Summary: This sermon looks at the apostle Paul’s new curriculum vitae. The question is does ours match his old or new one?

Paul’s Curriculum Vitae

Romans chapter.1:1-17


At the time of the letter Paul had never been to Rome neither had any of the Apostles,yet this Church had been formed by the many Jews who had visited Jerusalem on Pentecost and had been converted. The message of salvation went back to Rome and a Church had been established. Also some would have heard the news in other places in Acts 18:2. Priscilla and Aquilla who were Jews exiled from Italy.

Romans was probably written in Corinth at the end of Paul’s 3rd journey before returning to Jerusalem Rom:15:25. Where he spent 3 months Acts:20:3.

I wonder how you view yourself today? What’s really important to you? Here In these opening verses we have Paul’s new curriculum vitae. What does your C.V look like? Often our CV’s always view ourselves in the best possible light. Most people’s CV’s are self centered and certainly not Christ centered. For instance....

What is your position in life? Business, Politician academic with a PhD. What is your purpose in life? Consecration to career. What is your priority in life? To be successful and to make money. Is that you?

The pride of Paul.

Paul had a glowing Curriculum vitae,I wonder if we could asked Paul at that time prior to his conversion would he have classed himself as a servant or slave? Prior to his conversion Paul was a man who was self-centred legalist regarding the Law of Moses and the traditions of his fathers.

Paul’s testimony Phil.3:4-6.

One who knew his position in life (Pharisee), his purpose (advancement) and priority in life! (Persecution) I believe we would have met a very self-righteous young man.

Paul’s pre-conversion credentials

Here was a rising star in pharaseical circles born in Tarsus and taught under Gamaliel in Jerusalem. He was from the tribe of Benjamin, circumcised on the 8th day, regarding the law he was faultless. Here was zealot in every matter of Religion.

Today they would have called him a fanatic or even a terrorist in the way he would go about persecuting Christians. He really believed he was doing God a service. This rising star was heading for greater things in his circles! And he knew this, Gal.1:13, 14…. He was advancing…

Persecution was his priority

Acts 22:4. I persecuted the followers of this way to their death arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison

Acts 8:1 He approved of the execution of Stephen.

Act.9:1-2 Breathing threats and murder against the disciple of the Lord and sought letters to continue and carry out his threats. He would most definatly be looked upon today as a religious terrorist.

Paul what is your Position?

Paul’s position prior to conversion. (Servant to law) Phil.3:6. Legalistic righteousness faultless

Paul was a servant of the Pharisaical law, he was committed to obeying it, and he was bound by it. Pharisees were ones who were set apart even from other Jews, they were known to keep to he letter of the law and for adding the traditions of the elders passed down to them. Tithing and ritual purity were kept stringently.Matt.23:23-26. (Pharisee/hypocrite) Traditions of his fathers/ adding religious tradition…

Application. Are we guilty today?

In the 18th century. Whitefield and Wesley 1725-1729 were members of the holy club and lived out a life of good works but knew not Christ.

Whilst in Derby recently I read a Church billboard which read, "Man has added 32 million laws yet have not come up with any to match the Ten Commandments.” Psalm 19:7.“The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul.”


The average person in the street see Christianity as law keeping but. Paul goes to great length in Romans to reveal the work of the law…

The law holds us in bondage and points us to Christ! No-one is righteous

Rom 3:20.Therefore no one will be declared righteous in His sight by observing the law.

Rom 3:28.We maintain that man is justified by faith apart from observing the law

v31 do we then nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather we uphold the law.

CH Spurgeon said, “The law is for the self righteous to humble their pride. The Gospel is for the lost to remove their despair.”

Gal.3:24. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. But now Phil.3:7—9 He considers it all rubbish (dung) compared to knowing Christ.

Paul’s new position

V1.Servant, Bondslave. 1cor.9:19. I have made myself a servant to all. Paul regards himself as a Servant (bondslave Greek. Doulos)

A slave is a person who is involuntary bound in servitude to another human being. Used as an instrument of Labour. One who has lost liberty and rights? Slaves would have been bought at the Market price. But Paul is now voluntary bound as a servant to Christ Jesus

Acts 9:5.Who are you Lord? Damascus rd experience…

Paul is no longer a servant to law but a servant to Christ Jesus by Grace. Paul voluntary gives himself up, to the Lord upon the road to Damascus.

This statement reveals the humility and clear recognition of his true position before Christ Jesus. It begins on the Damascus rd. where pious Paul’s world was turned upside down. The God he believed he was serving he was actually fighting against. All over the world millions of religious people are fighting against God.

Acts 9:5.”Who are you Lord?” Paul had made the will of God his own he had imbibed The Lords will. He was never crushed into submission but freely made the Lords will his will. Phil.3:7-9. His righteousness was now through faith in Christ He becomes a servant to the living God. Like his Lord before him.

Jesus the greatest servant of all.

Let this mind be in you… Phil 2.5 –8 Let this mind be in you…Matt 20:28 even the Son of Man.

What is your purpose in Life Paul? Consecration to God.

Consecration to career

The late English property developer John Redhead worked hard all his life, and made a lot of money. Upon his death recently, he stipulated that his ashes be made into two egg timers, and be presented to his bank manager and taxman. Why? Towards the end of his life, reflecting on the goals to which he had directed his best years, he explained “ One day I suddenly thought I’d worked hard all my life only to hand over most of my cash to the bank and the taxman. When I kick the bucket, I may as well go on working for them.”

V1 Paul was Called and set apart.

Pharisee set apart by men/ but now by God.

