Summary: Looking at Praise

Exploring the Power of Praise

Jan. 2, 2000


As we begin our new series on Worship, I want us to look at our exaltation of the Lord as a whole.

Whenever you hear the word’s Praise & Worship, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Is it singing a song, Lifting your Hand’s, clapping,?

All of these examples are good but they half define the true meaning and purpose of worship.

To understand Worship we need to take a good look at how worship work’s

How many of you know there is a distinct difference between Praise and Worship?

They are not the same thing.

But you cannot separate the two.

They go hand in hand, Kind of like peanut butter and jelly!!!

Peas and Carrots


But before we can truly understand worship we must first look at praise!

Understand that praise is one of the most vital links for a us to connect with God.

Example: I remember when I was a boy, my Father would come home from work, as soon as the front door opened a shout could be heard all through our house “DADDY, DADDY, yeah Daddy’s home my sister and I would run as fast as we could to welcome him home, I would be Jumping up and down.

My sister would absolutely screaming with excitement. I would jump on his back and my sister would latch on to his leg. Simply because of the fact he was home.

But you want to know the most amazing thing about all of that?

All These outward expression of love and rejoicing are a natural response upon seeing the one we love.

No one ever taught us how to do It.

It is something that was birthed within us by God.

Now I understand what Jesus meant in

Matt. 21:16 when he said “Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise”

That is one reason the Lord told his disciples in Matt.18:3 unless you become like little children you will never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Then my dad would take us into his arms and tell us how much he loved us.

And in return the tone of Our voices would change and we would say things like Daddy I love you so much, You’re the best Daddy in the whole world, You know the kind of things that are music to a parents ears.

See we were Praising and affirming our feelings toward him, in a since we were worshipping!

Praise is a celebration time

Worship is an Intimate time

Balancing the two is easier once we recognize the distinctive and function of both praise and worship.

How do we understand PRAISE???

Praise Means: the act of expressing approval or to applaud, admiration: the offering of grateful homage in words or songs; to magnify or glorify as an act of worship.

But understand this morning it is not enough to just know what Praise is,

We must learn how to express Praise towards our God and others.

I ‘am truly convinced that anyone that does not know how to express Praises toward God, will never be able to express praises towards any one else.

Praise is not a difficult concept to understand it is part of our everyday lives.

But to fully grasp Praise as a whole what do we need to do?

I. Rediscover the Potential

What we praise!

PSALM 150:1-Praise Ye. The Lord

WE praise!

1. Our children- when they please us

2. Employees- for a job well done

3. Dogs’ - for performing tricks (Wives I’m not talking about your husbands I’m talking about dogs).

4. Our spouses - for who they are,

not just for what they do!!! MEN!

Look at what we are to PRAISE

5. above and beyond all, Praise is something we direct

toward God.

Notice the word- Praise God- from the Hebrew word “HALLELUJAH”.

I have been is some churches ;

Where some people would cross their arms, lower their heads, pucker their lips and say, “This is not my way of Praising the Lord”.


First of all there is no such thing as “my way” of praising the Lord

There is only “God’s Way”

The bible says that praise is to be declared or manifested;

A. Look at Psalms 66:8- Let the sound of Praise be heard,

Praise is not praise until it is vocalized.

IN other word’s it is impossible to praise with your

mouth shut.

You say Pastor ‘my voice stinks’

Well, in Psalm 66:1 , he has already given you permission to

Make a Joyful noise.

Where do we praise?

Vs. 1 – in his Sanctuary;

a. Sanctuary means: a consecrated place, the HOLY OF HOLIES, “ the innermost part of the temple.

But notice what it says

b. God’s Sanctuary.

Question where is this Sanctuary?

Is it a building?, a temple , Tabernacle or on Mt. Sinai?

but understand The place has shifted!!!

But I want you to know this morning, it is not a building or a tent, the Sanctuary moved of Mt. Sinai and is now on the inside of you and I.

God’s Sanctuary is everywhere he is!

So that will answer the question of where his sanctuary is.

Praise him every where!!!!

Praise him in the shower, your not doing any thing but washing your old dirty flesh,

Praise him in the car, on your way to work.

The quality is not as important as the quantity!!!!

Just lift up your praise in a voice of triumph!

Not only do we Rediscover the potential:

II. Realize the Plan

Why Do we Praise Him?

Vs, 2 “Praise him for his mighty acts; praise him according to his excellent greatness.

You know this description just about covers the reasons

Look at Psm.145:3-

Great is the Lord and Greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.

How great is he? Unreachable!!

In the Spanish bible: the scripture reads, “GREAT is the Lord and most worthy of supreme praise.

The word supreme means: my best or all

Last week my wife and I went to Pizza Hut, my wife likes to order the supreme Pizza, You know the one with everything on it!!!!!

How may of you like Supreme pizza?

Why is it the best? Because it has every thing

See: that is how our praise should be “ our best lacking nothing”

One of the synonyms for supreme is

PARAMOUNT- it’s not just a movie company,

How many of you have seen the picture for paramount pictures?

What is it a picture of? A mountain,

See that’s praise a high mountain, not a speed bump

It means : highest praise possible

Not only is our praise directed to God but:

B. Praise is also something we express to other’s about God.

Notice: the bi-directional focus of praise;

1. DIRECTLY-we praise God directly by extolling (or praise highly) expressing our admiration to him.

2. INDIRECTLY-by commending him or magnifying him to others.

Not only do we Rediscover the Potential and Realize the Plan but Finally:

III. We Rededicate to the Purpose

What do we use to Praise?

Look at Vs.3-5

1. What happened when

I’m reminded of King David in the bible , The bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart.

I will assure you this morning he did not receive that title for his actions towards others.

David knew how to express praise !!!!!

Praise is should be directed towards God for who he is and what he has done.

What does that make him?

PRAISEWORTHY—Deserving of praise.

Some one once said Praise should be more like a party rather than a funeral.

Praise is not just singing!!!

How do we praise?