
Psalm 27

A psalm of David. 1The LORD is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger,so why should I tremble? 2 When evil people come to devour me,when my enemies and foes attack me,they will stumble and fall. 3 Though a mighty army surrounds me,my heart will not be afraid.Even if I am attacked,I will remain confident.

4The one thing I ask of the LORDthe thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,delighting in the LORD’s perfectionsand meditating in his Temple. 5 For he will conceal me there when troubles come;he will hide me in his sanctuary.He will place me out of reach on a high rock. 6 Then I will hold my head highabove my enemies who surround me.At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy,singing and praising the LORD with music.

7Hear me as I pray, O LORD.Be merciful and answer me! 8 My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”And my heart responds, “LORD, I am coming.” 9 Do not turn your back on me.Do not reject your servant in anger.You have always been my helper.Don’t leave me now; don’t abandon me,O God of my salvation! 10 Even if my father and mother abandon me,the LORD will hold me close.

11Teach me how to live, O LORD.Lead me along the right path,for my enemies are waiting for me. 12 Do not let me fall into their hands.For they accuse me of things I’ve never done;with every breath they threaten me with violence. 13 Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodnesswhile I am here in the land of the living.

14Wait patiently for the LORD.Be brave and courageous.Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.