible every day—I’ve gone days and not cracked mine

• Doctor’s say that the average adult should get no less than 8 hours sleep per night

• You are supposed to always do the speed limit—I don’t even think I will go there.

• You are supposed to have at least 3 months salary set aside for an emergency fund—

So know this morning---We all need to hear what I have to say

We all have failed, That doesn’t make us failures

We become failures---When we fail, and then never take another chance

I’d rather shoot for the moon and get some, than shoot for nothing –get it all

I have failed as pastor…Friend…boss…husband…parent…

I’m not quitting—learn from those and get better!!!!

Failure is not an event….


Don’t let your past keep you from taking chances

Let the times you fail, prepare you for future success


We know a lot about the life of MOSES…

See how failure changes our response Deliverer…Fail….Sheep…Burning Bush

Exodus 3: 10-11

1.Failure will cause you to forget who you are

Moses was a powerful leader as Pharoh’s son---then God says U R deliverer

Now crippled for 40 yrs because of failure—Don’t remember any of that

God says I’m sending you----WHO AM I?

I understand “who am I?” out of reverence, but never out of unworthiness

Who am I that God could use me

You’re: blessed with every spiritual blessing, holy nation, royal priesthood, seated in heavenly places, given all you need for life and godliness, more than a conquerer, no weapon formed against you can prosper, and GOD GAVE HIS SON FOR YOU….and You’re asking….WHO AM I?

God doesn’t call the qualified… So don’t forget who you are

Let’s move on with MOSES…

Exodus 3: 13-14

2.Failure causes you to forget who you’re working for

As a pastor, I’m not held responsible by you, your money, your attendance

I’m held responsible by God… I let other hold me accountable


I can’t let the fear of failure, make me forget who I’m working for

Surround yourself w/ people who love,

But don’t forget who you’re working for

Don’t use God as an excuse to be stupid,

It won’t go against his word

Exodus 4:1-7

3.Failure causes you to forget that God is powerful

God doesn’t need you to come up with the solution---HE IS THE SOLUTION

God doesn’t need you to come up with an answer---


The reason we get in so much trouble----


When we’re on our back---we finally have no choice but to lean on GOD

That’s when we find our way back to victory

Philippians 4:19

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus

Exodus 4: 10-11

4.Failure causes you to focus your weaknesses

How you view your weaknesses---Is how you view your God

How you view your problems---Is how you view your God

If your weaknesses are big---then you think your God is small

If your weaknesses are small in your sight--- Then you think God is big

The bigger your problems---Smaller your God

The Smaller your problems---Bigger you God

If you fall apart at problems…..WHO ARE YOU SERVING

If your think you’re a mess…..WHO ARE YOU SERVING

God has a future for you---He has plans for you

Just because you have failed, does not mean you’re a failure

It means you tried---

If you quit trying----THEN YOU”RE A FAILURE