Billy's church

Mission Christ
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
734 994 3243

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  • Love

    Contributed on Jun 21, 2007

    Who here can you love tonight?

    When I was a freshman in high school I walked through the doors of mission Christ for the first time. There were a lot of reasons I came. My band was playing a show there at a thing called club Christ, my band has since broken up. There was a girl who invited me who I thought was pretty more

  • Called

    Contributed on Jun 21, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Epesians 1:4 “Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love.”

    When I was born my parents named me William Erick Kangas and that was that. From that point on that was my name. I had no say in it I had no input I had no way to argue. I grew up being William Erick Kangas and I will probably die being William Erick Kangas. That’s what I am Called and that’s what more

  • Human

    Contributed on Jun 21, 2007

    When we treat each other like dirt we are denying that God has made them in his image. We are eliminating the spiritual element of their existence.

    When the world was six days old God decided that he was ready to pull out the big guns. He rolled up his sleeves and created humanity. He took some dust and breathed on it, and the bible tells us that the dust became man. He called the man of the ground Adam, which was a good name for him, but I more

  • Thanks

    Contributed on Jun 21, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Just as ancient offerings were said to ascend to the heavens, so also a life lived in praise connects us with God in powerful ways.

    2,186,230 Can anyone guess what that number represents? 2,186,230 any Ideas? 2,186,230 this is the number of people who were in Jail, or Prison in the United States alone in June 2005 (the most recent statistics I could find). Each person incarcerated in our system today is there because the more

  • Death

    Contributed on Jun 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In the world today about 56,597,034 people die a year. Which works out to approximately 155,000 people a day, 6458 an hour, and 108 people a minute. Which means every second 2 people die. For every breath you take approximately seven people have died. Dea

    In the world today about 56,597,034 people die a year. Which works out to approximately 155,000 people a day, 6458 an hour, and 108 people a minute. Which means every second 2 people die. For every breath you take approximately seven people have died. Death is everywhere, and it happens to more