Alan Braun
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
How To Cork A Good Whine
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
How to deal with the whiner and complainers of life
Intro: Eph 4:29-32 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, ...read more
'tis The Season To Be Expectant
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
A new look at the Christmas Season
Matthew 4:18 - 22 Intro: 6 - ’Tis The Season To Be Extravagant To Love Him with all of our being! 13 - ’Tis The Season To Be Confident To Know He is there no matter what! 20 - ’Tis The Season To Be Jubilant (Part 3 of 4) To Trust in Him alone for our Joy! 27 - ’Tis The ...read more
'tis The Season To Be Confident
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
A new look at the Christmas season
This season should give us confidence in God who loves us and gave Himself for us. Wouldn’t you want to do something great with God? What gives you confidence? Zach’s view: Wanted to please God (6) ...behavior is good ...heart is good Zacharias means "God has ...read more
'tis The Season To Be Extravagant
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
A new look at Christmas
Intro: Theme: There is no gift that you could bring that would be too great for your Jesus! Extravagant - "going beyond the bounds of reason; excessive" Who are these Wise Men? They are worshippers. ...They understood that He was worth the effort (2:1) These men travelled ...read more
Freedoms That Hurt
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
A study on the Book of Romans
Freedoms That Can Hurt Chapter 14 Some of our problems of Christian unity stem from our backgrounds. Each person has been raised in environments that helped create much of their thinking. Paul realizes that the Jews were saved out of a legalistic background and the Gentiles were saved out of a ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Tis The Season
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
Building Better Relationships
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Advertisement: Wedding Dress For Sale. Wore Once ...
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
Advertisement: Wedding dress for sale. Wore ...read more
Josh Mcdowell Wisely Stated, "The Greatest Thing ...
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
Josh McDowell wisely stated, “The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” And the greatest thing a mother ...read more
Something For Stevie
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
Titled: Something for Stevie I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally handicapped employee and wasn’t sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my customers would ...read more
The Worst Kind Of Fire
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
THE WORST KIND OF FIRE A few years ago, back in 1990, the USA was involved in what was known as the Persian Gulf War. Troops took on the Iraqi forces out in the desert of Kuwait. In those two months, January and February, the USA won an outstanding victory, and had relatively few casualties. ...read more
One Key To Patton's Success Was That He Learned ...
Contributed on Mar 22, 2002
One key to Patton’s success was that he learned how to deal with his fear. He declared, “The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That’s the time to listen to every fear you can imagine. When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your ...read more