Summary: To navigate through life safely, notice the "road signs" God places in his word.

This sermon and the other "road signs" sermons made use of traffic sign images and family photos projected for visual impact.

God’s road signs Part 2 Jeremiah 31:21-22

Jesus was a Master Teacher…clearly the greatest teacher of truth the world has ever known. And He had the greatest challenge any teacher ever faced…to take the incomprehensible truths about God’s perfect kingdom and translate them into understandable, human concepts. To do that, Jesus used parables and stories…for stories have a way of communicating truths in a way that everyone can understand. Because everyone can follow a story.

Jesus also had the wonderful ability of being able to take familiar objects… everything and anything and use it to explain spiritual truths. Everyday things…like seeds and dirt to talk about how the hearts of people determine what happens when the word of God is shared with them. And sparrows and lilies in the field to speak about God’s providential care over His creation. And grapevines when talking about the importance of staying connected to Jesus to be fruitful. Jesus used all kinds of visuals and images. He spoke on being a gate that people enter to come to God. He used the images of salt and light when speaking of the illumination and preservation his disciples are to bring to this world. The Lord used children when talking about how one must receive the kingdom. He spoke of being The Good Shepherd in communicating his concern for and his watch care over those who are His. Jesus used the image of “fishing with a net” when discussing how God will sort out people in the judgment at the end of the age. I’m convinced that if Jesus came today, He’d teach in a similar fashion since we are such a visual society.

For years the church has understood the power of images. Many churches have stained glass windows. Art historians will tell you that each window tells a story and every image in the picture contributes to it. We hang crosses in our churches…and place them on church steeples. We hang banners to draw our attention to a particular aspect of God. We project Bible verses, so you not only hear them you see them.

I’m telling you all of this to explain my use of the highways signs in my sermons this week. My prayer is that hopefully, when you go home and see a stop sign…(post stop sign) they will remember the importance of stopping the careless use of their tongue and sinful habits. Or when they see the yield sign, (post yield sign) or the merge sign, (post merge sign) they will remember the importance of yielding to God’s will and merging their will with His.

Now we may jump to conclusions and say, “People won’t think that”…but I don’t buy that argument. Can I ask you…how many of you are wearing a cross around your neck today? What do you think when you see someone wearing a cross? Do you think of the barbaric means the Romans used to execute criminals…like an ancient “electric chair”? Or do you think of the sacrifice of Jesus? You see, we have taken one image…and because we have seen that image often enough and had it explained to us… we now view the cross in a different light.

Have you ever seen this symbol on the back of trucks, cars or on T-Shirts? (post image of an Icthus symbol) This is called an ICTHUS. And it means much more than “fish”. The word “icthus” is the Greek word for fish. And the five Greek letters that form the word form an acrostic which is a message to other Christians. The first letter

I--—Iesus, that is Jesus

C—Christos, that is Christ

TH---Theos, that is God

U-----Huios, that is Son

S-----Soter, that is Savior

So in the days of the early church to make an “icthus” symbol, you were saying in code “Jesus Christ is God’s Son, the Savior.” Because early Christians were often put to death for practicing their faith, they worshiped in secret places. A fish painted on the outside door of a house let other Christians know that they would be safe and welcome inside. You see, we have taken this “fish symbol” and now use it to identify Christians and Christian businesses.

When you see a Bible someplace, what do you think about it? “Here’s there is the best selling book of the last 38 years?” Or…there is the inerrant word of God.

You see, that’s why I used the road signs this week. I want people to think about their walk with God, even when they are driving. I don’t want you faith to be just a part of your life. I want your faith to inform every part of your life. What is it that Psalm 19:1-4 says?

1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

I want everything and anything to “speak to you”. I believe every time the apostles saw a farmer sowing his seed in the field, they remembered Jesus words

“A sower went out and sowed his seed. And some fell on hard ground…”

I believe when they walked by the sea and saw a boat battling the wind and the waves, they said,

“Remember when Jesus spoke to the waves…and they listened to him? And what about the time the Lord came walking to us on the water?

I want us to look tonight at a few more road signs that carry with them meaning for our walk with God. I remind you that in Jeremiah 31, God said these words to his people through the prophet Jeremiah

"Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take. Return, O Virgin Israel, return to your towns. 22 How long will you wander, O unfaithful daughter?…(Jeremiah 31:21-22a…leave up until ***)

Let’s remember that the nation of Israel had been drifting…wandering away from God. They had lost their spiritual bearings. And so God says…

Take note of the highway”…

”Be aware of the road that you take as you travel it.”…

”Set up roads signs” to be obeyed.

