Dallas's church

New Covenant Fellowship
Montgomery, Alabama 36110

About Dallas
  • Education: Received the following degrees: Bachaelor of Arts, Southern Christian University, 1989 Masters of Science, Southern Christian Univesity, 1991 Masters of Divinity, Southern Christian University, 1994 Doctor of Ministry Erskine Theological Seminary, 1999
  • Experience: I have been in the ministry for over fifty-five years. During this time, I worked with numerous congregations as well as held evangelistic meetings. During most of my ministry, I worked outside the ministry in order to support my family. I worked with AFLAC for about twenty-five years. Presently I am retired and work full time with the New Covenant Fellowship. I also conduct clases on how to read the Word of God more accurately, along with classes on Greek and Hebrew grammar.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: All of my sermons are very biblically based. My sermons are delievered in context. My messages are designed to encourage and strengthen God’s people. I set forth the Cross of Jesus. One will discover the Gospel presented in its fulness in many of my sermons.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Lloyd-Jones’ book on Romans 3:21--4:25 made the greatest impact on my life. Another book that has impacted my life is The Mediator by Emil Brunner.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Moody recounts the story of a friend whose daughter lay dying: Not long ago the only daughter of a wealthy friend of mine sickened and died. The father and mother stood by her dying bed. He had spent all his time in accumulating wealth for her; she had been introduced into gay and fashionable society; but she had been taught nothing of Christ. As she came to the brink of the river of death, she said, “Won’t you help me; it is very dark, and the stream is bitter cold.” They wrung their hands in grief, but could do nothing for her; and the poor girl died in darkness and despair. What was their wealth to them? And yet, you mothers and fathers are doing the same thing in London today, by ignoring the work God has given you to do. I beseech you, then, each one of you, begin to labor now for the souls of your children!
  • Family: I am married to Katrina Burdette (thiry-nine years); we have five children--all of whom are Christians. We have thirteen grandchildren.I am seventy-two.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Both of my parents are with the Lord. I do receive excellent comments from the congregation about my sermons. I speak extemporanously from the pulpit, but I make all my sermons available in printed form following the Sunday morning service.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife does not want to listen to anyone else preach. She is one of my greatest admirers if I may use that word.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: As one seeks to understand how to study the Bible, one needs to learn to study in context. Instead of reading Scriptrue in isolation from its context, one should read a book as a book before attempting to interpret any single verse or verses. Also, one should reexamine his or her church tradtions as one seeks to unravel the intent of the author of any particular book.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Great Invitation and Other Sermons (1955), Emil Burnner The Divine Human Encounter (1943), Emil Brunner The Company of the Committed (1961), Elton Trueblood New Life in the Church (1961), Rober A. Raines Observations on the Conversion of Paul (1742), Lord Lyttelton Evidences of Christianity (1796), W. Paley The Works of Soame Jenyns (1790), Soame Jenyns Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis
  • Hobbies: My hobby is studying the Bible. I spend at least four to six hours daily reading. I generally start my day off by 4 am every morning. I have a personal library of about 20,000 volumes.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Paul understood this truth about the self-sacrifice of Jesus upon the Cross. In fact, he tells the Corinthians: “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). It is the Cross of Jesus that differentiates “special” revelation from all other forms of religion. At the very center of the Bible, one observes the idea of sin separating humanity from God. But in Jesus, this blockage has been removed.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: While illustrating how Christianity changes an individual from one of anger to love, I said that even one’s dog knows. Instead of kicking the dog as you walk out the door, you reach over and pat the dog on the head. While illustrating this "kick," I jerked my foot and my shoe came off and went through the air, which almost hit someone on the front pew.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Jesus is my salvation
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  • Zeal For God: Zacchaeus The Tax Colletor

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Every Christian is to be zealous for the things of God

    Zeal for God: Zacchaeus the Tax Collector Are you thrilled about spiritual things? Are you zealous for the things of God? Do you have an intense yearning for the word of God? Do you hunger for the salvation of lost souls? How often do you meet with God’s people on Sunday morning? Do you make more