  • Darren Ethier

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Darren's church

Unashamed Sermons
Hanover, *Province/Other N4N2K1
(519) 364-5668

About Darren
  • Education: I received my BTh degree at Eastern Pentecostal Bible College (now known as Master’s Bible College) in 1996.
  • Experience: - Pastored four years as the youth/associate pastor at Hanover Pentecostal Church in Hanover, Ontario Canada (1996-2000) - Pastored for 7 Years as the Senior Pastor at that same church (2000-2007). Hanover is a small town of about 7500 people and the church averaged about 65-70 people. - Currently I serve as the Assistant Pastor of Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly in Waterloo, Ontario. I oversee all the adult ministries and assist with the tech/web development as well. WPA is a church averaging 650-700 people. (
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Take the scripture quoted in the sermon and study it yourself. Ask God to reveal to you something personal and life changing for your own life.
  • Family: My wife is Kerryanne. We have been married since 1996 and have a son named Zachary who was born in 1999 and a daughter named Karissa who was born in 2001. UPDATE: We have been blessed with twins, both born on June 10, 2003 - a boy, Liam and a girl, Jenna!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Stick to the point and keep the main thing the main thing.
  • Books that have had an impact: The God Chasers by Tommy Tenney God’s Favorite House by Tommy Tenney Fresh Faith by Jim Cymbala Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala
  • Hobbies: I enjoy working with wood, web development, and fishing on occasion. I am also an avid reader.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Vacant.
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  • Simon The Sorceror: Bargaining With God

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 109 ratings

    Part 6 of 6 of the series, Who’s That? Stories of little known people of the Bible. We skip ahead in time for this message into the period of the New Testament. And here in the book of Acts we discover a man who doesn’t like losing control...  

    SIMON THE SORCEROR: BARGAINING WITH GOD Acts 8:4-25 Read at beginning of service: Acts 17:22-28 (NIV) 22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects more

  • Asa: The Man Called Foolish

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 91 ratings

    Part 5 of 6 of the series, Who’s That? Stories of little known people of the Bible. A characteristic of this King at the beginning of his reign was that he totally relied on God. Yet near the end of his reign he is called foolish! Read on to find out wh

    ASA: THE MAN CALLED FOOLISH 2 Chronicles 16:1-14 Read at beginning of service: 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 (NIV) 1 The Spirit of God came upon Azariah son of Oded. 2 He went out to meet Asa and said to him, "Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you when you are with him. If more

  • Ehud: Eh Who?

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 143 ratings

    Part 4 of 6 of the series, Who’s That? Stories of little known people of the Bible. The whole book of Judges is filled with men and woman who are not preached about too often. Yet, there stories can be some of the most powerful told. Ehud’s story is a v

    EHUD: "EH – WHO?" Judges 3:12-31 Read at beginning of service: Colossian 2:6-10 (NIV) 6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 8 See to it that no more

  • Rahab: The Woman Who Trusted God

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 214 ratings

    Part 3 of 6 of the series, Who’s That? Stories of little known people of the Bible. How could a prostitute be given the same honor as man like Abraham? Read her story and discover the rewards of trusting God...

    RAHAB – THE WOMAN WHO TRUSTED GOD Joshua 2:1-24 Read at beginning of service: James 2:14-26 (NIV) 14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to more

  • Nadab & Abihu: Strange Fire

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 117 ratings

    Part 2 of 6 of the Series, Who’s That? Stories of Little Known People of the Bible. These two brothers did something that resulted in a truly shocking end to their lives. And it all began with "strange fire"....

    NADAB & ABIHU: STRANGE FIRE Leviticus 10:1-11 Read at beginning of service: Hebrews 12:18-29 (NIV) 18 You have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire; to darkness, gloom and storm; 19 to a trumpet blast or to such a voice speaking words that those who heard it more

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  • A Little Boy Was Heard Talking To Himself As He ...

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 103 ratings

    A little boy was heard talking to himself as he walked across the backyard, baseball cap in place, ball and bat in his hands. "I am the greatest hitter in the world," he said. He threw the ball up, swung and missed. "Strike one," he said. But again, he told himself, "I am the greatest hitter ever." more

  • A Young Lady Stood Talking To An Evangelist On ...

    Contributed on May 21, 2002
    based on 3 ratings

    A young lady stood talking to an evangelist on the subject of consecration, of giving herself wholly to God. She said, "I dare not give myself wholly to the Lord, for fear He will send me out to China as a missionary." The evangelist said, "If some cold, snowy morning a little bird should come, more

  • The Day Was Warm And Sunny, And After Lunch I ...

    Contributed on May 21, 2002

    The day was warm and sunny, and after lunch I took Tricia into the woods behind the house to explore with her the places I remembered from my own childhood. A dark stream ran through the woodland, and leaves were yellow-green against the fast-moving clouds and blue sky. I pointed out, as my father more

  • Sweeping Across Germany At The End Of Word War ...

    Contributed on May 21, 2002

    Sweeping across Germany at the end of Word War II, Allied forces searched farms and houses looking for snipers. At one abandoned house, almost a heap of rubble, searchers with flashlights found their way to the basement. There, on the crumbling wall, a victim of the Holocaust had scratched a Star more

  • There Was A Rabbi On A Journey With The Prophet ...

    Contributed on May 21, 2002

    There was a rabbi on a journey with the prophet Elijah. They walked all day, and at nightfall they came to the humble cottage of a poor man, whose only treasure was a cow. The poor man ran out of his cottage, and his wife ran too, to welcome the strangers for the night and to offer them all the more