  • Art Campbell

    Contributing sermons since May 26, 2007
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  • How Can We Know The Gospel Is Not Fake News?

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2022

    The work of the Spirit is evidence of the Gospel’s truth

    FAKE NEWS & KNOWING WHAT IS TRUE Earlier this year the Macquarie Dictionary declared ‘fake news’ to be the word of the year. It’s an interesting commentary on society! So is the runner-up – mainsplain (but I think that’s fake news). Sometimes fake news is deliberately deceptive, but the word is more

  • How To Be Good Without Being A Hypocrite

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2022

    It seems that the more strongly we hold moral views the more we insist others hold them as well, and the harder it is to live by them, and we get into this cycle of bullying, hypocrisy and moral failure. So how can we be good without being a hypocrite?

    HYPOCRISY IN THE CHURCH When I was younger, the church pretty much had the corner on hypocrisy, at least as society told the story. People didn’t want to go to church because it was full of hypocrites. To which we sometimes replied, come on in then, we’ve room for more. And that’s not an unfair more

  • Unity In The Gospel

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2022

    When people are trying to drive you apart, how do you stay together? When there are major differences between us, how do we stay united? Does it even matter?

    INTRODUCTION Which way should the toilet paper goes on the holder? Should the toilet seat stay up or down? How do you squeeze the toothpaste tub? (When I was growing up, toothpaste tubes were metal and this mattered!). When the kids don’t get what they want from Mum, what do that do? Go to more

  • No Other Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2022

    When we add to or distract from the Gospel, we rob God

    NOT A REAL CHRISTIAN Have you ever had someone tell you that you’re not really a Christian or not saved? Maybe because, they said, you don’t belong to the right church or you celebrate the wrong holidays or whatever. When I was returning from the mission field, I had the good fortune of sitting more

  • God's Prayer Agenda (Pt 2)

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2022

    The second part of the prayer moves from ‘You’ — God — to ‘us’ and our more earthly concerns.

    Last week we began looking at God’s agenda for prayer through the lens of the Lord’s Prayer. We saw that according to our recent survey a lot of us are struggling with prayer. Many of us don’t pray at all and quite a number only pray two or three times a week. I suggested that part of our more

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