Gal.1.v15.16. Jer1.4, 5.consecrated. 1Cor.1.v1. @ 2Cor:1. Called by the will of God Rom1:5

On the Damascus rd Paul was sent by men with letters but returns being sent by God

Yesterday I watched the FA cup final on TV and prior to the match there ws a singer who sang the national anthem. It transpired that a week prior to the match this man had been singing in wine bars making a living. That week he had been signed by a major record company on a million pound deal and now was singing in front of 80,000 people. He was hand picked and given a contract. Friends so are we but unlike his contract with the music company it could quite easily be broken if he doesnt perform, friends ours will never be broken…

1. Called to be an Apostle. V1. (One who is sent) Particular office

On the Damascus rd the Lord called Paul Acts.9:6. Paul would become an Apostle.

Apostles were those who had directly seen the Lord Jesus Christ. The disciples were called the first Apostles as Jesus selects them (Mrk.3:14.6:30.)

Apostles are listed with prophets as part of the foundation of the New Testament Church. Apostles I believe are confined to the 1st century generation. They are the foundation in which we are built upon today… Eph.2.20.built on the foundation of the Apostles and the prophets

V6. Including you who are called to belong to Jesus Christ

God still calls and sets apart people today for particular. Service. Yes to become a Christian and to live for him but it does not end there. God calls some into service for him in a particular ministry?

Eph.4. 11. Unity in the Body and God’s calling

V12. To build up the body of Christ.

Maybe as a missionary, pastor (elder), teacher, and evangelist for the benefit of the body of Christ. Have you known God calling you? Have you responded to that call?

Then as Paul encouraged Timothy we must 2Tim.1:6 Fan into flame the Gift of God

Somebody once said, “We all have different jobs but the same employer…”

Set apart for the Gospel of God v1

As an apostle Paul’s purpose was to preach this Gospel of God to the whole Gentile world.

The Gospel of God is the entire revelation of God through the v2. OT prophets with its many prophecies all pointing to Jesus Christ In regard to his humanity through the line of David as promised and v4 and his death and glorious resurrection. Here we see Paul declaring his agreement with all Scripture and the Apostles teaching. This is summarising the gospel of God the good news!


Are we preaching the Gospel of God in its entirety? Are we at all embarrassed with it? Do we package it in such away that it is pleasing and not offensive. Paul was committed to the whole Gospel he could say?

Rom.1:16. I am not ashamed of the Gospel.

Paul was set apart by the Grace of God.

V5. By whom we have received grace

Paul past life He knew what it was to be saved by grace of God.1Tim1:15. He called himself the worst of sinners. Paul saw the depth of grace in Jesus Christ although he had persecuted the people of the way he was dealt much grace. Luke.7:47. Jesus said,” those who are forgiven much love much.”

You’re past and present life

Have you received this grace from God?

Nobody is too far-gone anybody can be forgiven and receive the grace of God. It’s a gift waiting to be received to all that call upon his name will be saved. Grace simply means; (undeserved favour) Gods, riches at Christ’s expense;

There is a story of a mother who sought an audience with Napoleon beseeching him for mercy because her son was soon to be executed for desertion. After looking at the evidence set before Napoleon he replied to the woman saying, "madam you son does’nt deserve mercy!" The woman replied, "Lord if he deserved mercy it would’nt be mercy!"

Titus 3v4, 5. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Saviour appeared he saved us not because of works done by us in righteousness but according to his own mercy.

What is your priority in life Paul?

V5 To call people from among all the Gentiles.

Gal 2.7.Paul entrusted to preaching to the Gentiles. This might not seem like much to us, to preach to the Gentiles, but for Paul who a number of years earlier would not even sit with Gentiles due to his pharasical principles. This is a massive step!

Acts.10:34,35. Peter learnt also that God doesn’t show favouritism, but accepts men from every nation. But even he failed God in this area.

(Paul’s rebukes Peter in Gal 2.11)

V14,v15 Paul was now a debtor to preach to all

Are we all-inclusive in our Gospel witness? In our lives do we ever show partiality towards a person of a particular colour, ethnic group or status in life poor or the rich? Are we impacting those who would never step foot into a Church? Our Lord did say… Matt.28:19. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. 1Cor 9:19 – 23. Read

Paul’s priority

His whole outlook has been changed he serves not by the letter but now by the spirit/heart

V9. God whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the Gospel of his Son.

Paul’s four missionary journeys,he travelled thousands of miles. Why?

G. Whitfield said, “true Grace will not be content eating mere morsals but will desire to bring others to feast on the delights that are ours in Christ Jesus."

Have we the same priority? Or do we just pay lip service to evangelism. Jesus called the 1st disciples fishers of men have we become mere aquarium keepers?

The Great commission is to go.

On the N coast of America, there was a coastal village where many ships were wrecked. So many had been wrecked here that they decided to build a coast guard station.

One night the alarm sounded and the lights went on, and they knew that the ship was wreaked. The coast guard called all hands to the rescue to man their boats. When the boats were ready one of the sailors came back to the coast guard and said “ Its impossible those waves are 15 feet high we will never make it!” The coast guard replied “I told you to man the boats” A little later the lieutenant came and saw the coast-guard He said “ Its so bad out there, even if we get out, we will never make it back.” The coast guard replied, “Bowser the command is, we have to go. We don’t have to come back!”

Can I ask you how does your curriculum vitae read is it self centered or Christ centered is entrenched in this kingdom or God’s kingdom.

Ask yourself whats your really position is it to be a servant. What is your purpose is to be consecrated to God. And your priority is it the Gospel.