Summary: 4 of 5 in the Series on Money

(Prov. 22:7) "The borrower is servant to the lender..."

Series: How To Escape Financial Bondage

First message: "The love of money is the root of all evil".

If there ever was an item that steals our time from God...

If there ever was a time in which Christians need to be established, and prepared for the future...

If there ever was a time in which we needed to be at liberty to serve God without the bondage of money that so easily besets us...That Time is Now!!!

Yet, instead, we have fallen prey to the love of money, and it has entangled us in it’s web of deceit and enslaved us in a prison of despair. It is God’s will that we be financially free.

Second Message:

How to tell if you are in financial bondage?

Indebtedness. You owe a lot of money.

Pressure of bills.

Your life revolves around making money.

Entanglement in business.

You try every get rich quick scheme.

You feel guilty about the way you use money.

What is the purpose of money?

To supply basic needs in your life (food, shelter, clothing).

To supply the needs of others.

To show God’s Power in your life.

To unite Christians.

To confirm direction.

Last week:

Factors That Determine Financial Freedom

Giving is a direct factor in financial freedom.

Your income is a direct factor in your financial freedom.

Your spending is a direct factor in your financial freedom...(Learn to say "NO!")

How To Become Financially Free

I. Transfer Ownership of All to God.

A. Of your money.

1. Scriptural premise.

- "Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights..."

- "All things were made by Him, and for Him..."

- "And for thy pleasure they are, and were created..."

- The Bible says that God is the creator and owner of all things; and that they are and were created for His pleasure..."

- Whether or not you give Him ownership to your money, it is in His power to take it or leave it in your hands.

2. If you determine that all that you have is His, it will change the way you spend money.

- If you determine that it is His money, it will make a difference how you spend it.

- It should keep you from being frivolous with God’s money!!

- You would not want to waste what belongs to God, would you?

3. Transferring ownership of your money to God, is the first step in becoming free.

- If you indeed transfer its ownership, you transfer with it, the responsibilities that are associated with it.

- This may seem simplistic, and unrealistic, but I know it is the truth, and it works.

- When you transfer the ownership to God; and buy, sell, and spend according to His will; and put yourself under His direction; you also put yourself in His care.

- When you were spending your money, as you pleased, you also had to suffer the consequences of paying for your extravagances.

- But, now that you are spending as God leads, and doing as He wills, it becomes His responsibility to meet your needs, and set you free.

B. Of your time.

1. It cost money to live for the world.

- Because Christ is not the center fo our lives, we must find our joy and happiness elsewhere.

- Much of our money is spent on entertainment, pleasures, and other carnal appetites. And most of it is wasted because we can find fulfillment in Christ.

- Becasue we yield to the flesh instead of walking in the Spirit, we waste the money God gives us, in wordly pursuits.

- It cost money to live for the world.

2. It will help you to become financially free, if you transfer the ownership of your time to God.

- We seek for happiness in food, fun, and entertainment. We aren’t satisfied with a home-cooked meal, we want to eat out, more & more.

- We buy bigger and better toys (only difference between men & boys, is the price of their toys).

- We constantly want more, because Christ is not enough for us! Because we have not made Him center of our lives!!!

C. Of our possessions.

1. How tight do you hold on to your possessions?

- Maybe to become financially free, God would have you sell some of your possessions (Lk.12:29-34).

- God may want you to have a Yard-Sale and get rid of some things that hinder you, and pay-off some bills that hold you down, so that you can be more free to serve Him.

- Maybe you don’t need 2 cars & a boat. Maybe you don’t need 2 TV’s (or even 1). Maybe you don’t need designer clothes.

- I am not saying you dont! I’m just asking if you are willing to give them up, if God leads you to?

2. What is more important to you?

- Where your going to go after church?

- What your going to do next vacation?

- What movie your going to watch next?

- What restaurant your going to eat at next?

- Or what God’s will is for your life?

- If you transfer ownership to Him, He may want to liquidate His assets, in order to make you more profitable to Him.

D. Of our career.

1. God may want to change your career.

- We call ourselves followers of God, but we rebel at the thought of Him telling us what career to follow. We feel like our career is ours to choose!

- Maybe God wants to change your career, or your wages, or your hours! Are you willing to do as He commands?

2. We pray for financial freedom, and then get mad when God answers our prayer.

- What if God answers your prayer by changing your job or career?

- We want freedom so that we can better serve Him, what if He answers by giving us fewer hours? Less money, but more time to serve Him.

3. Often we waste what God does in our life, instead of using it to become free.

- You pray & pray for financial freedom. You ask your boss for a raise, and pray to God that it will be given. Oh God, I am over my head with bills, please let me get this raise.

