  • D Marion Clark

    Contributing sermons since Sep 8, 2010
D Marion's church

Lake Oconee Presbyterian Church
Eatonton, Georgia 31024

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  • Single Vs Married

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2023

    How content are you in your circumstance? Are you single wishing to be married? Are you married wishing you were single? Where you are right now is the circumstance that the Lord has you in. The real question is not so much about your contentment but in making use of your circumstance to serve him.

    1 Corinthians 7:32-40 Single vs. Married 11/2/03 D. Marion Clark Introduction I’ve almost made it! I’ve waded through the swampy water of chapter 7 and the dry bank is before me. Just one more slippery step to take, one more dangerous issue. Which is better: to be single or to be married? more

  • Call For Endurance

    Contributed on May 22, 2017
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    What do we do in the face of persecution? We endure; we keep the faith. This is the message of Revelation. Whatever comes – and every type of persecution and deception will come – remain faithful to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Rev 12:1-13:18 A Call for Endurance 5/21/17 D. Marion Clark Introduction When the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was all around the city. And the servant said, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” 16 He said, “Do more

  • The Worship Of Heaven

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2017
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    John’s message to the churches of his day (and to us) is that all that is seen is not all that exists. Indeed, the reality is much greater than what is seen on earth.

    Revelation 4:1-11 The Worship of Heaven 4/2/17 D. Marion Clark Introduction Can you identify where this quote is from? There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. If you answered Hamlet, you got it right. I open with this quote for two more

  • Jesus, His People, The Local Church

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2017

    Who are you? How you answer that question guides how you live your life. In our text this morning, John lays before us the identities of three parties: that of fellow Christians, of Jesus, and of the local church.

    Revelation 1:9-20 Jesus, His People, the Local Church 3/5/17 D. Marion Clark Introduction Who are you? How you answer that question guides how you live your life. In our text this morning, John lays before us the identities of three parties: that of fellow Christians, of Jesus, and of the more

  • Soli Deo Gloria

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2017
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    Soli Deo Gloria - Glory to God - presents the reason for which we and all of creation exists. It presents for us what makes our lives glorious.

    Romans 11:33-36 Soli Deo Gloria 2/5/17 D. Marion Clark Introduction On May 7, 2000 James Montgomery Boice entered the pulpit of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia for the final time of his 32-year ministry there as Senior Minister. He was dying of cancer. He had just enough strength more

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  • I Think You've Seen Jesus.

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2010

    "I THINK YOU'VE SEEN JESUS." The real putting off and putting on is not so much about our determination to make improvements but about giving ourselves over to our Lord to do the real work in our lives. In the children's book The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, there is a particularly bad boy more