Summary: John pointing out the path of God in a fllen world.

Loving One Another

1 John 3:11-24

June 11, 2006

When a therapist works with a couple that is struggling with communication/struggling with conversing, an activity she may use is to have the couple sit back to back with a identical set of blocks in front of each of them. The activity is for each person to build the same structure having 1 person being the instructor, giving directions. While the other person simply listens. The second person cannot talk. He simply must listen carefully. So as the instructor takes 1 block at a time and instruct the other to do the same. "Take 1 yellow block and lay it sideways"/ "take 1 red block and place it on top" a structure is made.

The goal is to have both structures looking alike. The goal is for the one spouse to speak clearly and in an understandable way and for the other to listen really well. Most of the time the outcome from this activity looks quite differently. But when the therapists says let’s do it again and this time each of you can talk as much as you like/back and forth - the structures end up looking nearly identical.

On a typical Sunday, I in a sense am the instructor and you the ones who sit quietly. I talk desiring to share with you how to go about walking with and in Jesus. And you listen.

It is one way communication. But not today.

If we are going to go about building this Christian life, 2-way conversation works best.



So that is why you are facing each other this morning.

Rather than staring at the back of the head of the person in front of you, I want you to see each other’s faces. To see your fellow pilgrims who are on the Jesus path.

This may be uncomfortable.

A bit unsettling for some of you.

But I do it to make the point. We are in this together. We - as a family - as children of God live at our best when we live with each other.

There will be opportunities: to speak.

to pray.

to sing.

to be still.

Our text for today is 1 John 3:11-24. Rather than reading it through all at once, we will read it in 5 sections during the service.

The reason for 5 sections is because 5x in this text. 5x in these 13 verses John begins a sentence by using the word "This".

v. 11

v. 16

v. 19

v. 23

v. 24

Not only does John use the word "this" 5x in our text for today but he also uses it 14 other times in this book of 5 chapters.

19x in total, John uses the word "this".

Why? Because he wants to-

needs to-


point out

make a point

define the way of God to a people who were:



led astray by false teachers.

John wants to get them back on track so he says "This is the message," or "This is how we know" or "This is love".

Imagine for a moment that someone has given you a trip to some unfamiliar place. You didn’t have time to research your location and you want to take it all in. You want to see the good spots and skip over the tourist traps. When you get off the train you see a sign "Tourist Bureau" and you head there immediately.

You walk in and ask the person behind the desk what do I need to see while I’m here. I have 2 days here, what would you recommend?

And the person behind the desk takes out a map and says.



and "This".

"These are the places you need to visit. Don’t waste your time with the other spots. Go to these."

That is what John is doing throughout the book we call 1 John. He is pointing out the way. The path of God in a fallen world.

This is the way of Jesus.

This is his message.

This is the truth . . .

And in today’s text he is leading us into the way of love.

The geography/the landscape he wants to take us on - familiarize us with his love. There are 5 movements in these verses.

1st John is going to tell us what love isn’t.

2nd John is going to invite us to love like Jesus.

3rd John is going to give us some assurance.

4th John is going to ask us to respond.

5th John is going to and lastly John will equip us to live this way.

Movement #1 - The Confession - vs. 11-15

"This is the message you heard from the beginning. We should love one another."

That’s the message - our duty is to love.

We should love.

Rather than explaining what love is John begins by telling us what love isn’t. And he refers to a story in Genesis 4:1-8. (Read)

Cain kills Abel because he is jealous.

Love isn’t jealous.

Cain kills Abel because he is filled with hate.

Love doesn’t hate.

Cain feels/has a sense of competition with Abel.

Love doesn’t compete.

Cain takes into his hands his own welfare and snuffs out the good of Abel.

That isn’t love.

Such thoughts, actions are not the way of love. Love builds up. Jealousy, hate, competitiveness destroy.

In the text the Lord says to Cain, "If you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it." (Genesis 4:7) And the same is true for you and me. Through the power of Jesus and being born a new we don’t have to perpetuate the hate, the dislove of our world.

This text doesn’t tell us how Cain killed Abel. We don’t know what the weapon was. I like that. I’m grateful for that.

Perhaps it was a knife.

a stone

a rope.

The point isn’t the tool he chose to kill with but that he did kill.

When you think about the tools/weapons you use that bring harm on another, what comes to mind?

What tools do we use?


Looks - if looks could kill.



Be careful. God says to Cain. "Sin is crouching at your door. It desires to have you, but you must master it."

The way of love. This message that we have heard from the beginning - to love - put away these weapons and seek the welfare of the other person. John’s 1st - this - we should love one another.

Prayer of confession #790.

Movement #2 - The Invitation - vs. 16-18.