- God gives you the raise. Do you pay double on your bills? Do you use it to become free?

*** NO!!! You buy a new car, and a new house, and new furniture!! ***

- God gives you overtime. Not just a little, but 20-30 hours a week overtime. Do you see it as a gift from God?

*** Hey, this could be God’s answer to becoming financially free!! ***

- IT’S WICKED; WICKED; WICKED; To use God’s answer of financial freedom, to get more in debt! Or to balk at God’s answer to your prayer.

- Turn over the ownership of your career to God, and He will set you free.

II. Establish Habits That Will Remind You That You Have Transfered All to Him.

A. Three things that remind us of the battle with the flesh, and of our yieldedness to God (all

found in Matthew 5).

1. (Matt. 6:5-8) Prayer is a battle with the flesh, but shows yielding to God.

- If you have ever tried to have a regular prayer life you know that it is a battle with the flesh.

- But, those who are yielded to God will have a regular prayer life, and those who do not pray regularly, are not yielded to God.

- Your prayer life, or lack thereof, is a constant reminder of your current walk with God. You can look at your prayer life and determine how far away you are!

2. (Matt. 6:16-18) Fasting is a battle with the flesh, but shows yielding to God.

- Spiritual fasting is a battle with the flesh. It is a wonderful way to deny the flesh. It builds Spiritual strength, and teaches us to deny carnality.

- Those who yield to God will endure the fast, not enjoy it, but endure it for Christ’s sake.

- You force your body to fast in order to remind your body that you are yielded to God, and are seeking His will, and not the will of the flesh.

3. (Matt. 6:1-4) Giving also is a battle with the flesh, but shows yielding to God.

- God says, "WHEN" you give; not "IF", but "WHEN". God expects that you will give. He is not teaching them to give, but HOW to give.

- You can determine your yieldedness to God by these three. By prayer, by fasting, and by your giving.

- Consistant giving reminds you on a regular basis that you have transferred ownership of all to God.

B. Consistant giving is a sign that you are not relying on your income, but in God.

1. (2 Cor. 8:1-7) The Macedonian church was not relying on their income, but in God.

- They did not give out of abundance, but out of poverty. They gave not only of their power, but beyond their power.

- They proved by their giving that they relyed not in their income, but in God!

2. If you have indeed transfered ownership to God, then it will be reflected in your giving.

C. Begin to seek God before making any major financial descision.

1. You have not transferred it all to God, if you buy, sell, and use God’s possessions without ever consulting Him.

- You may call it God’s, but if you are still in control of it, you still think its yours.

- Some come to me for financial counsel, with no intention of doing what I recommend. They simply want to tell me what they have already decided to do.

- And, many go to God in prayer about major purchases, with absolutely no intention of allowing God to lead them. Thye just want to let God in on theor descision.

2. I know this is the truth, I have seen it.

- If you really went to God in sincerity, BEFORE you made that purchase, why did it fall apart 4 months later?

- Either God made a mistake in His counsel to you, or you did not obey God’s counsel.

3. If you want to be financially free, begin to seek God BEFORE major purchases.

- Ask God if He wants you to spend that money, or buy new furniture...etc.

- A meeting is coming up. Begin now to ask God what He would have you give toward this meeting. He will lead you!

- If you do not have the money to give toward the meeting, maybe He will lead you to sell one of the possessions you turned over to Him!!!

If you want to be financially free, Transfer ownership of all you have to Him;

Establish habits that will remind you that you have transferred ALL.

III. Put Christ First in Your Life (Matt. 6:19-33).

A. Don’t seek to be rich on earth, but in heaven (v. 19-21).

1. By bringing souls to Christ [1 Thess. 2:19-20 "Ye are our joy & our crown...].



B. Seek ye first the kingdom of God...

1. If you put God first, He will reward you {Heb. 11:6 "a rewarder of them that dilligently seek Him..."

IV. Determine to Be Completely Debt Free.

A. If you do not buy new things, you can use that extra money to pay more on the things you

have already buy.

B. Questions to ask before making any major purchase.

1. Will it increase my effectiveness for God?

2. Is it absolutely essential. Do I really need it?

- Confirmed by 2 or more witnesses. The Bible, the preacher, another Godly man!

3. Will it strengthen my family. Will it increase the burden my family must bear.

- More often our major purchases are more of a burden than a blessing.

- "I’ve got to have this new car, for my wife’s sake." But, then your wife must listen to the anger & fustration when you can’t pay it!!!

4. Can I buy a less expensive item, that will perform just as well.

- Thrift stores, day old bakery, etc.

5. Does it require upkeep, that makes it unjustifyable to buy.

- Some can afford a new car, but not the insurance for it. That s/b considered.