  • Bruce Mccoy

    Contributing sermons since Feb 8, 2006
Bruce's church

Canaan Baptist Church
St. Louis, Missouri 63129
(314) 487-1730

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Newest Sermons

  • God's Three Deadlines

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    This is one sermon in a series of retelling famous historic sermons that shook continents. This particular sermon is a retelling of Evangelist, J. Harold Smith’s epic sermon, "God’s Three Deadlines." In my church, I included a bulletin insert phot

    God’s Three Deadlines. The Unpardonable Sin - Sinning Away Your Day of Grace – Sin Unto Death 1. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the Unpardonable Sin. 2. It is committed only by unbelievers: 3. List multiple crimes that seem unforgivable. John Wayne Gacey – Homosexual who enticed more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • In The Dark Of Night, A Bedouin In The Sands Of ...

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    In the dark of night, a Bedouin in the sands of Arabia was eating dates as he lay in his tent. As he took a date & bit into it – he found a worm inside. He bit into another & discovered a worm in it, too. He tried another…& saw a worm in the next one as well. There was a worm in more

  • I Was 12 Years Old When I Discovered I Had The ...

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    I was 12 years old when I discovered I had the power to knock down my older sister! We were out playing in the new fallen snow. It was all good natured. But, this winter was different. I had had a growth streak & was about the same height of my older sister. In the rough & tumble of having more