Bruce's church

Grace Church
Desert Hot Springs, California 92241

About Bruce
  • Education: Pastor Bruce holds a Bachlor’s degree from Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Mo. (1970), attended Evangel College in Springfield for one year (1970-1971), got his Master of Divinity degree from Talbot Seminary, majoring in Old Testament and Semitic Languages (1975), and received his Doctor of Ministry degree in Pastoral Ministry from Denver Seminary (1992).
  • Experience: Pastor Bruce has pastored churches in California (Morgan Hill and Desert Hot Springs), Kansas (Macksville and Sterling), Colorado (Pueblo) and Minnesota (Minneapolis). His denominational exposure has been broad - Baptist, Presbyterian, Charismatic, Christian, and EFCA. His heart has been to work for the Lord wherever the Lord directed, and he has always sought fellowship and cooperation with other evangelical ministries in each city where he has been blessed to minister.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I normally preach a series of expositions through a book. I read widely, and owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who have written the commentaries and provided illustrations. While I cannot give credit to everyone whose thoughts have influenced mine, I do attempt to footnote key sources and give credit for direct quotes.
  • Family: My wife of 40 years is an educator (Language, Literacy and Culture specialist). We have three grown children, and four grandchildren. Pastor Bruce was raised by missionary parents in the fields of Jordan and Pakistan.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My Dad (85 year old missionary) thinks I’m one of the best preachers in America!
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She is my best critic! Very supportive, but always has good suggestions.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: From Haddon Robinson: Always ask what is the big idea of the passage and sermon; and preparation has two parts: (1) what does the passage say; (2) how am I to present it? From Fred Craddock: people love stories!
  • Hobbies: Piano and keyboard, woodworking, stamps.
  • What I want on my tombstone: No clue! That’s for someone else to decide, not me!
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Newest Sermons

  • Think About Jesus

    Contributed on Aug 28, 2008
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    By fixing our minds on Jesus we can find victory, hope and courage no matter our circumstances

    Think About Jesus Hebrews 3:1-6 Intro. What do you think about? From the moment we are born, all think about something: Baby – own comfort, enjoyment, “dryness” and food. Child – what to wear, who will sit by me at lunch, should I take a sack lunch or eat in the cafeteria Adolescent more

  • God's Creative Work Explained

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2008

    The creation of the heavens and the earth (including the existence of matter itself, it’s organization, and the origin and development of life) wasn’t out of preexisting energy or matter, but was brought into existence by God out of nothing by God speakin

    God’s Creative Work Explained Genesis 1:2 – 2:3 By Dr. R Bruce Montgomery Last week: Ge. 1:1 God’s creative work declared: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Summary statement The author goes on and gives an explanation of how he did it beginning in verse 2. Not more

  • Why Did The Eternal God Put On Human Flesh?

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2008

    Jesus laid aside his glory and power and put on human flesh to save us from sin and make us holy, to destroy the dvil and free us from the fear of death, and to bcome our merciful and faithful high priest.

    Why Did the Eternal God Put on Human Flesh? Hebrews 2:5-18 By Dr. R Bruce Montgomery Solomon, at dedication of the temple which he had built for God, asked the question: But will God really dwell on earth with men? The heavens, even the highest heavens cannot contain you. How much less more

  • In The Beginning God Created

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2008

    The proper beginning place to discover where we came from and why we are here is not in evolution, but in Genesis.

    In The Beginning God Created Genesis 1:1 By Dr. R. Bruce Montgomery Introduction • Where did we come from? • How did our universe around us come into existence? • When and how did animate life begin? • Why are we here? • Are we merely the products of chance, or is there a purpose and plan more

  • In The Beginning God

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2008

    The starting point for truly knowing God is through God’s self-revelation; and the foundation and starting point for learning what God has revealed about Himself is the study of Genesis

    In the Beginning God GE 1:1 By Dr. R. Bruce Montgomery Why Genesis? I enjoy and have benefited from learning stories of Jesus and the apostles, studying the theological teachings of Paul and practical day-to-day instructions of James. But why GENESIS? Because it is a key to understanding more

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Newest Sermon Series

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Our Solar System Bears Witness To Orderly, ...

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2008

    Our solar system bears witness to orderly, careful design. Consider the slant of our earth, tilted at a 23° angle. If it wasn't so tilted, we would lose not only our seasons, but life itself, as the vapors from the ocean would move north and south, piling up continents of ice. Or the distance to more

  • I Only Have Eyes For Him

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2008

    I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR HIM Following a great victory, King Cyrus of Persia took as prisoners a noble prince, his wife, and their children. When they were brought into the leader’s tent to stand before him, Cyrus said to the prince, "What will you give me if I set you free?" He replied, "I will more

  • Identifies With Our Suffering

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2008
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    IDENTIFIES WITH OUR SUFFERING His name was Joseph Damien, and you’ve probably heard his story before, but it bears repeating. A Belgian priest, he was sent in 1873 to minister to lepers in Hawaii. As soon as he arrived on Molokai, he began trying to build friendships with the residents of the more

  • I Know Because I See

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    I KNOW BECAUSE I SEE The fingerprints of God are everywhere in nature! Faith - at least in part - is the spiritual seeing or perceiving of the fingerprints on the things he has made. We see the order, the beauty, the greatness, the complexity of what he has made - and these are the evidence more

  • Back In The Late 1940's, In An Appearance At A ...

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2008
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    Back in the late 1940’s, in an appearance at a Hyde Park "Speaker's Corner," Catholic author and publisher Frank Sheed had described the extraordinary order and design in the universe. A persistent heckler retorted by pointing out all the world's ills, and ended shouting, "I could make a better more