Bev Sesink
Contributing sermons since Oct 23, 2016
Newest Sermons
Esther - A Woman Of Humility And Wisdom - The Queen Of Beauty And Courage
Contributed on Jul 17, 2019
A sermon about Esther and the impact she had due to her humility and wisdom.
Esther - A Woman Of Humility And Wisdom The Queen Of Beauty And Courage Esther - A Woman Of Humility And Wisdom The Queen Of Beauty And Courage (The Book Of Esther) THE Story Chapter 20 Sunday March 10, 2019 Thank you for joining us today as we continue with The Story. This week we are looking at ...read more
How Should We Live In A Pluralistic Polytheistic Society
Contributed on Nov 7, 2016
This sermon addresses the opportunity and challenge of how to live out our faith in a multicultural/multifaith context such as is experienced in Canadian/American cities.
How Should We Live In A Pluralistic Polytheistic Society? July 17, 2016 As we begin this morning I want to ask you a question – if you had to move to a different city, a different province, even a different country, how would you want people who live there to treat you? What would you ...read more
Hungry And Thirsty For What?
Contributed on Oct 23, 2016
An explanation of Matthew 5:6 how we can rightly hunger and thirst for righteousness instead of what we naturally hunger and thirst for.
Hungry and Thirsty For What? Matthew 5:6 Sunday October 23, 2016 Today we continue in the series the Upside Down Kingdom with a focus on The Beatitudes found in Matthew 5. As we begin I thought I would start with a short quiz to see how much you may remember of the beatitudes we have covered ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
The Story
Contributed on Jul 17, 2019
Just Ask
Contributed on Nov 7, 2016
Upside Kingdom
Contributed on Oct 23, 2016