Summary: The message focuses on the believer gearing up for battle. Veteran’s day message.

Gear Up

Ephesians 6:10-18

Pastor Don Jones


We know what we are to do. The past two weeks we looked at the core commands of the Bible, the Great Command. It tells us what to do and to whom. Seems simple enough, love God and love others. Then why do we fail so often if it is that simple.

A battle hardened veteran stood before his troops one day. He told them his secret to victory over his enemies and staying alive in war. His words were easy to remember and so simple they are hard to forget. He said, "Men, never take ten minutes of ammo into an hour long minute battle".

Most of us get the idea. Be prepared for the battle you are going to fight. The scriptures describe our battle and may offer some understanding as to why we sometimes fail. Turn with me to Ephesians 6:10-19 and let’s begin looking at what the Lord would have us to do.

Know Your Enemy

First, know your enemy. Do some recon. Most of us know the people that irritate and annoy us. Those are not the ones we are in a fight with. Paul tells us our battle is with an enemy much more sinister in nature. He says,

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Our enemy is not the people but the evil encompassing this world. We get upset and angry with people all he time. They are not our enemy. Paul says our enemy is the spiritual forces of evil. Why do we not love others? We think they are our enemy. They are not. When we realize we are fighting spiritual forces then we can begin to prepare for the right battle. Remember, 10 minutes of ammo....

Command Center

Next, set up the proper base of operations. Modern technology literally allows not only the soldiers to be in contact with each other but with the command center as well. When in doubt, the soldier communicates with the commander and gets further instructions.

Our base of operations and command center is the Lord. Verse 10 says,

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Most of us fail in our heavenly mission because we go out in this world under our own power. Like a lone soldier in battle, we are soon captured or killed. I am convinced this is why most believers are not successful. We cannot be victorious without going in the presence and might of the Lord.

Gear Up

Our next step is to make sure we are ready for the fight. We know our enemy, we have a command center, now we need to personally prepare for battle. It is the Lord’s battle and only by following him to we stand a chance against the enemy.

Twice, in verse 11 and 13 we are told,

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

We will be under attack. Before your feet hit the floor be geared up. Most of us would consider a soldier to be an idiot if he went to the front lines without any equipment and yet day after day we walk through life without a second thought to the battle between us and the devil’s schemes. How foolish that is of us.

Equipment Belt

The first piece of equipment we are to put on is the equipment belt.

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist

The belt of old was used to hold everything together. Modern day belts are used to hold everything from knives, ammo, grenades, and small arms. It is a vital piece of equipment for no other reason than it holds your pants up.

We are to put on the belt of truth. Not only does this ground us in Jesus but the truth gives us all of the tools necessary with which to work. We are to walk in the convictions of scripture, the truth. Our actions and words are to be in one accord with God’s word. He gives us all we need in it.


One vital piece of equipment for the soldiers of today is the Kevlar vest. It is used to protect the vital organs of the body. Without this one piece of equipment there would be more injuries and fatalities in war. Paul says,

with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

Roman soldiers used to wear a bronze or iron breast plate for the same purpose as Kevlar vests are worn today. 1 Thessalonians describes this breastplate we are to wear. It says,

But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.

The two attitudes that protect the vital parts are faith and love. We are to walk confidently in love, not ours, but God’s love in our daily business. Of all the things that will fail us during the day, one will not, love. Love never fails. Motivated by your love for others in faith you will succeed and be victorious.


Ask any soldier how much a good pair of boots is worth and you will be amazed. A good pair of boots will take a soldier anywhere. Without a good pair it is hard to do anything. We are told,

and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

The Greek in this passage indicates a firm foundation, a good base that won’t fail in combat. Soldiers fighting in close quarters needed a firm foundation in order to over come the enemy and win the battle. Hand to hand is often won because one opponent is able to get the other off balance.

While many disagree on what is meant by the "firm foundation" I will give you my simple understanding. Through the gospel we came to know Jesus Christ. It is on Him we build our foundation. He is the solid rock.

We are also able to cope with the horrors of this world because we have a hope not based on humanity but on the coming Kingdom in Christ. We are also able to go forth confidently ready to tell others about this hope. Jesus is the one on whom we stand. He is our firm foundation.

Body Armor

The piece of equipment here is the full covering armor. I am not sure what would be similar in today’s army but in ancient times this was a very long shield that covered the soldier from neck to toe.

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Paul says, take up the shield of faith. What is he talking about? It is the change occurring in our life as we walk in Jesus. James 2:12 says it best,

But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

We are able to see Christ working in our lives. He begins to change who we are. He takes our old self and puts on a new self. We begin doing His will and not our own. We demonstrate by our actions, as a result of His Lordship, that we are truly saved. We should be able to show our salvation by our deeds according to James.


The helmet is a most important piece of equipment in a soldiers gear. It protects the brain. Any damage to your head no matter how small can effect your perception in battle. Paul says,

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Adam Clark sums this up best. The hope of continual safety and protection, built on the promises of God, to which the upright follower of Christ feels he has a Divine right, protects the understanding from being darkened, and the judgment from being confused by any temptations of Satan, or subtle arguments of the sophistical ungodly. He who carries Christ in his heart cannot be cheated out of the hope of his heaven.


The offense weapon of the soldier is his rifle. Most can take it apart and put it back together very quickly. I think you would agree a soldier without a gun would be a "sitting duck" in battle.

The sword of the Spirit is the Word. It is our one offense weapon. Jesus fended off the temptations of the devil by quoting scripture. How much more do we need to memorize and learn God’s word so that we can recall it at the moment needed?


And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

While technically a part of the armor, I don’t know a soldier anywhere who has not prayed in the midst of a terrible battle. Roman soldiers would offer up prayers to the gods before each battle asking for protection and victory.

We too should begin each day with prayer to the Lord for safety and victory. In order to safely resist the devil we must have our entire self focused on the Lord. We accomplish this through offering ourselves to Him each day, and sometimes several times each day, because He will ultimately save us from all things.