Like roads signs exist to guide and warn the motorist…and regulate the flow of traffic, the road signs and guideposts that Israel was to erect was to assist them in staying “on course”. Israel had ceased being aware of God’s workings. They failed to pay attention to God’s directions. They stopped noticing the “road signs” God placed before them. And because of that, they faced hard and harsh times. (***)

Yesterday we talked about three different roads signs…the STOP sign, the YIELD sign, the MERGE RIGHT sign. Tonight let’s look at a few more of the road signs God lays down in his word to safely guide us through life. And the first is


(post a Beware of falling objects sign)

I was in North Carolina once driving along a freeway…when I saw one of those signs and sure enough…just a little up the road part of a mountain fell down and the rocks were scattered in the street. Those “beware” signs are warning signs to stay alert and be on the watch for potential dangers.

The Bible is filled with similar warnings, warnings that we don’t always take the heart like we should. Matthew 7:15 says

15"Watch out (BEWARE OF) for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

In Matthew 16:6 (Post Matthew 16:6), Jesus warned the apostles the teaching of the Pharisees was like yeast, and their bad teaching will influence all the good teaching they were receiving. In Mark 12 (Post Mark 12:38-40) Jesus told his followers to beware of the teachers of the law, who look pious, but do so out of ego and self advancement. And then there is this warning in Job 36:21,

21 Beware of turning to evil, which you seem to prefer…(exact words)

Let’s be honest, the pull of the flesh is strong…so strong it often makes evil sound like good and good sound like something evil. And we have to beware that in our walk with God, we don’t “turn to evil”. That is an interesting phrase… turning to evil. It is not headlong falling into evil we often have to beware of. Most of the time, we can see that. It is the subtle turn to evil…that starts us down the slippery slope. How many one time experiments with illegal drugs…done out of curiosity…have led to addiction? How many times do innocent things on dates get out of hand…and create problems for us?

We always have to be on our guard, because the flesh still prefers sin….even if we grow up in church and are actively involved in the church youth group. We can often see blatant, obvious evil. But it is the subtle turning we have to watch for…that slight but powerful temptation that sways us away from God’s will and word that we have to “BEWARE OF”. Because while “the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak”. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says

Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character.

It may not happen all at once…but over time the wrong friends and companions often influence us…and turn us away from God. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you have to be careful who you hang with. (post a Beware of falling objects sign) Because the “falling object” may be you…sliding away from God. Listen to me, as a pastor I see that all the time…with our young people, who suddenly start dating others who aren’t Christian. And they think they are going to influence them for the Lord. And a few do. But more often than not, the lost person negatively influences the Christian. Proverbs 22:24-25 says

Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.

Galatians 6:1 said this

1Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.

There is a grave danger in being “unequally yoked”…whether we are talking about marriages or friendships. So make sure you beware (post BEWARE OF FALLING OBJECTS signs) of the danger of being influenced by the wrong people.


(post a SLOW sign)

Slow signs are posted for safety reasons when the typical speed limit is too fast for safety. And I think that some followers of Jesus Christ are always want to be running “full speed” ahead. Their life is on cruise control and they are going 70 through life. But there are times when the Bible tells us to slow down and wait on the Lord. (post Slow sign) Do you know that phrase “wait on the Lord” is found 21 different times in the Bible. Let me give you just a few of them

Psalm 27:14…Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

Listen to me…it often takes real strength and courage to slow down.

Psalm 37:7… Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Psalm 130:5-6… 5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. 6 My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Isaiah 30:18… Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

There is a time in life to race full speed…and a time in life to slow down and to meditate on God’s word. There is a time in life to slow down…and wait for God to work ahead of you. There is a time to slow down and take time to do all of the other things that take time in following Jesus Christ.

We all need to be reminded that God hasn’t placed us to simply speed through life, paying no attention to what others are doing around us. God wants us to slow down to minister to those who cross our path. God may have an appointment with them through us his children. In John 4, there was a Samaritan woman from the town of Sychar that Jesus slowed down to meet. And if you know the story, her life was changed…and so were the lives of many people in that town that came to believe in Jesus, because the Lord “slowed down” and went through Samaria, stopping at Sychar.

There was that time in Luke 17 where Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem to give Himself for the sins of this world… encounters 10 lepers in a village and doesn’t rush past them, but heals them.

In Mark 10, Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho when a blind man named Bartimaeus calls for the Lord to have mercy on him. Jesus stops and heals the man of his blindness.

That was the pattern of Jesus life. He was never in too much of a hurry racing through life that He didn’t have time for people. (post Slow sign) He ministered to others “as He went”. And God doesn’t wants us to hurry through life…and pass by the needy and the hurting like the priest and Levi did in the parable of the Good Samaritan. God wants us to realize that the needs of people are important to Him…and must be more important to us. I watch people every Sunday hurry home from worship…or hurry out of church so they can be the first to be served at the restaurant. And nearly every Sunday I have people approach me after church about problems going on in their life or their home. And most of the folks in my church never connect with those people and their needs…because they are racing to get on with life.

