  • David C. Seabolt

    Contributing sermons since Feb 29, 2012
David's church

New Hope Baptist Church
Gloucester, Virginia 23061

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  • Three Faces Of Death

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon talks about the different types of death that are mentioned in scripture. Physical death, Spritual death and eternal death.

    Three Faces of Death Romans 5:12 Introduction I heard a saying one time as a young boy. Now the source of the individual that I heard this from escapes me. But it was Benjamin Franklin who we get this quote from. I heard it as “The only thing certain in life are death and taxes.” more

  • Tithe

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2012

    Sermon on the matter of tithing to the church.

    Tithes Genesis 14:18-20 As I was preparing this message I couldn’t decide on how I wanted to start this morning. Maybe with a story, or an anecdote. But I don’t really know how. The topic this morning has caused a lot of people to get angry. It has caused some people to leave the more

  • Two Ordinances

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon that explains the two ordinances that Jesus left for the church to observe. Communion and baptism. This message was preached during the morning service right before a baptismal service. It also counters some myths about baptism.

    Two Ordinances Matthew 3:13-17 This afternoon we are going to be having a baptismal service for those that recently have been saved and others who were saved but want to be Scripturally baptized. Praise the Lord for those that want to follow the Lord in baptism. So this morning I want to talk more

  • Significance Of The Resurrection

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon gives three things taht are significant about the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It shows that in order to live, you must first die, death is not the end and what happens after death matters.

    Significance of the Resurrection Mark 16:1-16 Today is the day that we celebrate an event that happened over 2000 years ago. Friday evening started the Israelites Passover. Passover was a reminder to the nation of Israel of their great deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. God worked a miracle more

  • Giving God Your Best

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Message to encourage the believer to give God the best

    Giving God Your Best John 3:16 I want to talk to you about something this morning that I believe is an important issue. It is something that I believe Christians are complacent about. For far too long our churches, those that are born again and washed in the blood have taken this matter too more