Summary: We canot escape the fact that Bible is very clear about the end times.

Coming To Grips With Life

I Peter 4:7-11

Text. I Peter 4:7 “But the end of all things is at hand, be ye, therefore, sober, and watch unto prayer.”

We cannot escape the fact that the Bible is very clear about the end times. In the light of present situations in our world today I Peter 4:7 is brought to mind. Can all things continue as they are? Peter tells us know how we are to act in such a crises times. We all need encouragement. Peter certainly is referring to the end of the age, the Second Advent, to the coming of Christ. We too must be live with this in view in our minds. The end could happen at any moment. If this is so then how shall we live?

Peter gives us useful guidelines:

1. We should live sober. 7a

The Greek word for sober is “sophroneo.” It has the meaning of having a sound mind. (Strong’s Dictioary of New testament words, #4993, page 70) What an admonition to all Christians! There can be no room for “strinkin’ thinking.” It is always in order to pause before we speak, think things through with a sound mind. There can be no room for harsh decisions. Level headedness is what is needed. “let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”

2. We must have a sincere prayer life. 7b

There is no time to play church. Peter uses the words “to watch in prayer.” There are things that God will not do until sincere prayer is offered. God will bless and answer is we watch unto prayer.

* A humorous incident comes to mind of a women when asked why she was praying with her eyes open. She replied, “ I am watching and praying.”

We have a choice of praying alone for with others.

3. We should love one another. v.8

We are to fervently love each other. This is more than just lip service. We should experience love among other believers. We are told in Revelation 2:4 to return to our first love. That is the love that Christ has for us. That kind of love will motivate us to love others. Even sinners.

4. We should be fellowshipping with believers. v.9

“Use hospitality one to another without grudging.” Fellowship with one another is necessary and very profitable. It is a matter of the heart. We should encourage each other and express our love for each other.

5. We should be working for the Lord. v. 10

It is no time to be a slacker. We are to exercise our gifts and talents for the Lord. The Holy Spirit has bestowed gifts in each of us and we are to use them. If do not we are disobedient to the Lord. A great blessing awaits those who use these gifts. It’s time to get busy.

6. We should be ready to give an answer for the Hope that is in us. v.11 a.

We are to glorify God with our words. Speaking as oracles of God. This will bring glory and honor to the Lord.

7. We should glorify God in all we do. v.11 b.

If we seek the Lord with all our heart and let Him move us with compassion for others. A burden for lost sinner will grip our souls and we will see many brought to righteousness.

We are not to think it strang when fiery trials happen for they speak loudly that the end time is near.