Please hear me…your life is to “take time with God” (that’s relationship) and “make time for others” (that’s ministry). I hope you don’t make the mistake of hurrying through our music camp this week…without slowing down and seeing if there isn’t someone God wants you to minister to today or tomorrow. Our time here this is week is more than learning how to play handbells, instruments and choral pieces. It is making ourselves available to God and others. Don’t hurry through life. Slow down and see if there isn’t something God wants you to do.

There is one other sign I want to share with you tonight…and that is


(post a one way directional sign)

In John 14 Jesus is preparing his followers for His approaching death and he tells them

1"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. 2In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going." 5Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" (John 14:1-5)

And do you remember what Jesus said. He said

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6…leave up until ***)

The claims Jesus makes here are exclusive claims here. As the Christ…which means “the anointed One of God”…Jesus says that there is only one true way to the Father. And He is it. That means not all religions are the same.

I’m getting weary of Christians who claim the God of the Moslems, Allah, and our Heavenly Father are the same God, just given different names. I see nowhere in my Bible where my Heavenly Father calls me to fly planes into building, blow up businesses and subway systems and kill thousands of innocent people…in order for me to get into heaven. That’s what Allah tells his followers through the teachings of the Koran. Listen, Jesus didn’t say “I am ONE OF THE WAYS” to the Father. He said, I am the way”. You don’t make it to heaven by doing good deeds. You don’t make it to heaven by giving generously. You can’t make it to heaven by being sincerely devoted to some belief. You make it by going through Jesus.(***)

When Jesus said He is that way…and No one comes to the Father except through me” what He is saying is that there is one way to God. Our society says that one can pick and choose the parts of different faith systems to create their own way to believe and end up in heaven. But don’t buy that lie.

Every been to Fudruckers? It is a hamburger place that advertises you can make your hamburger over 500 different ways with all of Fudrucker’s burger toppings. That’s the way we like things…with options so we can “Have it our Way” like the Burger King commercials say. But when it comes to eternal life, Jesus says…there are not many ways and choose one. He says

"I am the way…”

And he is not only the way to eternal life…he is also the way to abundant life. Jesus said in John 10:10

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

There is one way to have abundant life...and that is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to introduce you to a member of my family. This is Jessie. (post picture of Jessie) She is half Labrador and half rat terrier. For people who know dogs, Labradors by their nature are loyal and dependable. Terriers, by their nature are...well...terrors!! They are wild, excitable, energetic, stubborn and they tend to get into everything...especially trouble!! And so, by her nature, our dog is part loyal and part wild child.

We got Jessie last February from a woman who found her and her brother abandoned by the side of the road. They were just puppies at the time...very young and very vulnerable. Their future was uncertain if they hadn’t been adopted. But Jessie and her brother were both adopted...and because of that their lives are blessed. Very, very blessed.

Like many housedogs, Jessie has dozens of toys and rawhide bones to play with. At this time, she has three different leashes for when she goes for a of them that matches her pink collar. She has a fenced in back yard to romp around in...and her own beds...that’s right...beds. She has a little dog bed and a larger, square, padded lambskin bed. But she only uses those during the day. At night, she has a choice between sleeping with either of my two daughters, my wife and myself. Jessie also has her own wardrobe. A sweater for cold weather (picture dog sweater)...a Hawaiian outfit for those casual nights out with the family(picture dog Hawaiian)...and even a visor that says Princess (picture dog visor) for when she goes out to swim in the pool with us (picture dog pool) so the sun doesn’t get in her eyes. Why Jessie even has her own Halloween outfit for this year (picture Jessie angel), where she is going dressed as an angel. You see, I told you that Jessie is blessed. Very, very blessed.

And wherever we go, Jessie goes. When we went to Ohio last week to celebrate graduations in our family, Jessie went. When we went to Wisconsin last month on vacation to my best friend’s house on Lake Wisconsin, Jessie accompanied us. After all, Jessie is part of our family. After watching her eating strawberries in our strawberry patch, my girls decided that when we have our ice cream with strawberries in the evening, Jessie gets her bowl too.

For a dog who was once unwanted...abandoned on the side of the road...a dog bred to live outside, fend for itself and catch and kill rats...Jessie is blessed. Very, very blessed. You could say her life is filled with abundance...not because Jessie deserves it. But because Jessie was adopted into our family.

And listen to me, when you accept Jesus Christ, God adopts you and makes you a part of his family. And sometimes, you are loyal and dependable. Other times you are not...Amen!! But you are loved anyway, because you are part of God’s family. And He blesses you with an abundance of Good things…because he is a God who came that you and I may have life, and have it to the full.

You want the fullest life you can have? Listen the world will tell you it comes by going to college, getting a degree and making 6 figures a year. But I know lots of people who went that path and while they have a lot of things, their life is miserable…not abundant. At least in the way God wants our lives to be. To have abundant life, we have to place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Will you trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Will you live for Him by slowing down and ministering to those God brings into your path? Will you obey him and beware of those things that might make you slip in your walk with Him?