Clint's church

Living Water Independent Church
Tracy City, Tennessee 37387

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  • After This

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    How did Job manage to make it through the trouble and trials without giving up?

    AFTER THIS Job 42:16-17 Intro: You are probably finding it strange that I read those two verses and intend to preach a message on them. The reason I say that is because if a person were to just open their Bibles and read those two verses as “stand-alone” or more

  • Going Back To Bethel

    Contributed on Feb 28, 2008
    based on 41 ratings

    Jacob first met God at Luzwhich means "a hard place." After his encounter with God he changed the name of that place to Bethel which means "the House of God." Years later Jacob finds himself returning to the place where he first met God.

    GOING BACK TO BETHEL Genesis 35:1-7 Intro: To fully understand the message this morning it is imperative that I take you back to Genesis 27. Esau in his moment of weakness has sold his birthright to Jacob. Jacob through deception and by the held of his mother has gone to Isaac and received more

  • What Does God Have In Store For You

    Contributed on Feb 28, 2008

    Part two of how God directed the life of Joseph from a 17 year old adolescent to a 30 year old king.

    WHAT DOES GOD HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU (PART 2) Genesis 37:1-33(for sake of time 23-33) Intro: If you were within the hearing of part 1 of this message I told you I felt that the more I read the Bible the more I feel like God has got something good in store for those who would be saved, stay more

  • What Does God Have In Store For You

    Contributed on Feb 28, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a two part sermon on the life of Joseph and how God directed his life from a 17 year old adolescent to a 30 year old king

    WHAT DOES GOD HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? Genesis 37: 1-33 (23-33 for the sake of time) Intro: The more I read the Bible the more I believe and the more I can see that God has got something good in store for those who would be saved, stay saved and live in the faith. Of course, sometimes getting more

  • Who Cares If You Go To Hell

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Does anyone really care who dies and goes to hell?

    Luke 16:20-31 Emphasis on v 27 & 28 Intro: In this passage of scripture we read of a beggar and a rich man. Both die and awake in their eternal destination. The beggar in Abraham’s bosom and the rich man in hell. In verse 24 we find the rich man begging for just a taste of water . In verse more

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