
Tehillim 127

1(Shir HaMa'alot, of Shlomo).Except Hashem build the bais, they that build it labor in vain; except Hashem is shomer over the city, the shomair (watchman) stands guard in vain.

2It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the lechem ha'atzavim (bread of toils); for so He giveth his beloved sleep.

3Hinei, banim are nachalat Hashem; and the p’ri habeten is a zachar (reward).

4As khitzim (arrows) are in the yad of a gibbor; so are bnei haneurim (children born in one's youth).

5Ashrei hagever that hath his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the oyevim basha'ar (enemy at the gate).