"This is how we know what love is! Jesus Christ laid down his life for us."

John began by telling us what love isn’t. Now he tells us what love is, - Jesus.

Jesus, the One who was perfect.

Jesus the One who caused no one hurt.

Jesus the One who caused no one harm.

Jesus the One who didn’t say a harsh word.

Didn’t just speak about love.

just teach about love.

just preach about love.

But demonstrated love when he laid down his life for us.

I use to think about Jesus’ death being the act, which demonstrated his love. But his whole life was a demonstration of laying his life down.

He humbled himself to walk our streets.

to sit with sinners.

to hear the ridicule from others.

He didn’t rise up.

didn’t become angry (except once).

Jesus demonstrated love.

lived love.

and invites us to do the same.

John tells us how:

If anyone has material possessions and sees need but has no pity - that isn’t love.

Love is a response.

an action.

"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

What we do.

How we live demonstrates much more.

reflects more accurately who we are - than what we say.

Just as Jesus left heaven for earth.

Just as Jesus gave and served many who had need, so too are we called to do the same. That’s what love is.

Such words make me nervous.

Such instructions cause me to worry about:

my refrigerator becoming empty.

my bank account being drained.

my time being taken up. Perhaps maybe a little.

But as I reflect over my past week, I didn’t get one request personally for help nor did I see anyone who had need. But I must be ready when I do so when I do hear of a request.

The way of love is to lay down my life for the sake of Jesus. Jesus invites us to love. To respond to that invitation will you quietly turn your palms upward.

Opening yourself up to God.

An act that symbolizes you being open to laying your life down.

to serving.

to loving those around you.

Now would you hold hands with the person on your side.

We are open God to being used.

We are willing to show love.

Help us to show mercy.

Demonstrate compassion.

#525 Are Ye Able

Movement #3 - The Assurance - vs. 19-32

Though we feel guilt before God.

Though our consciences condemn us.

Though we feel unworthy.

"I’ve messed up."

"I’ve broken too many promises."

"God is greater" - John says.

He is greater than our self-condemning heart.

Our thoughts that disqualify us.

The temptation you and I have is to beat ourselves up so much that we lose our confidence in having a relationship with God.

We believe that God can’t help.

We believe that God might not help. Give up on us. But because God is greater, we can belong to him.

This confidence is based not upon our actions or inactions but upon God - who he is and what he does - allows to be at rest.

God is greater that me.


our addictions.

our pain.



The way to love is to not let these to get in the way of what God desires to do and be.

What an assurance this is.

What a promise.

"God is greater than . . ."

What has God been greater than in your life?

When have you felt his peace



in your life - when perhaps you could have felt lonely



"God is greater than . . ."

Movement #4 - The Response - vs. 23 - our response

We respond in two ways.

This is his command - to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ.

to love one another as he commanded us.

There is a vertical response we are to have because of God’s love.

There is to be a horizontal response.

Vertical response - to believe.

Horizontal response - to love.

Let me give you some examples.

A vertical response - to believe in Jesus.

David - Psalm 23 -

Even though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.

David believed.

Joshua and Caleb - Numbers 13 & 14 -

2 of 12 spies went to spy out the land of Canaan. While others feared and became paralyzed, Joshua and Caleb instead said, "We should go up and take possession of the land . . . The land is exceedingly good. If the Lord is please with us, he will lead us into that land." (Numbers 13:30, 14:7)

They had vertical belief.

Not only is our response to be vertical but horizontal - to love one another. Acts 4 tells us about the first followers of Jesus Christ (v. 32, 34, 35).

"All the believers were one in heart and mind.

No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.

There was no needy person among them.

From time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the $ from the sales and put it at the Apostles’ feet and distributed it to anyone as he had need". (Acts 4:32, 34, and 35)

Love was an action.

a behavior.

and not talked about.

Movement #5 - The Empowerment - v. 24

Those who obey God.

Those who believe in him. (vertical)

Those who love others. (horizontal)

Find themselves dwelling in him

taking up residency in him.

"in him"

And God promises us the same.

He lives in us.

God’s Spirit resides in us.

There is an entangling

A meshing of lives.

With the result being that we are empowered to live this way.

The Apostle Paul knew of God’s empowering presence.

Throughout his ministry he was captured, imprisoned, and abused. He endured much. And yet even in those circumstances he said, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21)

Whether he was living or be put to death, Paul had identified himself with Christ for he knew that Christ had identified himself with Paul. Paul knew that God’s Spirit resided within him.

Last night as I read my prayers, I read this line "_________."

God is active around me.

God desires that I let him be active and guiding within me.

This we know - God’s Spirit lives in us.