  • Andrew Schroer

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Andrew's church

Divine Savior Lutheran Church
Miami, Florida 33182

About Andrew
  • Education: I graduated from Northwestern College, Watertown, Wisconsin in 1995 with a Bachelor of the Liberal Arts degree. In 1999 I graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin with my Masters of Divinity degree.
  • Experience: During my years at the seminary and shortly thereafter I served congregations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Monterrey, N.L., Mexico; and Mexico D.F. I am now currently serving a multicultural congregation in Miami, Florida.
  • Family: My wife Clariza is a native of Monterrey, Mexico. She is a clothing designer, Sunday School teacher, organist and pianist. I thank God for her.
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Newest Sermons

  • Pelea La Buena Batalla De La Fe

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    San Pablo nos anima a pelear la buena batalla de la fe, aferrándonos a nuestra salvación y estando contentos con todo lo que Dios nos ha dado.

    El domingo pasado el ejército de los Estados Unidos atacó a Afganistán dando inicio a nuestra guerra larga contra el terrorismo. No sabemos cuánto va a durar esta lucha. Sólo sabemos que va a ser una lucha larga y difícil. Esta mañana, San Pablo exhortó a Timoteo a “pelear la buena batalla de la more

  • Fight The Good Fight

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    St. Paul encourages us to fight the good fight of faith, holding on tightly to the salvation that we have been given and being content with God’s blessings.

    The United States has attacked Afghanistan. It has begun. The long war on terrorism. We don’t know how long it will last. We only know that it will be a long and difficult struggle. This morning, Paul encouraged Timothy to “fight the good fight of faith”, to join in hand to hand combat against more

  • Jesucristo Recibe A Los Pecadores

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    Esta es una invitación a confiar en él y una exhortación a predicar sobre él.

    “Clariza, ¿has visto mis llaves?” Cada unos días se escuchan esas palabras en mi casa. Y luego empieza la búsqueda: bajo el sofá, en la cocina, en mi oficina, entre la ropa sucia. Como locos las buscamos porque como siempre ando tarde para una cita. Cuando de repente se escuchan las gloriosas more

  • Jesus Sinners Does Receive

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    This is an invitation to trust in him. This is an exhortation to preach about him.

    “Clariza, have you seen my keys?” And then the search begins: under the couch, in the kitchen, in my office, in the laundry. We look like crazy because as always, I am running late. Then I hear those glorious words: “Here they are.” What a relief. This morning our Savior Jesus Christ is going to more

  • Be A 24/7 Christian

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    Being a Christian means a lot more than going to church on Sunday morning. God wants us to live our life of love 24/7.

    Almost nine months ago, we sent out postcards announcing the opening of our church here in Doral. The first postcard that we sent out had the picture of a young woman on it who is quoted as saying: “When I walked out of my parent’s church, I never thought I’d walk back in. For me church was all more

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