  • Ben Bannister

    Contributing sermons since Oct 11, 2004
Ben's church

Harvest Ministries
Casper, Wyoming 82601

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Newest Sermons

  • Still Not Enough

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2004
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explains that Christ is the only way to Heaven.

    Text: Luke 18:9-14 ETS: Jesus tells a story about a tax collector and a Pharisee. ESS: There are three reasons why the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisee’s is not good enough for God. OSS: The lost and religious will turn to Christ for their salvation. PQ: Why is the righteousness more

  • A Powerful Witness

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    God gave us John the Baptist as an example on how to have a powerful witness.

    Text: Matthew 3:1-17 ETS: This passage details the early ministry of John the Baptist. ESS: God gave us John as an example of a powerful witness. OSS: God’s people will be effective witnesses. PQ: What are the characteristics of a powerful witness? UW: Characteristics Title: A Powerful more

  • Growing Tall And Strong

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    In this sermon, we discuss Spiritual Growth.

    Text: 2 Peter 1:1-11 ETS: Peter writes about spiritual growth. ESS: This sermon informs us about spiritual grwoth. OSS: God’s people will grow spiritually. PQ: What does this passage teach me about spiritual growth. UW: Facts I. God has given us the means to grow spiritually (vv2-4) more

  • Shine Like The Son

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    In this sermon, we learn how to be a good example for others to follow.

    Text: 2 Tim 2:14-26 ETS: Paul gives sound advice to young Timothy. ESS: If we would follow these instructions, our BCM will be transformed from the inside out. OSS: The BCM will be changed from the inside out. PQ: What can we do to make this BCM a more effect ministry? UW: more

  • When We Doubt

    Contributed on Jul 5, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    What should we do when we doubt God and how does He respond to that doubt when we bring it to His attention?

    Text: Luke 7:18-35 ETS: John sends messengers to Christ. ESS: God does not get angry over honest doubt in the life of a believer. OSS: God’s children will not be afraid when they doubt him. PQ: What does God do when we doubt? UW: Actions Introduction: I. Who is likely to doubt more