Bernard Dawson
Contributing sermons since Sep 14, 2003
Newest Sermons
Missing Christmas
Contributed on Dec 15, 2002
An effort to draw attention to the risk of missing the real meaning of Christmas.
MISSING CHRISTMAS Luke 2:1-7 George Mason was an astute businessman. He was also unsocial, single and against Christmas. He was a modern day Ebenezer Scrooge who wished for Christmas to move along so business and profits could resume. On Christmas eve as his workers were leaving he ...read more
Close To The Kingdom
Contributed on Nov 23, 2002
An examination of a biblical character demonstrating the need of a vital relationship with Jesus Christ and not just a respectable alignment with a popular religious understanding.
CLOSE TO THE KINGDOM Scripture: Mark 12:28-40 Jesus had skilfully answered the Pharisee’s questions and avoided their trap. (v.13) The scribe in today’s lesson was quite pleased with the answers and stepped forward with some questions of his own. Scribes were professionals whose occupation ...read more
Sin By Any Other Name
Contributed on Nov 17, 2002
An insight into the patient persistence of the Lord in calling people to live godly.
SIN BY ANY OTHER NAME Scripture: John 8:1-11 and Revelation 3:20 You’ve probably heard the saying, “A rose by any other name would still smell sweet.” Many things have a core-trait that isn’t changed when the name is changed. A rose could be called a skip but it would still smell sweet. ...read more
Remember Our Heroes
Contributed on Nov 10, 2002
A challenge to remember Godly heroes and what made them great and then adopt some of those traits into our own lives.
REMEMBER OUR HEROES Acts 26:12-23 People are not born as heroes. They emerge from the mass of humanity and do something above the norm. They act because they see a need and have a vision for solving the problem. The vision may come in the form of a long contemplated dream or maybe it’s a ...read more
You Belong To Someone Else
Contributed on Oct 13, 2002
An encouragement to full surrender to the will of God.
YOU BELONG TO SOMEONE ELSE Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 As you read this chapter it seems to fall into five divisions. 1. Conflict in the church. 2. Judging others. 3. Diet considerations. 4. Sex appetite and control. 5.Ownership of self. Our specific consideration today will deal ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Alone On Christmas
Contributed on Dec 14, 2002
ALONE ON CHRISTMAS George Mason’s life was centered in his business. He lived alone and refused all invitations to socialize. His brother’s family had urged him to visit but the children always made too much noise. Besides, he didn’t want to buy presents for his nephews and nieces. Instead he ...read more
In John Fletcher’s Only Pastorate (Madeley) ...
Contributed on Nov 23, 2002
In John Fletcher’s only pastorate (Madeley) there was a woman who became a Christian. Her husband was a butcher and an unbeliever. She attended church meetings whenever possible and this angered her husband. He threatened her but she remained firm. She must attend church as usual. Beginning to ...read more